Contact Form 7 1.2 is now available. A main feature of this version is introduction of jQuery Form Plugin. Due to this, we could replace the input validation process to client side and use AJAX posting. While we lost compatibility with old version WordPress. New supported WordPress version is 2.2 or higher. I’m sorry if you have to continue using old one.
The syntax of form content tag got a bit changed. Typical tag of old version was like this:
[text* your-name "Your name"]
New syntax is simpler:
[text* your-name]
The last “Your name” was label used only in validation error messages. Now we replaced validation error into new popup tip next to the respective fields and label is no longer necessary. So we simplified the syntax. You don’t have to change your existing tags because it is backward compatible.
Update (8/17): Notice: In the next version, this backward compatibility might be away. It is recommended for you to edit old tag suit to new syntax.
I’m planning to release next version soon.
日本語 / Japanese
Contact Form 7 のバージョン 1.2 をリリースしました。今回の目玉は jQuery Form Plugin の導入です。これにより入力検証の処理をクライアント側にもっていくことができ、また AJAX を利用した動的な送信が可能になりました。その一方で古いバージョンの WordPress への対応ができなくなりました。新しい対応バージョンは WordPress 2.2 以上です。古い WordPress をお使いの方、ごめんなさい。
[text* your-name "お名前"]
[text* your-name]
最後の “お名前” という部分は入力検証のエラーメッセージのなかでのみ使われるラベルだったのですが、今回の新バージョンではエラーメッセージを個々のフィールドのとなりに表示するポップアップに移動させたので、これらのラベルは不要になりました。なお、古い構文のタグは書き変えなくてもそのまま使えるように互換性を持たせています。
更新 (8/17): 注意: この後方互換性についてですが、次のバージョンからは廃止されるかもしれません。古いタグは新しい構文に合わせて書き換えられることをおすすめします。
8 replies on “Contact Form 7 1.2”
> 問い合わせをする方への控えメール機能とういうのはありますでしょうか?
> それと、チェックボックスやラジオボタンの装備も予定されていますか?
G’day from Australia
Is there any way you can add an anti-spam or Capcha to the form, as it seems a little ‘Open’ to bots.
regards. David
Yes, as you say, some sort of anti-spam feature is needed. I’m planning to add Akismet integration option in next next release. And captcha too. Do you know good captcha library available for PHP or JavaScript?
Thanks for the comment. I think this is the first time I got message from the Southern Hemisphere!
Hello Miyoshi,
First, I apologise–I see you speak Japanese, but I’m nowehere near fluent enough in it to mention this to you; hopefully what I’m about to say communicates properly. I have been studying for four years and still can’t hold a decent conversation, as much as it pains me to admit that…
Ahem, anyways, for captcha there’s a fairly robust (and free) library I’m fond of–and actually use–called freeCap. However, do take care if you search about for it, as there is an unrelated commercial product going by that name as well. For the source code, grab this:
Simply enough, you can chop the “” part off to get to his website directly. Again, I hope that all makes its way to you.
Best wishes.
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for your comment. You’re studying Japanese? If so, it’s cool! Please don’t hesitate to write in Japanese.
Captcha, I’m testing some libraries for PHP. Thank you for telling me freeCap. I downloaded it and am seeing the source. It looks unique.
I’m now planning to make simple captcha functions for Contact Form 7, from scratch with referring existing good libraries. Your information would help it. Thank you.
Best wishes.