Responsible person/main contact: Niklas Saari
- Introduction
- Tasks
Before starting with the assignments, it's good to verify that cincan-command is working on your machine. Installation steps can be found from here. It has been pre-installed into the provided Kali Linux.
It is recommended to read at least the following articles at some level to get familiar with the topic.
What are macros in Office documents, why they could pose a thread?
How about PDF files?
Take a look for SANS DFIR short guide for analysing malicious documents. We are using some of the tools.
Further reading about malicious PDF and Office malware is available in here. It is long but quite all-answering. (Available in the University Network (can be accessed via VPN or SSH tunneling.)
Even more reading (optional), slides from the author of most the macro based tools what we are using, available in here.
We will be de-compiling .NET Framework project executable to see how malware works on source code (C#) level. So, some source code reading ahead!
Blog post about malware analysis in here.
If you are not familiar with Wireshark, take a brief look into it. Here is a short tutorial.
About memory analysis with Volatility: here is a good blog post about it. This is automated in the task, but volatility can be used externally as well for the memory dump.
Malicious programs are a potential harm for almost every user on the internet. Some time ago, one was especially causing gray hairs for plenty of people; Emotet malware. Finnish National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-FI) released (8/2020) yellow level of warning about malware; how big is the risk for facing this malware to be at the moment on organizations. Maybe COVID-19 pandemic made botnet operators to give up on their vacation, and they were pushing new variations of the old malware.
There are many ways for malware to spread. This one is using as one, old but still working tactic where the user is involved: email attachments. Innocent looking attachment in the innocent looking email message could contain something that you did not except. The content of the attachment is usually made to be something you might be more compelling to open: invoices, receipts, legal documents, and more. In 2017, according to Cisco, 38% of malicious file distributors belonged to Office Suite file extensions and 14% containing the PDF file extension. [1].
Emotet is currently known mostly as information stealer. It is RAT (Remote Access Trojan) on the computer, and is able to receive almost arbitrary commands for making actions for infected computer.
This exercise is mostly based on something similar. Malicious document file is doing something more on your computer than you thought! However, files here are not dangerous, but they can be flagged by some anti-virus products. It is recommended to handle them in Linux based operating systems! With one exception; the malware of the final task (WannaCry) is ransomware and it should not be executed on a Windows machine! Even better, don't get it into your Windows host machine.
In the first task, we try to identify whether the PDF or Office document file is clean or malicious, and further try to analyze what suspicious they are doing.
In the second task, we will take a look for .eml file (Saved email message), and try to analyze its attachment(s). How far can we go?
In the third task, we are analysing something that an attachment in the previous task attempts to download and install. This executable was part of the real-life incident, which was used to deploy a botnet network for performing DDoS attacks against official Finnish government websites and other targets. Malware was originally distributed as trojan horse, a Steam Code Generation application which was supposed to give you free steam codes. (What it of course did not do)
In the last task of the exercise, there is possibility to analyze another common malware, WannaCry which is infamous ransomware and caused some chaos some years ago. It had worm-like properties by exploiting some vulnerabilities and spreading mostly without user involvement.
(Part of this real-life DDoS incident can be seen in the Lab 6 (Digital Forensics) as well, in Task 3. In that exercise you can see what kind of traces a DDoS attack can leave in log files. You will learn how to analyze a large-sized log file, and made precise analysis from it. )
Make a short step-by-step report (what, why and how) of following tasks, and include possible source codes and the most important command line commands used in those tasks. It's recommended to read all tasks before starting. Actual instruction for what to do, is in bold and italics on each task.
You are eligible for the following grades in this exercise by doing tasks as defined. Great ideas and implementations could compensate for some poorly implemented ones. Upper grade requires that all previous tasks have been done as well.
It is estimated that you are able to do Task 1 and 2 during the lab session (4 hours).
Tasks 3 & 4 are more advanced or time consuming than earlier ones. Implementation will very likely take time outside of the lab.
Task | Grade/Level | Description |
Task 1 | 1 | Identifying malicious documents |
Task 2 | 2-3 | Deeper analysis of the MS Office Document |
Task 3 | 4 | Static analysis of trojan |
Task 4 | 5 | Dynamic &|| static analysis for more complicated sample |
Grade 1 can be acquired by doing the first task.
