CV - Johannes Plunien
- Working in Software Engineering since 2004, with focus on iOS since 2013
- Had different roles over the years from backend/frontend to DevOps to iOS engineer
- Living north of Munich with my wife and two daughters, working remotely for Kleinanzeigen (Berlin) as an iOS Developer
I see myself as a generalist, happy to touch other technologies than what I was hired for. Often launching Android Studio, comparing the Android app to the iOS app in my current job to debug something, or to check with Charles Proxy how and when they make a request to the backend to ensure the two different platforms behave the same.
- cli/cli - GitHub command line interface - Support gh release edit
- apple/swift-package-manager - Swift Package Manager - Limit concurrent HTTP requests when downloading binary dependencies
- fastlane/fastlane - fastlane - Fix duplicate use_system_scm option
means I got a lot in touch with that technology while being in this position, does not mean I'm an expert in it.
Jenkins, Objective-C, Ruby
GitHub Actions, Go, Java, Groovy, TypeScript
Objective-C, Ruby
Bamboo, Capistrano
Objective-C, Perl, Ruby
Capistrano, Chef, Jenkins
ColdFusion, Perl
Microsoft SQL Server
MySQL, Perl, Ruby
German, Jenkins
- simctl - Ruby interface to xcrun simctl (used by fastlane) - not very actively maintained, at least no new features are being added currently.
- Less Paper - Some iOS client for paperless-ngx
Between 05/2017 and 07/2018 I've built and maintained the iOS Poloniex App (and Android App) as my own product in my personal App Store Account. Was finally acquired by Poloniex in 07/2018. Also started the Android App and implemented the first few screens, until I finally asked a friend for help, who knows a lot more about Android than I do.