“We are dealing with a lot of information from symptoms, duration, onset, and variation of input that require deep understanding and Kata.ai's technology has the capability to help us identify that complex structures from a user input in Bahasa Indonesia.”
Public Relations Manager of Prixa
When they are feeling sick, some people usually wait for their body to recover by themselves without even considering a doctor’s visit and getting the right prescription medication. This is due to several factors, such as having to deal with long queue and wait times everytime we have to go to health facilities and consultation session that oftentimes does not clearly explain what is really going on with our body. Understanding the high demand for easily accessible and affordable healthcare service, Prixa is positioned as a health companion that prioritizes convenient patient experience while delivering satisfactory healthcare.
Prixa is the first AI-based company that combines a proprietary AI-platform with personalization health insurance in Indonesia. As one of Kata.ai’s partners, Prixa offers a comprehensive healthcare ecosystem where the patient is able to consult with doctors online, schedule a doctor or the lab-test appointment to better examine their health condition, and get a prescribed medication delivered to their front door.
With Prixa web-based app, patients can also have a free session to get a preliminary result of your diagnosis through Prixa's AI-based diagnostic engine. To enable the service, Prixa uses AI, NLP, and Expert System technology from Kata.ai, so their diagnostic engine can recognize patient symptoms. Established in 2019, Prixa has pushed significant efforts along with the partners and clients in the healthcare industry, such as: Siloam Hospital, Lippo Insurance, Mandiri in-Health, Generali, Triasse, Lifepack, Alfamart, and DAV to make proper healthcare more accessible, just a couple of taps away from patients.
As Kata.ai's partners, Prixa uses our Expert System and NLP technology for the diagnosis engine on Prixa's website. This engine works by getting a contextual profile of the user — as well as their precondition — and then asking the user to input their chief complaint. Prixa's system will use NL to recognize components from the inputs and search the possible cause coupled with the characteristics from its database. After Prixa's system has received enough information, it will use all user inputs to suggest the possible condition that the patients may have.
Prixa's diagnosis engine is designed to be a complete solution that provides comprehensive healthcare service and also empowers health practitioners. "At Prixa, we aim to do more than provide better healthcare aids. We are here to stay with our patients through every step of the way toward achieving a healthier life," said Astri Riksahati - Public Relations Manager of Prixa.
Especially with the COVID-19 pandemic, Prixa is happy with the opportunity to bring the mission to humanize healthcare for everyone by collaborating with several government institutions. Currently, Prixa has collaborated with Ridwan Kamil and the West Java government to launch the 'Periksa Mandiri' symptoms checker feature in the Pikobar (Pusat Informasi dan Koordinasi COVID-19 Jawa Barat) app in March 2020.
Prixa's service is delivered in Bahasa Indonesia so that users can use it easily. So, Prixa needs Kata.ai's expertise to navigate, classify, and offer solutions at scale. Astri said, "Kata.ai's technology has the capability to help us identify complex structure in a user input, especially in Bahasa Indonesia. We are dealing with a patient's chief complaint that involves a lot of information from symptoms, duration, onset, and variation of input that require deep understanding. Kata.ai has the contextual knowledge of Bahasa [Indonesia] that we need."
What Prixa likes most about Kata.ai’s technology is the ease of use, which helps a lot, especially for a team with a first-time experience of using NLP to solve problems. In addition, the systematic process and user-friendly interface make it less intimidating for a non-tech person to interact with the system.