Grade 2 and 3 can be acquired by doing Task 2, depending on how far you go and the reported details of the final process.
Difficulty or workload on tasks is expected to increase as you go forward with them.
You should read instructions properly before starting the task, so you know what is happening, and what you actually have to do.
Return completed tasks into your private GitHub repository! There will be an answer template.
We have a bunch of document files, whereas some of them might be something more than just documents. Without opening them (hopefully), could we identify the malicious ones from the clean ones?
One great paper about PDF and Office malware on general level is available here. Only available on the University Network (can be accessed via VPN or SSH tunnel).
There are various tools for doing analysis partially for you, and we are going to try out some of them.
Document files can be found from the zip file in misc/malware named Password is infected
Warning Do not extract the zip files directly into the Windows machine. Antivirus might flag and remove them, even though there are not really malicious files. They just look like and include some patterns malicious files could have.
When we face a suspicious file, what should we do first? The first thing we can do, is to see if someone has already wondered the same thing and has done the analysis already!
Many anti-virus tools and other databases are signature based - they might have exact signature hash or some other regular pattern database for detecting malware. Someone/something might have submitted the file into these places and classified it already.
Some tools/utilities for general analysis; does it exist already?
- ClamAV - The biggest Open Source antivirus engine
- VirusTotal - analyze url, file or search by hashes against many AV engines. CLI is available in here.
- Yara - known as the pattern matching swiss knife. Part of VirusTotal, but can be used as CLI or as a Python library for example. Powered by a list of rules.
- Windows Defender - many times underrated - but has possibly the largest signature and pattern based database among all Windows running antivirus engines. Not used here in practice- but should be noted as a good one because of that. (Even scary good at collecting samples)
We could try to use ClamAV:
clamscan <FILENAME>
Or with cincan-command:
cincan run cincan/clamav <FILENAME>
This will scan the file against ClamAV:s current database.
Similar example with yara:
cincan run cincan/yara -w "/rules/index.yar" <FILE>
To search with all predefined rules of yara. (See package in here.)
We could also try to use VirusTotal to see if there is already a report about some of our file(s). We could use the graphical Web interface or CLI tool for that.
In the case of the CLI tool, we should calculate the hash (SHA256) of the file and search based on that at first - in general, uploading is quite a permanent thing and then the file is identified by everyone. By searching with file hash, we can see if the file has been already submitted there.
command can be used for calculating the SHA256 hash of the file.
By using vt-cli
, we can search for example matches by:
vt -k <APIKEY> file <FILEHASH>
# Or with cincan-command
cincan run cincan/virustotal -k <APIKEY> file <FILEHASH>
If you don't want to create an account for VirusTotal, you can use the following API key: cc36b7771c0c738d7923b3209b6ae6c37a868e9412b3c2dd4109b10bda8f4f6e. Key is required for CLI, but a single key can make only 4 requests per one minute.
A) Have files been identified already? Do we find some malicious files based on these tools? Even if there are malicious files, why might they not appear there? What is the disadvantage of using signature-based identification?
You can for example use tables to showcase your analysis results.
B) What is the worst thing you can do with a suspicious Microsoft Office document? (Disabled by default)
C) Malicious PDF files are also common. How are they usually infecting the machine of the potential victim?
D) Let's take a deeper look
Some tools for analysing PDF files are listed below. They attempt to identify some known patterns, which usually can be seen in malicious files, and rarely in clean files. They are easiest to use with cincan-command
but you can install them by yourself. They are also as normal packages in Kali.
At first, ideally we want to find some suspicious keywords from PDFs such as /JavaScript
, /OpenAction
, /GoTo
, /URI
and /RichMedia
,. PDF format is based on a specific structure with possible keyword elements.
Pdf-parser and pdfid are capable for doing that. See --help
of each tool for creating the correct command. Pdf-parser can print each section of the PDF file.
E.g. pdfid is simple to use at a basic level:
cincan run cincan/pdfid <FILENAME>
One of the PDF files is 'malicious'. What it attempts to do, is not working in most PDF readers anymore.
