1. Installer is Finished
2. WordPress DB core conversion finished
Now I am stuck with Role Management and I will finish it hopefully within a day. Last night a funny thing happened. In wordpress installer they check whether a table has been successfully created by invoking “SHOW Tables” command which is not compliant with SQLite. So I start searching how to get information about database scheme. After searching for a while, I finally went thru the code of phpsqliteadmin and found the solution.
Every SQLite database has a table called SQLITE_MASTER which remains hidden. So you can just execute the following command to get all the table names.
“SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER where type=’table'”
Really Cool. !!! I am very much excited abt this project and I am sure – I will release it in friendly way. In WordPress SQLite edition you can use standard wordpress distribution (with modified db core) but you can just configure your config file and add the following line.
driver = ‘sqlite’
I just want to avoid all the hassle for the end user 🙂
Lets see!!
When will you release it? 🙂
Released an alpha version – see here https://hasin.wordpress.com/2006/08/16/wordpress4sqlite-alpha-one/
Will this go into the next WordPress release? Also, if I start WordPress with mysql, can I easily convert it to sqlite?
taking the lead from your concept of an abstraction layer (of which I thoroughly approve – this seems the only sensible way to enable alternative db support), I have written an abstraction layer for PDO and a driver for sqlite.
Other drivers will be very easily constructed now, although I will leave that for others more experienced in, eg, Postgres etc.
I believe that this layer will work from WP 2.o++. Some compatibility issues exist with plugins that don’t properly use the WP API and, as always, upgrade is not currently supported as the WP upgrade functions use mysql specific queries to return information at a column level. I feel that this can be supported with further development (which I _will_ undertake if there is enough interest).
i failed to post the location…
I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
Does it works?
Im also interested to know if there are new releases.