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ACM Digital Library: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 26 , Issue 3 (July 2007) Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2007
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- Image Deblurring with Blurred/Noisy Image Pairs
Lu Yuan (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),
Jian Sun
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Long Quan
(The Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology),
Heung-Yeung Shum
Research Asia)
- Solid Texture Synthesis from 2D Exemplars
Johannes Kopf
(Universität Konstanz),
Chi-Wing Fu
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University),
Oliver Deussen
(Universität Konstanz),
Dani Lischinski
(The Hebrew University),
Tien-Tsin Wong
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Photo Clip Art
Jean-François Lalonde,
Derek Hoiem,
Alexei A. Efros
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Carsten Rother,
John Winn,
Antonio Criminisi
(Microsoft Research Cambridge)
- Scene Completion Using Millions of Photographs
James Hays,
Alexei A. Efros
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Active Learning for Real-Time Motion Controllers
Seth Cooper
(University of Washington),
Aaron Hertzmann
(University of Toronto),
Zoran Popović
(University of Washington)
- Responsive Characters from Motion Fragments
James McCann,
Nancy Pollard
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Near-optimal Character Animation with Continuous Control
Adrien Treuille,
Yongjoon Lee,
Zoran Popović
(University of
- Constraint-Based Motion Optimization Using a Statistical Dynamic Model
Jin-Xiang Chai
(Texas A&M University),
Jessica K. Hodgins
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Soft Scissors : An Interactive Tool for Realtime High Quality Matting
Jue Wang
(University of Washington),
Maneesh Agrawala
(University of California, Berkeley),
Michael F. Cohen
(Microsoft Research)
- Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing
Shai Avidan
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Ariel Shamir
(The Interdisciplinary
Center and
Mitsubishi Electric Research
Laboratories (MERL))
- Image Vectorization Using Optimized Gradient Meshes
Jian Sun,
Lin Liang,
Fang Wen,
Heung-Yeung Shum
Research Asia)
- Detail-Preserving Shape Deformation in Image Editing
Hui Fang
(Google Inc.),
John C. Hart
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Volume-Conserving Finite Element Simulation of Deformable Models
Geoffrey Irving,
(Stanford University and
Pixar Animation Studios),
Craig Schroeder
(Stanford University)
Ron Fedkiw
(Stanford University and
Industrial Light & Magic)
- Many-Worlds Browsing for Control of Multibody Dynamics
Christopher D. Twigg
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Doug L. James
(Cornell University)
- Continuous Collision Detection for Articulated Models using Taylor Models and Temporal Culling
Xinyu Zhang
(Ewha Womans University),
Stephane Redon
Minkyoung Lee,
Young J. Kim
(Ewha Womans University)
- A Finite-Element Method for Animating Large Viscoplastic Flow
Adam W. Bargteil
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Chris Wojtan
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Jessica K. Hodgins
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Greg Turk
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Locally Controllable Stylized Shading
Hideki Todo
(The University of Tokyo),
Ken Anjyo,
William Baxter
(OLM Digital, Inc),
Takeo Igarashi
(The University of Tokyo)
- Line Drawings Via Abstracted Shading
Yunjin Lee,
Lee Markosian
(University of Michigan),
Seungyong Lee
John F. Hughes
(Brown University)
- Apparent Ridges for Line Drawing
Tilke Judd,
Frédo Durand
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
Edward H. Adelson
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Brain and Cognitive Science and
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- Dynamic 2D Patterns for Shading 3D Scenes
Simon Breslav
Karol Szerszen,
Lee Markosian
(University of Michigan),
Pascal Barla,
Joëlle Thollot
(INRIA Grenoble University)
- Global Non-Rigid Alignment of 3-D Scans
Benedict J. Brown,
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
(Princeton University)
- Parameterization-free Projection for Geometry Reconstruction
