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William Holman

William Arthur Holman (4 August 1871 – 5 June 1934) was the second Australian Labor Party Premier of New South Wales, Australia. He later split with the party on the conscription issue in 1916 during World War I, and immediately became Premier of a conservative Nationalist Party Government.

Early life

Holman was born in St Pancras, London, England in 1871, the son of William Holman, an actor, his mother was also on the stage under the name of May Burney. He was educated at an Anglican school and was apprenticed as a cabinetmaker. He attended night classes and literary societies. There were bad times in the theatrical profession during the 1880s, and the Holmans were glad to obtain an engagement with Brough and Boucicault in Australia. The family migrated to Melbourne, Australia in October 1888. The burning of the Bijou theatre in Melbourne resulted in their move to Sydney.

Trade union activity

As a cabinet maker in Sydney he was interested in the ideas of John Stuart Mill, William Morris, Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin, and became very active in the Australian labour movement. He joined the Single Tax League, the Australian Socialist League and the newly formed Labor Electoral League, a forerunner to the Australian Labor Party (ALP). In the Australian Socialist League he mixed with anarchists and socialists and met future Prime Minister Billy Hughes, Creo Stanley, Ernie Lane, Henry Lawson and J.D.Fitzgerald. Holman and Hughes were associated with Arthur Desmond on the scandal sheet paper, The New Order.

William Holman (disambiguation)

William Holman (1871–1934) was the Premier of New South Wales, Australia.

William Holman may also refer to:

  • Bill Holman (musician) (born 1927), American songwriter, conductor, composer/arranger, and saxophonist
  • Bill Holman (cartoonist) (1903–1987), creator of the comic strip Smokey Stover
  • William S. Holman (1822–1897), lawyer, judge and politician from Dearborn County, Indiana
  • William Alfred Holman (1864–1949), New Zealand architect
  • Willie Holman (1945–2002), American football player
  • William Holman (antiquary) (died 1730), English antiquary and historian of Essex
  • Podcasts:

    • William Holman Hunt: A collection of 89 works (HD)

      BOOKS about William Holman Hunt: [1] WILLIAM HOLMAN HUNT : A CATALOGUE RAISONNE by Judith Bronkhurst --- https://bit.ly/308JC4u --- In order for the LEARNFROMMASTERS project to continue its activity, YOUR KIND SUPPORT IS REQUIRED: PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/LearnFromMasters PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.me/LearnFromMasters --- William Holman Hunt: A collection of 89 works (HD) Description: "Born in London in 1827, William Holman Hunt grew up in a religious household. At a young age, Holman Hunt decided to leave school. He found employment as an office clerk. However, Holman Hunt’s true dream was to become an artist. His pursued this ambition in 1844, when he entered the Royal Academy. Holman Hunt was married twice during his lifetime. He married Fanny Waugh in 1865. She g...

      published: 17 Dec 2018
    • William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) Paintings

      William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) was an English painter and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. His paintings were notable for their great attention to detail, vivid colour, and elaborate symbolism. Of all the Pre-Raphaelites, he was the one who remained truest to the group's original principles. I hope you enjoy the video!

      published: 22 Jan 2024
    • William Holman Hunt

      William Holman Hunt ( Londres, 2 de abril de 1827 - íd, 7 de septiembre de 1910) fue un pintor británico, uno de los fundadores de la Hermandad Prerrafaelita. Aunque estudió en la Royal Academy of Arts, rechazó el estilo impuesto por su fundador, Sir Joshua Reynolds. Fundó en 1848, junto con Dante Gabriel Rossetti y John Everett Millais, la Hermandad Prerrafaelita, asociación que propugnaba un retorno a lo espiritual y sincero en el arte, despreciando la pintura académica, que consideraban una mera repetición de clichés. Para ello, proponían inspirarse en los primitivos italianos y flamencos del siglo XV, anteriores a Rafael. En 1865 se casó con Fanny Waugh, quien moriría a las pocas semanas de dar a luz al primogénito de Hunt, Cyril Benone. Esta mala experiencia se unió a que Hunt jamás...

