
Wex Definitions

Under LII’s supervision, Cornell Law students research and draft the content of our free Wex online legal reference collection. The Wex Definitions Project, specifically, began as a reaction to the contracted labor market for law student summer work during 2020, as most legal employers pulled back from their regular practice of bringing in clerks, interns, and summer associates due to the remote work mandates in place at the time.

Since that summer, Cornell Law students have improved upon thousands of definitions originally imported into Wex in an arrangement with a now-defunct third-party online source, replacing them instead with more current and comprehensive, link-dense and example-driven explanations. The project also encourages students to create new definitions where they find a gap in the Wex collection. 

In addition to the Wex Definitions Team, LII has added a Wex Quality Assurance Team to the project. The Wex Quality Assurance Team is a group of Cornell University students who continuously review and flag content to be updated by the Wex Definitions Team. This important work aims to improve the quality of content in Wex and provides aspiring law students with valuable legal research experience. Nichole McCarthy heads up the Wex Definitions projects for LII.

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Wex Definitions Team [2020 – Current]

Director of Student Research and Content Development

Nichole McCarthy

Team members

Aalam Singh Natt ‘21
Abdias Montelus ‘22
Alex Haims ‘22
Alexander Kokka ‘24
Alvaro Lopez ‘23
Alyssa Kastner ‘23
Amanda Bello ‘22
Andrew Kim ‘24
Andrew Pei ‘25
Angelina He ‘22
Arianna Zarka ‘22
Asif Achakzai ‘22
Austin Law ‘22
Ben Barkley ‘25
Benjamin Sugarman ‘23
Bhavuk Sharma ‘21
Bingyue Jing ‘22
Blaine Fix ‘22
Brie Michaelson ‘22
Casey O’Neil ‘26
Chloe Agelou ‘22
Dan Nahon ‘24
Daniel Park ‘23
David Mayorga ‘21
Dorothée Lanes ‘21
Elaine Xie ‘22
Ellie Yang ‘24
Emma Kim Tall ‘22
Eric Bee ‘24
Felicity Luttman ‘22
Geetpreet Singh Gill ‘21
Graham Foster ‘24
Haoyi Sun ‘21
Huimei Xiao ‘21
Iain Richards ‘25
Iain Smith ‘25
Inder Singh ‘23
Isaac Gorenstein ‘22
Jacob Walsh ‘23
James Gordy ‘25

Team members

Jenny Li ‘22
John Ra ‘22
Jonathan Gonzalez ‘22
Jose Villazon ‘22
Joseph Teitelbaum ‘26
Josh Spagnoli ‘24
Junpeng Qiao ‘22
Justin Cwiklinski ‘26
Justin Franz ‘25
Justin Park ‘22
Kai Wang ‘19
Kaiwen Fan ‘22
Kendall Lee ‘22
Korica Simon ‘21
Krystyna Blokhina ‘20
Lauren Enriquez ‘25
Leila Loudghiri ‘26
Louise Choi ‘23
Lucas Carter ‘23
Luis Miguel Garrido ‘22
Madison Zlotolow ‘25
Maegan Stanley ‘22
Manel Mostefaoui ‘22
Mary Walz ‘25
Matthew Jahnle ‘22
Matthew Tinker ‘22
Melissa Lin ‘21
Minghao Xu ‘26
Minjie Lu ‘25
Miriam Domer ‘22
Mordechai Neuman ‘24
Nicholas Hietpas ‘24
Nicholas LaPietra ‘22
Nicholas Pantazopoulos ‘25
Nicholas Perez ‘22
Nick Steele ‘22
Omkar Mahajan ‘21
Peter Walsh ‘23
Prachee Sawant ‘21
Richard Wang ‘22

Team members

Rifqi Mufid Riansyah ‘22
Riley Morrow ‘23
Ruihao Lin ‘24
Ruyi Wang ‘22
Sarah Carr ‘26
Shirley Matcha ‘22
Stephanie Yang ‘22
Syed Shariq Bin Afzal ‘22
Taesuh Kim ‘25
Théo Kaici ‘22
Tim Choi ‘24
Timothy Huysmans ‘24
Tristan Jahn ‘25
Trumond Best ‘25
Yue Yang ‘22
Yuzhu Pu ‘22
Zachary Fritz ‘22
Zhongyu Liu ‘22
Zora Franicevic ‘21

Wex Quality Assurance Team [2024 – Current]

Director of Student Research and Content Development

Nichole McCarthy

Team members

Agustina Garcia ‘27
Arsalan Ansari ‘26
Barrett Kanfer ‘24
Daniella Gloster ‘25
Ella Hilliard ‘26
Evan Liberman ‘26
Evie Grossman ‘27
Farzan Hussainzada ‘25
Katelin Wong ‘27
Kayla Knupfer ‘25
Kira Tretiak ‘27
Lauren Kim ‘27
Nikita Khare ‘27
Reese Johnson ‘26
Shania Dhanaraj ‘26