Evolving research culture at Lancaster

The audience at Research Culture Day as Professor Malcolm Joyce delivers his talk © Lancaster University

The direction of travel for research at Lancaster was set at the University’s first Research Culture Day. The event welcomed the new Academic Director Research Culture Professor Stijn Mertens to his role, and featured the launch of a new action plan, as well as talks and activities.

More than 150 colleagues from across the University gathered for the University’s inaugural Research Culture Day earlier this month.

Opened by Professor Malcolm Joyce, Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise, the day featured 20 events and nearly 50 speakers covering research opportunities, initiatives and support.

'Research culture' is a term that encompasses the behaviours, values, expectations, attitudes and norms of research communities. Professor Joyce set the tone for the day when reflecting on its importance at Lancaster.

He said: “Everything we do is about excellence and inclusion – enhancing our research culture naturally enhances the quality of our research and our research environment.”

The event also welcomed Professor Stijn Mertens, who recently became the new Academic Director Research Culture and reports to Professor Joyce.

He said: “I was absolutely delighted by the engagement from our research community to hear more about the opportunities on offer and ways to get involved. We hope that even more colleagues will engage moving forward and in doing so help us to further enhance our research culture.”

New action plan announced

The day provided an opportunity to launch the University’s Research-excellence Culture Action Plan (ReCAP) - Lancaster's commitment to fostering an environment that supports high-quality, ethical, and inclusive research.

Professor Peter Atkinson, Executive Dean for the Faculty of Science and Technology, has provided leadership on research culture at Lancaster University since 2021, including chairing the Research Culture Working Group (RCWG) which was formed in January 2023.

The plan features four core themes based on the outcomes of six ‘Let’s Talk about Research Culture’ conversations held across the Michaelmas term. They are:

  • Ensuring the Integrity of our Research
  • Enabling Research Opportunities through Collaboration and Innovation
  • Sustaining a Supportive and Inclusive Environment
  • Recognising and Developing our Research Community.

Several project successes, investments and future opportunities tied to the plan were shared on the day.

The RCWG are now finalising the details of the action plan which will be fully available by the New Year.

The RCWG membership reflects Lancaster’s research community with representation from faculty research leadership, technicians, postgraduate research, People and Organisational Effectiveness, the Library, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Researcher Career and Development Groups and Research and Enterprise Services.

Professor Atkinson noted that external networks, such as the N8 People, Research Culture and Environment Group, were also instrumental in gathering knowledge of helpful good practice in the sector.

More information and your feedback

A dedicated space for Research Culture activity is now available on the University website. It features the programme and materials from the Research Culture Day.

The team behind the event are keen to hear your thoughts from the day and ask attendees to complete a short feedback survey. You can also get in touch via the dedicated mailbox [email protected] and share and follow developments via the #LUresearchculture hashtag.

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