      published: 19 Jan 2011
    • Best 10 Realistic Paintings of Artist William Holman Hunt (1827 - 1910)

      William Holman Hunt was born on 2 April 1827, died 7 September 1910. He was an English painter and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. His paintings were notable for their great attention to detail, vivid colour, and elaborate symbolism. 00:00 Title Channel Logo 00:12 About Artist William Holman Hunt 00:35 10 The Awakening Conscience (1853) is an oil on canvas painting, which depicts a young woman rising from her position in the lap of a man and gazing transfixed out of the window of a room. 01:13 09 The Hireling Shepherd (1851) It represents a shepherd neglecting his flock in favour of an attractive country girl to whom he shows a death's-head hawkmoth. The meaning of the image has been much debated. 01:50 08 Isabella and the Pot of Basil is a painting completed in ...

      published: 26 Jun 2020
    • Who is William Holman Hunt|Artist Biography|VISART

      William Holman Hunt OM (2 April 1827 – 7 September 1910) was an English painter and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. A biography of William Holman Hunt.#artist #Biography #VIS #VISART #William Holman Hunt

      published: 04 Jul 2023
    • William Holman Hunt, 'The Light of the World'

      This week we look at a masterpiece of the Pre-Raphaelite period titled 'The Light of the World' by William Holman Hunt. The painting has been recognized the world over, as a triumph of spiritual art. The artist challenges the viewer to open the door to Christ to banish the fears of living in a dark world. Christ is portrayed both as the humble servant, who died on Calvary, as well as the King of the Universe.

      published: 10 Mar 2018
    • The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple by William Holman Hunt

      Art facts: Artist: William Holman Hunt Currently аt Birmingham Museums Trust in the United Kingdom Original size: 55.5” х 33.75” inches This work is linked to Luke 2:45-47 For more information please visit the art gallery website: http://mainstorygallery.art/the-finding-of-the-saviour-in-the-temple/

      published: 21 Oct 2021
    • William Holman Hunt: Unraveling the Pre-Raphaelite Revolution in Art

      danielearte Needs Your Support: paypal.me/danielearte William Holman Hunt: Unraveling the Pre-Raphaelite Revolution in Art Dive into the heart of the Pre-Raphaelite revolution in art with William Holman Hunt. Unravel the brilliance and depth of Hunt's contributions in this curated collection, exploring his impact on art history and the enduring legacy of his revolutionary vision. #danielearte #OnlineArtGallery #CollectionOfPaintings #ArtHistory #TASCHEN

      published: 15 Dec 2023
    • The Hireling Shepherd by William Holman Hunt

      A consideration of some contrasting views of this work.

      published: 24 Aug 2020
    • Inspired Art Appreciation Series - William Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelites

      In this short video, Pamela Poole shares an introduction to artist William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) and the inspiration behind the Pre-Raphaelite art movement. Her focus will be on Hunt's application of morality in his work, especially "The Light of the World" and in "The Awakening Conscience" (1854). Content in this series is G rated but teen-adult comprehension level, so parents should screen it first. Presented from a Christian worldview perspective. A study guide for this video will be available on the artist's website: https://www.pamelapoole.com/book/3596/inspired-art-appreciation-william-holman-hunt-and-the-pre-raphaelites www.pamelapoole.com

      published: 01 Apr 2020
    William Holman Hunt: A collection of 89 works (HD)

