The oscrypto.kdf submodule implements key derivation functions. The following functions comprise the public API:
def pbkdf2(hash_algorithm, password, salt, iterations, key_length): """ :param hash_algorithm: The string name of the hash algorithm to use: "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512" :param password: A byte string of the password to use an input to the KDF :param salt: A cryptographic random byte string :param iterations: The numbers of iterations to use when deriving the key :param key_length: The length of the desired key in bytes :raises: ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type :return: The derived key as a byte string """PBKDF2 from PKCS#5
def pbkdf2_iteration_calculator(hash_algorithm, key_length, target_ms=100, quiet=False): """ :param hash_algorithm: The string name of the hash algorithm to use: "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512" :param key_length: The length of the desired key in bytes :param target_ms: The number of milliseconds the derivation should take :param quiet: If no output should be printed as attempts are made :return: An integer number of iterations of PBKDF2 using the specified hash that will take at least target_ms """Runs pbkdf2() twice to determine the approximate number of iterations to use to hit a desired time per run. Use this on a production machine to dynamically adjust the number of iterations as high as you can.
def pbkdf1(hash_algorithm, password, salt, iterations, key_length): """ :param hash_algorithm: The string name of the hash algorithm to use: "md2", "md5", "sha1" :param password: A byte string of the password to use an input to the KDF :param salt: A cryptographic random byte string :param iterations: The numbers of iterations to use when deriving the key :param key_length: The length of the desired key in bytes :return: The derived key as a byte string """An implementation of PBKDF1 - should only be used for interop with legacy systems, not new architectures
def pkcs12_kdf(hash_algorithm, password, salt, iterations, key_length, id_): """ :param hash_algorithm: The string name of the hash algorithm to use: "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512" :param password: A byte string of the password to use an input to the KDF :param salt: A cryptographic random byte string :param iterations: The numbers of iterations to use when deriving the key :param key_length: The length of the desired key in bytes :param id_: The ID of the usage - 1 for key, 2 for iv, 3 for mac :raises: ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type :return: The derived key as a byte string """KDF from RFC7292 appendix B.2 -