These are the examples showcasing Soft and how it integrates into all kinds of environments. This also serves as a playground.
You are encouraged to hack on the examples and play around with them.
An example must provide at least the following public declarations to the example backends:
/// Initializes the program; may be empty. pub fn init() !void
/// Runs every frame. pub fn tick(time: anytype) !void
An example can optionally provide the following public declarations to the example backends:
/// If this is not provided, the example backend will use black to clear the grid. /// If this is `null`, the example backend will not clear the grid. /// If this is a color, the example backend will use that color to clear the grid. pub const clear_color: ?Color`
pub fn handlePointerMovement(x: isize, y: isize) void
pub fn handlePointerPressed(x: isize, y: isize) void
pub fn handlePointerReleased(x: isize, y: isize) void
Please make sure your example provides
- Educational value
- Documentation where reasonable
- A top-level doc comment
- Configurability (through decls at file top with explanations) where deemed worthy
- The ability to run with all currently existing example backends
If you come up with something cool that conforms to these points, make a PR!