Tools for analysing Microsoft Office documents (OLE2 format, also as Compound File Binary Format) are listed below. Usually these files end with the file extensions '.doc' or '.xls'
For example, the tool olevba
from oletools can be used for analysing VBA macros from the document, and detecting some suspicious keywords:
cincan run cincan/oletools olevba <FILENAME>
|Type |Keyword |Description |
|AutoExec |AutoOpen |Runs when the Word document is opened |
|Suspicious|powershell |May run PowerShell commands |
|Suspicious|EncodedCommand |May run PowerShell commands |
|Suspicious|Base64 Strings |Base64-encoded strings were detected, may be |
| | |used to obfuscate strings (option --decode to|
| | |see all) |
|IOC |calc.exe |Executable file name |
|IOC |wonderful.ps1 |Executable file name |
One of the .doc
files is 'malicious'.
Which files might seem to do something abnormal? What do they attempt to do on a general level? Are they executing some code? Include code. Include also the suspicious keywords of PDF.
It should be noted, that these are not sophisticated malware, just demonstrating basic actions; you can never fully trust the tools.
You work at a very big company as a Security Analyst. Someone has sent a suspicious email message for the Chief IT in charge, and she wants the message analysed by you. She saved the message and delivered it in .eml
format for you.
File can be found from here.
Saved email messages are based on RFC 822 standard in most of the cases. For example Thunderbird, Outlook and Gmail export in this format by default, when you want to save a single message. Could we parse the file and see the content without using these clients? Could we get potential attachments as well?
One possible way is by using eml_parser Python library. Simple client is packaged by CinCan
and can be used with cincan-command
cincan run cincan/eml_parser --help
It has only one optional argument, but it does the work.
This suspicious email has an archived document file as attachment - once it has been acquired, we can start analysing it like in the previous task with the same tools.
How does it look like? Macros again, are they executed automatically?
At first, you can take a look for the document with the tools from the previous task.
However, in this case the macro in the document is obfuscated, and by looking at the source, functionality might be hard to understand. Luckily for us, obfuscation is implemented a bit poorly, and we could use a specific tool for emulating the execution of the macro, and see at some level what it is doing!
This tool, called vipermonkey is intended to analyze and deobfuscate malicious VBA Macros in the Microsoft Office files. It attempts to run macros to see interesting commands and their possible arguments. Tool is not perfect, but it works for most of the documents, and also in this case.
You can also use it with cincan-command
cincan run cincan/vipermonkey <ARGS>
Emulation might be slow, depending on your computer. Using JIT compilation ( It is faster, but produces less detailed output, might be better to not use in this case.--jit
option) might speed up a little.
Tips for deobfuscating the whole macro (Click here)
Vipermonkey is not revealing the one file write operation action, which is related to acquiring embedded data (executable) from the .doc
You should figure out how it is stored and extract it.
Can you guess it from the macro source code? If you have a suitable environment or you know what you are doing, you could run code on real Word and debug runtime variables with breakpoints to see the content. If you can't do that, you can also try to modify source code to print variable contents in such a way that vipermonkey captures the output.
Some helpful documentation about the Word Visual Basic API.
Another way is to attempt to find interesting information from unexpected places.
With oledump
, try to compare sizes and contents of different sections of the file, if there is something strange, particularly in the summary sections. With oledump
, you can also view/dump contents from different sections.
Vipermonkey finds this same data as potential IOCs; we just don't know what that is, from where it is coming from and what is the purpose.
Macro code is using something from there. Which part was related to the actual file structure?
Documentation for the file structure is available in here.
What shell commands macro was executing? Could you shortly describe the idea of carrying the malware and commands? Can we acquire this dropped executable from the document file?
There are a lot of encoded strings, and the command line tool base64
could be useful. Also, if the output is a bit strange, you can use the file
command to see the guessed filetype.
Once we get our hands into this executable, we can go even further. The file
command might tell the type of the executable, and in this case it is unprotected .NET assembly.
