IPSN 2009 will be co-located in San Francisco, CA, USA, with the
15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'09) and the International Conference on Hybrid Systems (HSCC'09) as part of the second series of Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPSWEEK) during April 13-16, 2009.
The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) is a leading, single-track, annual forum that brings together researchers from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss recent advances in sensor network research and applications. The conference covers both theoretical and experimental research, as it pertains to sensor networks, in a broad range of disciplines including signal and image processing, information and coding theory, databases and information management, distributed algorithms, networks and protocols, wireless communications, machine learning, and embedded systems design.
This year one workshop on current emerging topics in sensor networks will be held in conjunction with IPSN:
April 23, 2009, IPSN 09 best paper awards:
IP best paper: Secure and Highly-Available Aggregation Queries in Large-Scale Sensor Networks via Set Sampling. Haifeng Yu (National University of Singapore)
IP best student paper: On Hierarchical Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Konrad Iwanicki, Maarten van Steen (VU Amsterdam)
SPOTS best paper: Monitoring Heritage Buildings with Wireless Sensor Networks: The Torre Aquila Deployment. Matteo Ceriotti, Luca Mottola, Amy L. Murphy (Bruno Kessler Foundation), Gian Pietro Picco, Stefan Guna, Matteo Pozzi, Daniele Zonta, Paolo Zanon (University of Trento), Michele Corra (TRETEC)
April 9, 2009, the registration desk/reception will be open on Sunday 4/12 6-9pm at Parc55.
April 6, 2009,
to all poster and demo authors: the size of the boards we will have for the posters will be either 3 x 2 feet or 4 x 3 feet. We will provide the poster boards and pins to attach the posters to the boards.
March 24, 2009, Program has been updated with keynote and panel speaker details.
March 19, 2009, New hotel cut-off date: March 31, 2009.
March 11, 2009,
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: CPS Week Student Travel Awards is on line.
March 10, 2009, Hotel and Registration informatin is updated.
March 7, 2009,
Hotel rate is reduced to $149/night!!!. March 3, 2009, Registration is on line.
Feb. 28, 2009, Tutorial program is on line.
Feb. 26, 2009,
the hotel is running a 24-hour 50% off promotion, please book the hotel through your favorite hotel search site!
Feb. 20, 2009, Tentative program is on line.
Feb. 20, 2009, accepted posters and demos list is on line.
Feb. 13, 2009, Extreme Sensing 2009 Competition web page is on line. Entry deadline:
March 25, 2009.
Feb. 6, 2009, Visa infomation is on line.
Dec. 24, 2008, workshop page is on line.
Dec. 2, 2008, Call for Demos & Posters is on line. Nov. 2, 2008. Hotel and travel information is on line.
Oct. 14, 2008. Call for tutorials is on line
Oct. 14, 2008. Call for workshop proposals is on line
Sept. 28, 2008. Submission sites are online
July 26, 2008. Call for papers is online
July 26, 2008. Website is online |