Presentations on IPython¶
We have given a number of talks and presentations about IPython:
Fernando gave a keynote address at PyCon 2014 entitled Python and Science: How OSS and Python are transforming science. The video is availible on the PyCon 2014 YouTube site.
At PyCon 2014 there was also a tutorial IPython in depth: high productivity interactive and parallel python. The entire 3 hour long tutorial can be viewed here.
Fernando’s SciPy 2013 Keynote entitled IPython: from the shell to a book with a single tool…the method behind the madness can be viewed on YouTube.
The SciPy tutorial IPython in Depth is also available: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Fernando’s talk IPython: Python at your fingertips is available in PDF and also posted the full video.
From our IPython in-depth PyCon 2012 tutorial, we have PDF slides both for the introduction and for the notebook. The full 3+ hour tutorial video is also available on YouTube. Note that all PyCon 2012 videos are online at the incredible site.
Slides from a talk that Fernando Perez presented at the SciPy India 2010 conference.
Brian Granger has written a whitepaper describing the new support that ipcluster has for Windows HPC Server 2008. If you use IPython’s parallel computing architecture on Windows, this provides a very nice way of starting the controller and engines on a cluster. The whitepaper shows how to get started with IPython and Windows HPC Server 200 as well two examples of using IPython to perform an interactive parallel computation. This material is also in our documentation here and here. Many thanks to Microsoft for funding Brian Granger to work on this.
At SciPy ‘09, we had a lightning talk on the state of IPython.
At the IAM CSE09 conference we gave two presentations about IPython: a general one and another focused on parallel and distributed computing. If you are interested, the slides from all the presentations at this meeting are available.
Slides from Dave Hudak, from the Ohio Supercomputing Center, about a ‘’proposed’’ system using IPython for high-level, fully managed access to supercomputing resources (this system hasn’t been implemented yet as of Sept 2008).
An article about IPython, written by Fernando Perez and Brian Granger, published in the May/June 2007 issue of the journal ‘’Computing in Science and Engineering’’.
A set of slides by Bill Spotz, from Sandia National Labs, on using IPython to interactively use the Trilinos parallel solvers.
Two talks about IPython at PyCon2007 (see the demos and movies as well).
A talk at an Interactive Parallel Computation in Support of Research in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory.
Slides of a talk entitled “Interactive Parallel Computing with Python and IPython,” at CU Boulder.
A poster at the DANSE kickoff meeting.
A lightening talk at SciPy’06 about the Parallel Computing capabilities of IPython.
Slides and MP3 audio of a talk at SAGE Days 2006.
A poster presented at SIAM’s Parallel Processing ‘06 conference.
Two talks at SciPy’05: one about parallel computing and one about interactive notebooks.
A talk at SciPy’04.
An overview of IPython at SciPy’03.