Kekkaishi Wiki

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Kekkaishi Wiki
Kekkaishi Wiki

This page contains the Episode article layout Guidelines of the Kekkaishi wiki.

Importance of Structure[]

It is very important that an article has a proper structure. In an article about a particular episode, there are different sections (like summary, navigation etc...). It helps the readers to understand an article easily. If the sections are messed up, the readers will have problem in finding the information. Thus, structure must be appropriate and appealing.


Here is the proper structure to a Episode based article:

  • Introduction:This is not particularly a section, as it has no heading. It basically gives a small introduction about the episode like the episode number and the series and production company.
  • Summary :The whole episode is summarized in this section. It is necessary to write it carefully. It should be noted that this section is the main content of any article related to an episode.
  • Trivia:Only if necessary. It is not needed to add this section to every episode page.
  • Navigation:The Navigation section usually contains a list of episodes so that the readers may navigate between episodes easily.


  • Infobox:Infoboxes are necessary to be added to every page. Infobox designed specially for the episodes should be used.
  • Images:Images are supposed to be added in an alternative manner (left-right-left and so on). All the images in an article should be of same size. The image in the infobox is an exception.
  • Category:The Episode pages fall under the category [[Category:Episodes]]