昨日のオンライン拾い読み (5月28日 2024)
米国追悼記念日:ペンタゴンの免責は続く (27 May 2024, Consortium News)
US MEMORIAL DAY: The Pentagon’s Ongoing Impunity (27 May 2024, Consortium News)
On the day the U.S. remembers its war dead, a look at how compensating for civilian deaths caused by the U.S. military — in ground, air and nuclear massacres — has never been a priority, writes Nick Turse.
新たなアメリカン・ドリーム:中国とロシアを痛めつけるために朝鮮半島の現状を葬り去る (24 May 2024, New Eastern Outlook)
New American Dream: To Harm China and Russia by Burying the Korean Status Quo (24 May 2024, New Eastern Outlook)
US MEMORIAL DAY: The Pentagon’s Ongoing Impunity (27 May 2024, Consortium News)
On the day the U.S. remembers its war dead, a look at how compensating for civilian deaths caused by the U.S. military — in ground, air and nuclear massacres — has never been a priority, writes Nick Turse.
新たなアメリカン・ドリーム:中国とロシアを痛めつけるために朝鮮半島の現状を葬り去る (24 May 2024, New Eastern Outlook)
New American Dream: To Harm China and Russia by Burying the Korean Status Quo (24 May 2024, New Eastern Outlook)
- 関連記事
- 昨日のオンライン拾い読み (5月29日 2024)
- 昨日のオンライン拾い読み (5月28日 2024)
- 昨日のオンライン拾い読み (5月27日 2024)
テーマ : 政治・経済・社会問題なんでも
ジャンル : 政治・経済