Yaron Lipman,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
David Levin
(Tel Aviv University),
Hillel Tal-Ezer
(Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo)
- Algebraic Point Set Surfaces
Gaël Guennebaud,
Markus Gross
(ETH Zürich)
- Direct Visibility of Point Sets
Sagi Katz,
Ayellet Tal
Ronen Basri
(The Weizmann Institute of Science)
- The Lightspeed Automatic Interactive Lighting Preview System
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Charlie Kilpatrick,
Brian Smith
(Industrial Light & Magic),
Doug Epps
(Tippett Studio),
Paul Green
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory),
Christophe Hery
(Industrial Light & Magic),
Frédo Durand
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- Matrix Row-Column Sampling for the Many-Light Problem
Milos Hasan
(Cornell University),
Fabio Pellacini
(Dartmouth College),
Kavita Bala
(Cornell University)
- Interactive Relighting with Dynamic BRDFs
Xin Sun
(Zhejiang University),
Kun Zhou,
Yanyun Chen,
Stephen Lin
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Jiaoying Shi
(Zhejiang University),
Baining Guo
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- Frequency Domain Normal Map Filtering
Charles Han,
Bo Sun,
Ravi Ramamoorthi,
Eitan Grinspun
(Columbia University)
- Image-guided maze construction
Jie Xu,
Craig S. Kaplan
(University of Waterloo)
- Dynamic Planar Map Illustration
Paul Asente
Mike Schuster
Teri Pettit
(Adobe Systems Incorporated)
- Interactive cutaway illustrations of complex 3D models
Wilmot Li,
Lincoln Ritter
(University of Washington),
Maneesh Agrawala
(University of California, Berkeley),
Brian Curless,
David Salesin
(University of Washington)
- Digital Bas-Relief From 3D Scenes
Tim Weyrich,
Jia Deng,
Connely Barnes,
Szymon Rusinkiewicz,
Adam Finkelstein
(Princeton University)
- Multi-Scale Capture of Facial Geometry and Motion
Bernd Bickel,
Mario Botsch
Roland Angst,
(ETH Zürich),
Wojciech Matusik
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Miguel A. Otaduy
(ETH Zürich),
Hanspeter Pfister
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Markus Gross
(ETH Zürich)
- Capturing and Animating Occluded Cloth
Ryan White
(University of California, Berkeley and
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Keenan Crane,
David Forsyth
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Practical Motion Capture in Everyday Surroundings
Daniel Vlasic
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Rolf Adelsberger
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) and
ETH Zürich),
Giovanni Vannucci,
John Barnwell
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Markus Gross
(ETH Zürich),
Wojciech Matusik
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Jovan Popović
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Prakash: Lighting-Aware Motion Capture Using Photosensing Markers and Multiplexed Illumination
Ramesh Raskar,
Hideaki Nii
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Bert De Decker
(Universiteit Hasselt),
Yuki Hashimoto
Jay Summet,
Dylan Moore,
Yong Zhao,
Jonathan Westhues,
Paul Dietz,
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Masahiko Inami
(University of Electrocommunications),
Shree Nayar
(Columbia University),
John Barnwell,
Michael Noland
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Philippe Bekaert
(Universiteit Hasselt),
Vlad Branzoi,
Erich Burns
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
- Veiling Glare in High Dynamic Range Imaging
Eino-Ville Talvala,
Andrew Adams,
Mark Horowitz,
Marc Levoy
(Stanford University)
- Do HDR Displays Support LDR Content? A Psychophysical Evaluation
Ahmet Oğuz Akyüz (University of Central Florida),
Erik Reinhard
(University of Bristol),
Roland Fleming,
Berhard E. Riecke,
Heinrich H. Bülthoff
(Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik)
- Ldr2Hdr: On-the-Fly Reverse Tone Mapping of Legacy Video and Photographs
Allan G. Rempel,
Matthew Trentacoste
(The University of British Columbia),
Helge Seetzen
(The University of British Columbia and
BrightSide Technologies),
H. David Young,
Wolfgang Heidrich,
Lorne Whitehead
(University of British Columbia),
Greg Ward
(BrightSide Technologies),
- Rendering for an Interactive 360-Degree Light Field Display
Andrew Jones
(USC Institute for Creative Technologies),
Ian McDowall
(Fakespace Labs),