    William Holman Hunt: A collection of 89 works (HD)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 9:20
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Dec 2018
    • views: 9883
    BOOKS about William Holman Hunt: [1] WILLIAM HOLMAN HUNT : A CATALOGUE RAISONNE by Judith Bronkhurst --- https://bit.ly/308JC4u --- In order for the LEARNFROMMASTERS project to continue its activity, YOUR KIND SUPPORT IS REQUIRED: PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/LearnFromMasters PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.me/LearnFromMasters --- William Holman Hunt: A collection of 89 works (HD) Description: "Born in London in 1827, William Holman Hunt grew up in a religious household. At a young age, Holman Hunt decided to leave school. He found employment as an office clerk. However, Holman Hunt’s true dream was to become an artist. His pursued this ambition in 1844, when he entered the Royal Academy. Holman Hunt was married twice during his lifetime. He married Fanny Waugh in 1865. She gave birth to a son. After Fanny passed away at a young age, the painter married her sister, Edith, in 1875 While studying at the Royal Academy as a young man, Holman Hunt felt largely uninspired by his peers’ work. He preferred the influences of painters from the medieval and Renaissance traditions. A devout Christian, Holman Hunt longed to create works of art that featured spiritual messages. While he studied art, Holman Hunt became friends with Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Sir John Everett Millais. Together, the three formed the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The main aims of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood included expressing genuine, heartfelt emotions and ideas through art. The three artists officially founded the movement in 1848. By 1849, Holman Hunt had painted Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice for the Death of his Young Brother and Slain in a Skirmish between the Colonna and Orsini Factions. The oil painting, with its long and elaborate title, portrays an emotional scene from a novel by writer Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Over the years, Holman Hunt turned more firmly to Christian subject matter. As his art evolved, he often created paintings with strong spiritual themes or moral lessons. Holman Hunt did not always receive praise for his efforts. The Hireling Shepherd was one of the paintings that earned him criticism, resulting in Holman Hunt explaining his symbolic realism to his critics. Gradually, he developed more of a positive reputation. The Light of the World was particularly well received. Paintings such as The Awakening Conscience show his evolving style, rich with religious symbolism. In 1854, Holman Hunt traveled to the Holy Land to more accurately understand and portray scenes from the life of Jesus Christ. He painted one of his most famous images during this time. The Scapegoat is a symbolic representation of Christ. By 1886, Holman Hunt was the subject of a retrospective in London. While other Pre-Raphaelites mostly abandoned the movement, Holman Hunt was always faithful to its ideals." --- SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com/c/LearnFromMasters?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LearnFromMasters/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/learnfrommasters/ Contact: LearnFromMasters01@gmail.com LIST OF ARTISTS already posted on LearnFromMasters: https://goo.gl/hri4HE --- Thank you so much for your support! #LearnFromMasters #BritishPainter #RomanticMovement #SymbolistMovement #OnlineArtGallery #CollectionOfPaintings #ArtHistory #WilliamHolmanHunt
    William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) Paintings

    William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) Paintings

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:10
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Jan 2024
    • views: 539
    William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) was an English painter and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. His paintings were notable for their great attention to detail, vivid colour, and elaborate symbolism. Of all the Pre-Raphaelites, he was the one who remained truest to the group's original principles. I hope you enjoy the video!
    William Holman Hunt

    William Holman Hunt

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:50
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Jan 2011
    • views: 3720
    William Holman Hunt ( Londres, 2 de abril de 1827 - íd, 7 de septiembre de 1910) fue un pintor británico, uno de los fundadores de la Hermandad Prerrafaelita. Aunque estudió en la Royal Academy of Arts, rechazó el estilo impuesto por su fundador, Sir Joshua Reynolds. Fundó en 1848, junto con Dante Gabriel Rossetti y John Everett Millais, la Hermandad Prerrafaelita, asociación que propugnaba un retorno a lo espiritual y sincero en el arte, despreciando la pintura académica, que consideraban una mera repetición de clichés. Para ello, proponían inspirarse en los primitivos italianos y flamencos del siglo XV, anteriores a Rafael. En 1865 se casó con Fanny Waugh, quien moriría a las pocas semanas de dar a luz al primogénito de Hunt, Cyril Benone. Esta mala experiencia se unió a que Hunt jamás fue propuesto, a pesar de su fama, como miembro de la Royal Academy, lo que le llevó a desistir de participar en más muestras anuales y a tomar la decisión de mostrar su obra por libre, en galerías como Grosvenor Gallery y New Gallery. En 1875 contrajo matrimonio con Edith, hermana de su difunta esposa, lo cual le ocasionó numerosos problemas con la familia de ésta,que se oponía a la unión, y con las leyes británicas, que por entonces no permitían tal tipo de matrimonio. En 1879 nació su segundo hijo, Hilary. Los años siguientes fueron muy fructíferos para Hunt: en 1886 tuvo lugar una retrospectia de su obra en la Fine Art Society de Londes y escribió en algunas revistas, como la Contemporary Review. Fuente: Wikipedia
    Best 10 Realistic Paintings of Artist William Holman Hunt (1827 - 1910)

