Dreaming of you WP!
Decoration only!
It was late evening, I was somewhere, sort of a semi-public place. The receptionist calls and tells me that there is a police car at the door to take me away.
I ask him what it is all about, he shows me a piece of paper. It has something to do with my driving license. I tell him that, as he is well aware, I don’t drive. It seems too extreme to be taken away in the middle of the night for such a matter.
The receptionist, who somehow knows me, looks at the paper and notices a sort of administrative flaw. He says that this seems enough of a reason to send them away but I better present myself first thing in the morning to the police station.
I look at the paper, and I realize that this is not about the driving license. It is because I have a link in my blog to Winter Patriot! 🙂
I was mildly uncomfortable and I was trying to find a way to handle the situation till I woke up.
Btw, in a previous post about Newsha, I forgot to write down this link to her pictures of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan.
Jeez! Homie,
This sounds like a bad dream: but at least the local ideological police is relatively civilized on your side of the Rud e Karun river: in totalitarian countries such as Saudi Arabia or Israel you would have been crushed without mercy for having links to Infidel/Goy websites…
Thank Mithra you’re in Iran!
Hello dear Professor,
Sort of!
I was able to send them away this time and I haven’t figured out what they had against WP. Notice they have nothing against you 🙂
This being said, I’m not as subversive as you think: I only criticize the concept of “Villayet e Faqih” in Iraq…
I have absolutely nothing against it on the other side of the Rud e Karun divide!!
So long Aleyqum as they say
What a wonderful post! I’m glad you finally woke up. Thank you very much. LOL.
What indeed would anyone have against your linking to me? Maybe it’s because I always say: please don’t read my blog.
Winter – Of course we don’t read your blog here in the Land of the Great Santa!
Speaking of Santa – Frosty Snowman has succumbed to his wounds after the third attack.
Two are in custody!
Access denied for a change! 🙂
CINCINNATI (AP) – Two Christmas grinches were arrested Monday, accused of stabbing a 12-foot-tall inflatable Frosty the snowman with a screwdriver. The Hamilton County Sheriff’s office said two 18-year-olds were charged with criminal damaging, and the investigation continues to snowball.
The assault on Frosty was caught on tape when homeowner Matt Williquette set up a motion-sensitive video camera in a tree in his yard because the snowman had fallen victim to two earlier attacks.
The inflatable, the biggest figure in his Christmas display in suburban Colerain Township, was punctured with a screwdriver Sunday night, for the third time.
Williquette had used white masking tape to patch over Frosty the first two times.
“The question I have is, ‘Why me?’ And why Frosty?” Williquette asked. “I had more (decorations) to put out there but with Frosty going down, I wasn’t going to chance it.”
Police said they arrested one young man at his Colerain Township home and the second turned himself in.
At one point Monday, the sheriff’s office, which investigated with the Colerain Township police department, said in a statement: “The investigation continues to snowball.”
In a separate act of holiday vandalism, a 15-year-old boy and a 17-year-old boy were charged Monday with criminal damaging. Authorities accused the two of taking a decorative candy cane from another Colerain Township yard early Saturday morning and smashing it on the owner’s vehicle, causing $1,000 in damage.
Ah yes – that’s the spirit!
Fortunately I had this post about Von Goethe, so I’ll have something to say 🙂
We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
… the Colerain Township police department, said in a statement: “The investigation continues to snowball.”
The Fool in King Lear: He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf,
a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath.
Now go and meditate as a Pharisaic philosopher famously said!
Breaking news: Youtube is unblocked!
Update: with a speed between 24 and 30 kb, it could have remained blocked! 🙂
She’s mad that trusts in the complacency of censors
🙂 🙂 🙂
I was surprised to find the Youtube videos here as I had heard they were blocked. – Good news that they are now available to you. Slow speed does make it a pain.
Now they need to open flicker and photobucket.
Seems photobucket working too! something very strange going on over here 🙂
That’s good news.
I am in a similar trade to you, I am the estimator, designer and AutoCAD person for a company dealing with HVAC systems in Commercial buildings.
Currently I’m working on a project called “Asian Dreams”. It is a Furniture Store
I’m dying to find out if they will be selling magic carpets!
BB2, I am also a very Autocad person, but I work only on small scale private projects, which take ages, as I am doing all, except actually putting the bricks on the top of each other, by myself.
I have the autocad and wordpress running almost all the time.