UC Berkeley School of Information

Boldly leading the way with education and research in a world awash in information and data

Degree Programs

Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS)

Educating information professionals to provide leadership for an information-driven world.

Ph.D. in Information Science

A research program for next-generation scholars of the information age.


Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS)

Online degree preparing data science professionals to solve real-world problems.

Master of Information and Cybersecurity (MICS)

Online degree preparing cybersecurity leaders for complex cybersecurity challenges.

I School News

Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, false narratives can be incredibly sticky. Many people insist that the earth is flat, that childhood vaccines cause autism, or that climate change is a hoax, despite ample scientific evidence to the contrary. 

“Stories are very powerful,” said Timothy Tangherlini, a UC Berkeley professor in the Department of Scandinavian and the School of Information. “We’re much more comfortable with hearing stories that confirm our beliefs than ones that challenge them.”

Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, false narratives can be incredibly sticky. Many people insist that the earth is flat,…

A new analysis by UC Berkeley School of Information Ph.D. student Dan Hickey has found that weekly rates of hate speech on the social media platform X rose about 50% in the months after its purchase in October 2022 by Elon Musk, and that the number of bots and bot-like accounts did not decrease, despite Musk’s earlier pledge to reduce bot activity.

Published this week in the open-access journal PLOS One, the study confirms that a sudden spike in hate speech observed by researchers around the time of Musk’s takeover of the company continued through at least May 2023, contradicting claims by X that hate speech on the platform decreased after Musk’s purchase.

A new analysis by UC Berkeley School of Information Ph.D. student Dan Hickey has found that weekly rates of hate speech on the…



Computer Security in Known-Adversary Threat Models

Computer security traditionally protects digital systems from criminals or governments. Thomas Ristenpart explores “known-adversary” threat models, in which the adversary is an intimate partner, family member, or other close acquaintance.


Big Give 2025

Support the I School during Berkeley’s annual fundraising blitz.


Right from the Start: AI Policy and Democratic Values

Deirdre Mulligan explains how AI policies that centered the public’s rights and safety can build a digital future that supports democratic values and democratic institutions.

Student Projects

Data centers in the U.S. collectively consume 300,000 gallons of water…
Restore trust. Spot deepfakes. Protect what’s real.
Effortlessly summarize and retrieve information from your emails with…
Enabling wheelchair users to confidently anticipate obstacles using…