    Best 10 Realistic Paintings of Artist William Holman Hunt (1827 - 1910)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:21
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Jun 2020
    • views: 1935
    William Holman Hunt was born on 2 April 1827, died 7 September 1910. He was an English painter and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. His paintings were notable for their great attention to detail, vivid colour, and elaborate symbolism. 00:00 Title Channel Logo 00:12 About Artist William Holman Hunt 00:35 10 The Awakening Conscience (1853) is an oil on canvas painting, which depicts a young woman rising from her position in the lap of a man and gazing transfixed out of the window of a room. 01:13 09 The Hireling Shepherd (1851) It represents a shepherd neglecting his flock in favour of an attractive country girl to whom he shows a death's-head hawkmoth. The meaning of the image has been much debated. 01:50 08 Isabella and the Pot of Basil is a painting completed in 1868 by William Holman Hunt depicting a scene from John Keats's poem Isabella, or the Pot of Basil. It depicts the heroine Isabella caressing the basil pot in which she had buried the severed head of her murdered lover Lorenzo. 02:28 07 Street Scene in Cairo: The Lantern Maker's Courtship is a painting in 1854 to 1861. 03:00 06 Christ and the two Marys is a painting in 1847 and 1897 03:28 05 Portrait of Fanny Holman Hunt is a painting in 1866 to 67 04:00 04 The Birthday is a painting in 1868 04:33 03 Amaryllis is a painting in 1884 05:04 02 The Lady of Shalott is a painting in 1905 05:35 01 May Morning on Magdalen Tower is a painting in 1890. 06:09 End Title --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Us : worldartsandartists@gmail.com fb.me/worldartsandartists +91 9840 607646 @whatsapp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advertising Partner: Are you interested to learn drawing and painting professionally For More Details : 9944 341 414 / http://www.dessinacademy.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Who is William Holman Hunt|Artist Biography|VISART

    Who is William Holman Hunt|Artist Biography|VISART

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:29
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Jul 2023
    • views: 247
    William Holman Hunt OM (2 April 1827 – 7 September 1910) was an English painter and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. A biography of William Holman Hunt.#artist #Biography #VIS #VISART #William Holman Hunt
    William Holman Hunt, 'The Light of the World'

    William Holman Hunt, 'The Light of the World'

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:16
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Mar 2018
    • views: 29391
    This week we look at a masterpiece of the Pre-Raphaelite period titled 'The Light of the World' by William Holman Hunt. The painting has been recognized the world over, as a triumph of spiritual art. The artist challenges the viewer to open the door to Christ to banish the fears of living in a dark world. Christ is portrayed both as the humble servant, who died on Calvary, as well as the King of the Universe.
    The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple by William Holman Hunt

    The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple by William Holman Hunt

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:07
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Oct 2021
    • views: 404
    Art facts: Artist: William Holman Hunt Currently аt Birmingham Museums Trust in the United Kingdom Original size: 55.5” х 33.75” inches This work is linked to Luke 2:45-47 For more information please visit the art gallery website: http://mainstorygallery.art/the-finding-of-the-saviour-in-the-temple/
    William Holman Hunt: Unraveling the Pre-Raphaelite Revolution in Art