Hideshi Yamada
(Sony CorporationMark Bolas
(USC School of Cinematic Arts),
Paul Debevec
(USC Institute for Creative Technologies)
- FiberMesh: Designing Freeform Surfaces with 3D Curves
Andrew Nealen
(Technische Universität Berlin)
Takeo Igarashi
(The University of Tokyo and
Olga Sorkine
(Tel Aviv University),
Marc Alexa
(Technische Universität Berlin)
- Editing The Topology of 3D Models by Sketching
Tao Ju,
(Washington University in St. Louis)
Qian-Yi Zhou,
Shi-Min Hu
(Tsinghua University)
- Interactive Topology-aware Surface Reconstruction
Andrei Sharf,
(Tel Aviv University)
Thomas Lewiner
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro),
Gil Shklarski,
Sivan Toledo,
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University)
- ShapePalettes: Interactive Normal Transfer Via Sketching
Tai-Pang Wu,
Chi-Keung Tang
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),
Michael S. Brown
(Nanyang Technological University),
Heung-Yeung Shum
Research Asia)
- Plushie: An Interactive Design System for Plush Toys
Yuki Mori,
Takeo Igarashi
(University of Tokyo)
- Curl Noise for Procedural Fluid Flow
Robert Bridson
(The University of British Columbia),
Jim Hourihan
(Tweak Films),
Markus Nordenstam
(Double Negative)
- Wrinkled Flames and Cellular Patterns
Jeong-Mo Hong,
Tamar Shinar,
Ron Fedkiw
(Stanford University)
- Adaptively Sampled Particle Fluids
Bart Adams
(Stanford University and
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven),
Mark Pauly,
Richard Keiser
(ETH Zürich),
Leonidas Guibas
(Stanford University)
- Efficient Simulation of Inextensible Cloth
Rony Goldenthal
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Columbia University),
David Harmon
(Columbia University),
Raanan Fattal
(University of California, Berkeley),
Michel Bercovier
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem),
Eitan Grinspun
(Columbia University)
- TRACKS: Toward Directable Thin Shells
Miklós Bergou,
Saurabh Mathur
(Columbia University),
Max Wardetzky
(Free University Berlin),
Eitan Grinspun
(Columbia University)
- Multiscale Shape and Detail Enhancement from Multi-light Image Collections
Raanan Fattal,
Maneesh Agrawala
(University of California, Berkeley),
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
(Princeton University)
- Post-Production Facial Performance Relighting Using Reflectance Transfer
Pieter Peers
(USC Institute for Creative Technologies),
Naoki Tamura
(The University of Tokyo and
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Wojciech Matusik
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Paul Debevec
(USC Institute for Creative Technologies)
- Interactive Editing and Modeling of Bidirectional Texture Functions
Jan Kautz
(University College London),
Solomon Boulos
(University of Utah),
Durand (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory)
- AppWand: Editing Measured Materials using Appearance-Driven Optimization
Fabio Pellacini
(Dartmouth College),
Jason Lawrence
(University of Virginia)
- Rotational Symmetry Field Design on Surfaces
Eugene Zhang,
Jonathan Palacios
(Oregon State University)
- Design of Tangent Vector Fields
Matthew Fisher,
Peter Schröder,
Mathieu Desbrun
(California Institute of Technology),
Hugues Hoppe
(Microsoft Research)
- Isosurface Stuffing: Fast Tetrahedral Meshes with Good Dihedral Angles
François Labelle,
Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
(University of California, Berkeley)
- Robust On-line Computation of Reeb Graphs: Simplicity and Speed
Valerio Pascucci,
Peer-Timo Bremer,
Ajith Mascarenhas,
Giorgio Scorzelli
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory )
- Eikonal Rendering: Efficient Light Transport in Refractive Objects
Ivo Ihrke,
Gernot Ziegler,
Art Tevs,
Christian Theobalt
(Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik),
Marcus Magnor
(Technische Universität Braunschweig),
Hans-Peter Seidel
(Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)
- Computing the Scattering Properties of Participating Media Using Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theory
Jeppe Revall Frisvad,
Niels Jørgen Christensen
(Danmarks Tekniske Universitet),
Henrik Wann Jensen
(University of California, San Diego)
- Implicit Visibility and Antiradiance for Interactive Global Illumination
Carsten Dachsbacher
(REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis),
