This script is a bash script that provides a set of commands to manage docker-compose services. The script is called sh-services and is executed by running ./scripts/sh-services. The following is a list of the available commands:
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services apply <file>
Applies a configuration file, this is useful for setting up the environment for an specific usecase.
For example, for Open telemetry you could run: ./scripts/sh-services apply examples/OpenTelemetry/opentelemetry.conf
and that would set the live555 video, setup sio, mcp, rabbitmq, and start those services, all in one command.
See: opentelemetry.conf
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services merge <file1> <file2> ...
Combines several configuration files into a single .env file.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services up <service(s)>
Starts a docker-compose service.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services down <service(s)>
Stops a docker-compose service.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services restart <service(s)>
Restarts a docker-compose service.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services show <service(s)>
Displays the .env configuration of a service.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services status <service(s)>
Shows the status of running services.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services edit <service(s)>
Modifies configurations or settings of a service.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services config <service(s)>
Runs the configuration script of a service. For example:
$ ./scripts/sh-services config sio
Summary of all sources:
one-person-one-car: rtsp://live555/test.mkv
1) Create a new source 3) Exit
2) Edit an existing source
Select an option: ...
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services select_example <service> <>
Selects an example configuration for a service. For example, you can run ./scripts/sh-services select_example sio aqueduct
And that would enable this example.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services enable <service(s)>
Turns on a service.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services disable <service(s)>
Turns off a service.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services depends <service(s)>
Shows the dependencies of a service and its status.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services license
Checks or creates the license file.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services clean_media
Removes all media files and databases.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services clean_logs
Empties the log files without deleting them.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services remove_orphans
Removes containers for services not defined in the current configuration.
Usage: ./scripts/sh-services ps
Lists services and their status.
You can execute any of these commands by running the script with the command as its first argument. For example, to start a service, you can run:
./scripts/sh-services up my-service