Kekkaishi Wiki

M.O.S - Please read our newly formed Manual of Style before editing.

About Page - Please read our mission statement as well.

Attention! We here at Kekkaishi Wiki are in need of persons who are familiar with the Manga and Japanese anime who can edit pages for us. Please refer to the Help Wanted page for more information.


Kekkaishi Wiki
Kekkaishi Wiki

This page contains the Editing guideline of Kekkaishi Wiki.



  • The contents of the articles should be unbiased. Editors are not supposed to write their own opinions. Only the things mentioned in the anime or manga should be written.
  • Do not be over specific, or write a large description about a small event. Be as specific as necessary.
  • Do not add unnecessary information to the articles.
  • In general, content should be written in a style appropriate for an encyclopedia. Descriptions should be clear and precise; speculations or uncertain facts should be avoided.
  • Articles should be written in present tense. Exceptions are the events related to past, like flashbacks.
  • No attribution or date should be mentioned in the articles.


  • Articles should be written in second or third person.
  • First person articles should not be included in articles. If editors want to discuss, they can visit the discussion pages.


  • American English is preferred for articles.
  • Rōmaji or Kanji is used for the translation of names etc.
  • Lyrics for Opening or Ending song can be in English, Rōmaji and kanji as well.


  • Articles shouldn't be heavily linked.
  • A page should be linked only once, on its first occurrence.
  • Exceptions may be infoboxes, or list/tables of characters.


  • Article's names and links should not be overcapitalized.
  • When used in a sentence, links should follow normal grammatical sentence structure, so unless it's a proper noun don't capitalize it.
  • Common words shouldn't be capitalized unnecessarily only because its a link.



  • New users should read Wiki Help.
  • Any article is supposed to be formatted in a constructive manner. No unnecessary text or information should be added.


  • Editors are supposed to bold the name of an article the first time it appears in the article itself. The same applies to any alternative name of that article.
  • Some important or newly introduced terms maybe be in bold.
  • Text shouldn't be in bold for general emphasis. Editors can use double inverted commas (") or italics in some places.


  • Italics can be used for general emphasis, but in a controlled manner.
  • Articles shouldn't be spammed with text in Italic.


  • Underlined text should be avoided. Articles are not supposed to contain underlined text.


  • Avoid using ALL CAPS.
  • Avoid using bold and italic together.
  • Avoid bold for general emphasis.
  • Only important words should be emphasized. Use emphasis only when necessary.