IEEE Risk and Insurance Management Services
The Office of Risk and Insurance Management Services (ORIMS) is part of the IEEE Financial Services Department within the IEEE Finance and Administration Organization.
The IEEE Office of Risk and Insurance Management Services (ORIMS), consisting of Corporate Insurance and Enterprise Risk Management, has been established to:
- Foster a proactive, positive approach to risk management and the embedding of risk awareness in IEEE’s culture, strategic-planning process, and operations
- Help cultivate a culture that embraces intelligent risk taking in order to maximize IEEE’s ability to leverage opportunity and minimize threats to those opportunities
- Serve as a central resource to manage insurance, enterprise risk management, and business continuity and develop practices for the organization related to these areas on behalf of IEEE
- Provide a centralized resource for IEEE staff, volunteers, and related parties to impart information regarding IEEE insurance programs, risk-management practices, enterprise risk management, and related issues
- Coordinate the development, implementation, and improvement of the IEEE Enterprise Risk Management Program.
- Assist IEEE’s risk owners and stakeholders in the development of programs and processes to help them better manage their risks inherent in their operations and areas of responsibility throughout the organization.
- Provide guidance and expertise with respect to insurance program development and purchase.
- Serve as liaison between IEEE and its brokers, insurers, and consultants with respect to insurance placement and coverage, insurance recovery, and enterprise risk management.
Staff contacts
Karyn Connor, ARM
Director, Member and Corporate Insurance Programs
[email protected]
Gill Gilmore
Administrator, Member and Corporate Insurance Programs
Phone +1 732 562 3889
[email protected]
Francis Czapor, MBA, CIA, CBCP
Business Continuity Manager
[email protected]