I have become familiar with the languages Flex and Actionscript 3, which I can say is the next generation scripting language of the Macromedia Flash Platform. More than that, I have taken up a visualization toolkit for Actionscript 3 which is Flare. This summer provides me tons of chances to polish my skills on debugging, more importantly, it also enhances my efficiency on self-learning.
However, there are regrets.
I wished I could have started reading the API for Flex first before digging into Flare. I wished I could have learnt more about software planning back in May. I wished I could have set milestone evenly such that I could have archieve more goals. I wished...
Nevertheless, I think I have chosen the right way(the open source development field) as a first start to get experience.
Evidence of the growing popularity of open source software can be found at midsize companies, in which many of them have their firms use or will soon deploy open source solutions for Web servers, browsers, database management, middleware, program development and security. However, despite of the rapid growing of open source software, the quality of code, documentation and the support of the communities are the tradeoffs yet to be improved.
If you are considering doing GSoC in the coming summer(2009), I strongly encourage you to apply . There are 3 things that you need to bare in mind: fun, enthusiasm and communication, of which you will experience a lot lesser if you are without any of those. In the coming years, observing from the trend of globalization, web-based programs is definitely another field with undiscovered potential yet to be explored, and I am very interested in joining forces to their development.