Kekkaishi Wiki

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Attention! We here at Kekkaishi Wiki are in need of persons who are familiar with the Manga and Japanese anime who can edit pages for us. Please refer to the Help Wanted page for more information.


Kekkaishi Wiki
Kekkaishi Wiki

In the month of August, I worked out from 4-5:30am, I've been working out to improve my physique. Well, the cost has just arrived and I'm sore all around. So, I will rest as long as possible until I can walk normally again from working out my behind and legs.

Also, school starts for me tomorrow (August 30. Junior year >_>) So, I will not be online in the early mornings anymore. During the week I get home at around 2:45, then am scheduled to get offline at 10pm (11pm this Thursday and normal Fridays). Saturdays, I will try an get online and edit, but if I can't then I'll leave everyone who has edited the responsibility during my R&R and new school year.

Note: My computer still shuts down, so if I'm editing and it does shut down and I lose everything, it'll take me a few days to rewrite.

I have AIM and MSN mobile, so if anyone wants my AIM or MSN name, just let me know.

Arigato. Sayōnara, - The Abbster