Marc Stamminger
(Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg ),
George Drettakis
(REVES/INRIA Sopia-Antipolis),
Frédo Durand
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- A Theory of Locally Low Dimensional Light Transport
Dhruv Mahajan
(Columbia University),
Ira Kemelmacher Shlizerman
(Weizmann Institute),
Ravi Ramamoorthi,
Peter Belhumeur
(Columbia University)
- Symmetrization
Niloy Mitra
(Technische Universität Wien)
Leonidas Guibas
(Stanford University),
Mark Pauly
(ETH Zürich)
- Geometric Modeling in Shape Space
Martin Kilian,
Niloy Mitra,
Helmut Pottmann
(Technische Universität Wien)
- Geometry of Multilayer Freeform Structures for Architecture
Helmut Pottmann
(Technische Universität Wien),
Yang Liu
(Technische Universität Wien and University of Hong Kong),
Johannes Wallner
(Technische Universität Graz),
Alexander Bobenko
(Technische Universität Berlin),
Wenping Wang
(University of Hong Kong)
- A Variational Approach to Eulerian Geometry Processing
Patrick Mullen,
Alexander McKenzie,
Yiying Tong,
Mathieu Desbrun
(California Institute of Technology)
- Active Refocusing of Images and Videos
Francesc Moreno-Noguer
(CVLAB, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne),
Peter N. Belhumeur,
Shree K. Nayar
(Columbia University)
- Multi-Aperture Photography
Paul Green
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Wenyang Sun,
Wojciech Matusik,
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Frédo Durand
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- Dappled Photography: Mask-Enhanced Cameras for Heterodyned Light Fields and Coded Aperture Refocusing
Ashok Veeraraghavan,
Ramesh Raskar,
Amit Agrawal,
Ankit Mohan
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Jack Tumblin
(Northwestern University)
- Image and Depth from a Conventional Camera with a Coded Aperture
Anat Levin,
Rob Fergus,
Frédo Durand,
Bill Freeman
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- Harmonic Coordinates for Character Articulation
Pushkar Joshi
(University of California, Berkeley and
Pixar Animation Studios),
Mark Meyer,
Tony DeRose,
Brian Green,
Tom Sanocki
(Pixar Animation Studios)
- Automatic Rigging and Animation of 3D Characters
Ilya Baran,
Jovan Popović
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Real-Time Enveloping with Rotational Regression
Robert Y. Wang
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Kari Pulli,
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
Nokia Research Center),
Jovan Popović
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Key Point Subspace Acceleration and Soft Caching
Mark Meyer,
John Anderson
(Pixar Animation Studios)
- Color Images Visible Under UV Light
Roger D. Hersch,
Philipp Donz?
Sylvain Chosson
(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Visual Equivalence: Towards a new standard for Image Fidelity
Ganesh Ramanarayanan,
James Ferwerda,
Bruce Walter,
Kavita Bala
(Cornell University)
- The Influence of Shape on the Perception of Material Reflectance
Peter Vangorp,
Jurgen Laurijssen,
Philip Dutré
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven )
- Sampling with Polyominoes
Victor Ostromoukhov
(Universit?de Montréal)
- Stochastic Simplification for Aggregate Detail
Rob Cook
John Halstead
Maxwell Planck
David Ryu
(Pixar Animation Studios)
- Embedded Deformation for Shape Manipulation
Robert Sumner,
Johannes Schmid,
Mark Pauly
(ETH Zürich)
- Mesh Puppetry: Cascading Optimization of Mesh Deformation With Inverse Kinematics
Xiaohan Shi (Zhejiang University),
Kun Zhou,
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Yiying Tong,
Mathieu Desbrun
(California Institute of Technology),
Hujun Bao,
Baining Guo
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- FastLSM: Fast Lattice Shape Matching for Robust Real-Time Deformation
Alec R. Rivers,
Doug L. James
(Cornell University)
- Handle-Aware Isolines for Scalable Shape Editing
Oscar Kin-Chung Au,
Hongbo Fu,
Chiew-Lan Tai
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),
Daniel Cohen-Or
(Tel Aviv University),
- Gradient Domain Editing of Deforming Mesh Sequences
Weiwei Xu,
Kun Zhou,
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Yizhou Yu
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Qifeng Tan,
Qunsheng Peng,
Baining Guo