    William Holman Hunt: Unraveling the Pre-Raphaelite Revolution in Art

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    • Duration: 4:54
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Dec 2023
    • views: 447
    danielearte Needs Your Support: paypal.me/danielearte William Holman Hunt: Unraveling the Pre-Raphaelite Revolution in Art Dive into the heart of the Pre-Raphaelite revolution in art with William Holman Hunt. Unravel the brilliance and depth of Hunt's contributions in this curated collection, exploring his impact on art history and the enduring legacy of his revolutionary vision. #danielearte #OnlineArtGallery #CollectionOfPaintings #ArtHistory #TASCHEN
    The Hireling Shepherd by William Holman Hunt

    The Hireling Shepherd by William Holman Hunt

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:31
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Aug 2020
    • views: 526
    A consideration of some contrasting views of this work.
    Inspired Art Appreciation Series - William Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelites

    Inspired Art Appreciation Series - William Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelites

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    • Duration: 12:16
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Apr 2020
    • views: 100
    In this short video, Pamela Poole shares an introduction to artist William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) and the inspiration behind the Pre-Raphaelite art movement. Her focus will be on Hunt's application of morality in his work, especially "The Light of the World" and in "The Awakening Conscience" (1854). Content in this series is G rated but teen-adult comprehension level, so parents should screen it first. Presented from a Christian worldview perspective. A study guide for this video will be available on the artist's website: https://www.pamelapoole.com/book/3596/inspired-art-appreciation-william-holman-hunt-and-the-pre-raphaelites www.pamelapoole.com
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    • William Holman Hunt, 'The Light of the World'
      William Holman Hunt, 'The Light of the World'remove from playlist
    • The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple by William Holman Hunt
      The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple by William Holman Huntremove from playlist
    • William Holman Hunt: Unraveling the Pre-Raphaelite Revolution in Art
      William Holman Hunt: Unraveling the Pre-Raphaelite Revolution in Artremove from playlist
    • Inspired Art Appreciation Series - William Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelites
      Inspired Art Appreciation Series - William Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelitesremove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:09:14

    William Holman Hunt: A collection of 89 works (HD)

