

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

ルイス・ワース(Louis Wirth、1897年8月28日 - 1952年5月3日)は、米国シカゴ学派都市社会学者である。











  • 1928: The Ghetto, Chicago.
今野敏彦訳『ユダヤ人問題の原型・ゲットー』(明石書店, 1994年)
  • 1936: Preface to „Ideology and Utopia“, by Karl Mannheim. In:Shils, E.;Wirth, L. (Hg.), Ideology and Utopia, by Karl Mannheim, NY, S. XIII-XXXI
  • 1936: Types of Nationalism. In: AJS, Vol. 41, no.6, May, S. 723-737
  • 1937: The Urban Mode of Life. In: New Horizons in Planning. Chicago, S. 23-30
  • 1938: Urbanism As A Way of Life. in: AJS 44, S. 1-24
高橋勇悦訳「生活様式としてのアーバニズム」鈴木広編『都市化の社会学 増補版』(誠信書房, 1978年)
  • 1939: Social Interaction: The Problem of the Individual and the Group. In: AJS, Vol. 44, May, S. 965-979
  • 1940: Ideological Aspects of Social Disorganization. In: American Sociological Review, Vol. 5, no.4, S. 472-482
  • 1940: The Urban Society and Civilization. In: Wirth, Louis (Hg.), Eleven Twenty Six: A Decade of Social Science Research, S. 51-63
  • 1941: Morale and Minority Groups. In: AJS, Vol. 47, no.3, November, S. 415-433
  • 1941: The Present Position of Minorities in the United States. In: Studies in Political Science and Sociology. Philadelphia, S. 137-156
  • 1944: Race and Public Policy. In: Scientific Monthly, Vol. 58, April, S. 302-312
  • 1945: Group Tension and Mass Democracy. In: American Scholar, Vol. 14, No.2, S. 231-235
  • 1945: Human Ecology. In: AJS, Vol. 50, no.6, May, S. 483-488
  • 1945: The Problem of Minority Groups. In: Linton, Ralph (Hg.), The Science of Man in the World Crisis, New York; S. 347-372
  • 1946: A Sociologist Looks at the Community. In: Wirth, Louis; et.al. (Hg.), Community Planning for Peacetime Living. Stanford, Calif.: S. 3-89
  • 1947: American Sociology 1915-1947. In: AJS. Index to Volumes 1-52, 1895-1947, Chicago; S. 273-281
  • 1947: Ideas and Ideals as Sources of Power in Modern World. In:Bryson,L. et.al. (Hg.), Conflicts of Power in Modern Culture. NY, S. 499-508
  • 1948: Consensus and Mass Communication. In: American Sociological Review Vol. 13, no.1, February, S. 1-15
  • 1948: World Community, World Society, and World Government. In: Wright, Quincy (Hg.), The World Community, Chicago; S. 9-20
  • 1951: The Significance of Sociology. In: International Social Science Bulletin (UNESCO), Vol. 3 , no.2, Summer, S. 197-202