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- Image-based Procedural Modeling of Facades
Pascal Müller,
Gang Zeng
(ETH Zürich),
Peter Wonka
(Arizona State University),
Luc Van Gool
(ETH Zürich and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- VideoTrace: Rapid Interactive Scene Modeling From Video
Anton van den Hengel,
Anthony Dick,
Thorsten Thormaehlen,
Ben Ward
(University of Adelaide),
Philip H. S. Torr
(Oxford Brookes University)
- Image-based Tree Modeling
Ping Tan,
Gang Zeng,
Jingdong Wang
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),
Sing Bing Kang
(Microsoft Research),
Long Quan
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Approximate Image-Based Tree-Modelling Using Particle Flows
Boris Neubert,
Tommy Franken,
Oliver Deussen
(Universität Konstanz)
- Fast Triangle Reordering for Vertex Locality and Reduced Overdraw
Pedro Sander
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),
Diego Nehab
(Princeton University),
Josh Barczak
(Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
- A Hardware Architecture for Surface Splatting
Tim Weyrich
(ETH Zürich and
Princeton University),
Simon Heinzle
(ETH Zürich),
Timo Aila
(Helsinki University of Technology
and NVIDIA Research),
Daniel B. Fasnacht,
Stephan Oetiker,
Mario Botsch,
Cyril Flaig,
Simon Mall,
Kaspar Rohrer,
Norbert Felber,
Hubert Kaeslin,
Markus Gross
(ETH Zürich)
- Direct Manipulation of Subdivision Surfaces on GPUs
Kun Zhou,
Xin Huang,
Weiwei Xu,
Baining Guo,
Heung-Yeung Shum
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- PCU: The Programmable Culling Unit
Jon Hasselgren,
Tomas Akenine-Möller
(Lund University)
- Capturing and Viewing Gigapixel Images
Johannes Kopf
(Universität Konstanz),
Matt Uyttendaele
(Microsoft Research),
Oliver Deussen
(Universität Konstanz),
Michael Cohen
(Microsoft Research)
- Efficient Gradient-Domain Compositing Using Quadtrees
Aseem Agarwala
(Adobe Systems, Inc.)
- Image Upsampling via Imposed Edges Statistics
Raanan Fattal
(University of California, Berkeley)
- Joint Bilateral Upsampling
Johannes Kopf
(Universität Konstanz),
Michael Cohen
(Microsoft Research),
Dani Lischinski
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem),
Matt Uyttendaele
(Microsoft Research)
- Bubbling and Frothing Liquids
Paul Cleary
(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation),
Soon Hyoung Pyo
(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute),
Mahesh Prakash
(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation),
Bon Ki Koo
(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
- Simulation of Bubbles in Foam With Volume Control
ByungMoon Kim,
Yingjie Liu
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Ignacio Llamas
(NVIDIA Corporation),
Xiangmin Jiao,
Jarek Rossignac
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Wave Particles
Cem Yuksel,
Donald H. House,
John C. Keyser
(Texas A&M University)
- A Fast Variational Framework for Accurate Solid-Fluid Coupling
Christopher Batty,
Florence Bertails,
Robert Bridson
(University of British Columbia)
- Factored Time-Lapse Video
Kalyan Sunkavalli,
Wojciech Matusik,
Hanspeter Pfister
(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)),
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
(Princeton University)
- Computational Time-Lapse Video
Eric P. Bennett,
Leonard McMillan
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- Real-Time Edge-Aware Image Processing With the Bilateral Grid
Jiawen Chen,
Sylvain Paris,
Frédo Durand
Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory)
- Video Watercolorization using Bidirectional Texture Advection
Adrien Bousseau
(INRIA, Grenoble University and
Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Fabrice Neyret
Joëlle Thollot
(INRIA, Grenoble University)
David Salesin
(Adobe Systems Incorporated and
University of Washington)
- SIMBICON: Simple Biped Locomotion Control
Kangkang Yin,
Kevin Loken,
Michiel van de Panne
(The University of British Columbia)
- Construction and Optimal Search of Interpolated Motion Graphs
Alla Safonova,
Jessica K. Hodgins
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Simulating Biped Behaviors From Human Motion Data
Kwang Won Sok,
Manmyung Kim,
Jehee Lee
(Seoul National University)
- Efficient Symbolic Differentiation for Graphics Applications
Brian K. Guenter
(Microsoft Corporation)
[email protected]; [email protected]