    BOOKS about William Holman Hunt: [1] WILLIAM HOLMAN HUNT : A CATALOGUE RAISONNE by Judith Bronkhurst --- https://bit.ly/308JC4u --- In order for the LEARNFROMMASTERS project to continue its activity, YOUR KIND SUPPORT IS REQUIRED: PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/LearnFromMasters PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.me/LearnFromMasters --- William Holman Hunt: A collection of 89 works (HD) Description: "Born in London in 1827, William Holman Hunt grew up in a religious household. At a young age, Holman Hunt decided to leave school. He found employment as an office clerk. However, Holman Hunt’s true dream was to become an artist. His pursued this ambition in 1844, when he entered the Royal Academy. Holman Hunt was married twice during his lifetime. He married Fanny Waugh in 1865. She gave birth to a son. After Fanny passed away at a young age, the painter married her sister, Edith, in 1875 While studying at the Royal Academy as a young man, Holman Hunt felt largely uninspired by his peers’ work. He preferred the influences of painters from the medieval and Renaissance traditions. A devout Christian, Holman Hunt longed to create works of art that featured spiritual messages. While he studied art, Holman Hunt became friends with Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Sir John Everett Millais. Together, the three formed the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The main aims of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood included expressing genuine, heartfelt emotions and ideas through art. The three artists officially founded the movement in 1848. By 1849, Holman Hunt had painted Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice for the Death of his Young Brother and Slain in a Skirmish between the Colonna and Orsini Factions. The oil painting, with its long and elaborate title, portrays an emotional scene from a novel by writer Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Over the years, Holman Hunt turned more firmly to Christian subject matter. As his art evolved, he often created paintings with strong spiritual themes or moral lessons. Holman Hunt did not always receive praise for his efforts. The Hireling Shepherd was one of the paintings that earned him criticism, resulting in Holman Hunt explaining his symbolic realism to his critics. Gradually, he developed more of a positive reputation. The Light of the World was particularly well received. Paintings such as The Awakening Conscience show his evolving style, rich with religious symbolism. In 1854, Holman Hunt traveled to the Holy Land to more accurately understand and portray scenes from the life of Jesus Christ. He painted one of his most famous images during this time. The Scapegoat is a symbolic representation of Christ. By 1886, Holman Hunt was the subject of a retrospective in London. While other Pre-Raphaelites mostly abandoned the movement, Holman Hunt was always faithful to its ideals." --- SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com/c/LearnFromMasters?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LearnFromMasters/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/learnfrommasters/ Contact: LearnFromMasters01@gmail.com LIST OF ARTISTS already posted on LearnFromMasters: https://goo.gl/hri4HE --- Thank you so much for your support! #LearnFromMasters #BritishPainter #RomanticMovement #SymbolistMovement #OnlineArtGallery #CollectionOfPaintings #ArtHistory #WilliamHolmanHunt
    William Holman Hunt: A collection of 89 works (HD)
    BOOKS about William Holman Hunt: [1] WILLIAM HOLMAN HUNT : A CATALOGUE RAISONNE by Judith ...
    published: 17 Dec 2018
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    William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) Paintings
    William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) was an English painter and one of the founders of the Pre-...
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    William Holman Hunt
    William Holman Hunt ( Londres, 2 de abril de 1827 - íd, 7 de septiembre de 1910) fue un pi...
    published: 19 Jan 2011
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    Best 10 Realistic Paintings of Artist William Holman Hunt (1827 - 1910)
    William Holman Hunt was born on 2 April 1827, died 7 September 1910. He was an English pa...
    published: 26 Jun 2020
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    Who is William Holman Hunt|Artist Biography|VISART
    William Holman Hunt OM (2 April 1827 – 7 September 1910) was an English painter and one of...
    published: 04 Jul 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    William Holman Hunt, 'The Light of the World'
    This week we look at a masterpiece of the Pre-Raphaelite period titled 'The Light of the W...
    published: 10 Mar 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple by William Holman Hunt
    Art facts: Artist: William Holman Hunt Currently аt Birmingham Museums Trust in the Unite...
    published: 21 Oct 2021
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    William Holman Hunt: Unraveling the Pre-Raphaelite Revolution in Art
    danielearte Needs Your Support: paypal.me/danielearte William Holman Hunt: Unraveling th...
    published: 15 Dec 2023
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    The Hireling Shepherd by William Holman Hunt
    A consideration of some contrasting views of this work.
    published: 24 Aug 2020
    Play in Full Screen
    Inspired Art Appreciation Series - William Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelites
    In this short video, Pamela Poole shares an introduction to artist William Holman Hunt (18...
    published: 01 Apr 2020
    Play in Full Screen

    William Holman

    William Arthur Holman (4 August 1871 – 5 June 1934) was the second Australian Labor Party Premier of New South Wales, Australia. He later split with the party on the conscription issue in 1916 during World War I, and immediately became Premier of a conservative Nationalist Party Government.

    Early life

    Holman was born in St Pancras, London, England in 1871, the son of William Holman, an actor, his mother was also on the stage under the name of May Burney. He was educated at an Anglican school and was apprenticed as a cabinetmaker. He attended night classes and literary societies. There were bad times in the theatrical profession during the 1880s, and the Holmans were glad to obtain an engagement with Brough and Boucicault in Australia. The family migrated to Melbourne, Australia in October 1888. The burning of the Bijou theatre in Melbourne resulted in their move to Sydney.

    Trade union activity

    As a cabinet maker in Sydney he was interested in the ideas of John Stuart Mill, William Morris, Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin, and became very active in the Australian labour movement. He joined the Single Tax League, the Australian Socialist League and the newly formed Labor Electoral League, a forerunner to the Australian Labor Party (ALP). In the Australian Socialist League he mixed with anarchists and socialists and met future Prime Minister Billy Hughes, Creo Stanley, Ernie Lane, Henry Lawson and J.D.Fitzgerald. Holman and Hughes were associated with Arthur Desmond on the scandal sheet paper, The New Order.

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