Because of the way of how .NET assemblies are created, they can be reversed back into readable source code, if some extra protection is not applied. And we are about to do that; tool named ILSpy is capable for decompiling .NET assemblies. You can install it by yourself or use it with cincan-command:
cincan run cincan/ilspy <ARGS>
What is this executable doing? How it is trying to persist in the system? Is it dropping even more files?
It is getting at least one file over the internet, and that is protected somehow. Command line client of openssl
could be useful here for decrypting it, binary contains required information for doing that.
Figuring out the functionality of this file is left for the next task.
In the previous task, we took the first steps for binary reverse engineering. The binary was created with C# as .NET project.
In this task, we are going to figure out what file boom.ecrypted is actually doing. Based on the previous task, we have enough information to decrypt the file, and get the original binary file. This task is going little further with binary reversing.
Let's see what basic Linux command file has to say about this one:
$ file boom.exe
boom.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
Looks like we are probably facing .NET assembly again.
We can still use previously mentioned ILSpy. Another similar tool, dnSpy is great for GUI based usage, when the Windows machine is available.
When using ILSpy
, pay attention to the tool parameters. The one about whole project decompilation is really useful in this case. Decompilation might take some time. Files are not protected at all.
Tool can be used with cincan-command
cincan run cincan/ilspy <ARGS> <FILE>
This malware was written in Visual Basic (we can see the code as C#) and looks like it has been a Microsoft Visual Studio project.
Now, the intention of this task is to write a short report on what the program is actually doing.
Since we can read the program mostly in C#, it shouldn't be that hard at all. (In most cases malware is written in C language or protected somehow, and on those cases we might need to read pure machine instructions instead.)
You are free to use any tools you want, as long as you are not making analysis in your host system in an unsafe environment. Even though this malware is not dangerous anymore, it's good to have principles, and it leaves some files on your machine anyway.
TIP: In case .resource files (binary type) are provided instead of .resx format, you can convert it into .resx format from command line as:
resgen Resource.resource Resource.resx
(you might need to install the mono-complete
package (Debian) for that)
If you have up-to-date Windows 10 machine with Pro, Enterprise or Education licence, you can use Windows Sandbox for executing the files, if you want to, particularly for seeing the hidden GUI. Another way is to use Windows Test image on VMware or other virtualization solutions.
Answer at least to these questions in your report (if they differ from your template, use these in confusion):
- What was the connected domain? What did it do at first? Did it enable something that further steps succeeded?
- This file contains two additional binaries. (These files have been encoded to .resx file somehow) What are their names? How are those files used?
- Find a way to reverse these files as well, and include the general purposes of these files as well to your report. Additionally:
- How were bots controlled? There were at least two ways, describe the automatic approach at least.
- Some source code or ideas of some common DDoS tools have been used in this malware. Describe three of them. It's enough to identify tools, you can look for information about them elsewhere.
- Malware actually contains a hidden GUI for DDoS tools it is using. Can you find and use it? Describe how you did/could do it.
You have an option to do a predefined task below or suggest some other task you would do. Something interesting in botnets or malware, but we haven't dealt with it yet? Feel free to implement and show us what you got. Your task has to be approved by an assistant before you can start doing it.
One of the required skills of an analyst or digital forensics guy is to get your analysis environment up and running. Sometimes this might take more time than analysis itself.
Ever heard about WannaCry malware? Four years ago (2017), this malware caused a lot of troubles in hospitals and other organisations.
This malware was a ransomware attack, and encrypted all of the important files of the machine. It exploited some vulnerabilities, which gave it self-spreading properties, making it a worm. Luckily there was a flaw (or intended property), which was so called kill switch, and stopped the spreading of malware in the cases when the machine was able to connect to the internet. Every time when malware was executed, it looked for some domain. Based on the result, malware did something. In this task, we will a take look for the original dropper of WannaCry. Only this specific dropper contained a so-called kill-switch.
What we want to do at first, is to make dynamic analysis for it. It means, and we are executing the malware, and see what actually happens.
When you want to analyze malware, you don't usually want to infect your own machine. Instead, you want to run it in some safe environment. Additionally, an easy way to undo changes would be helpful if you want to repeat the process somewhat easily.
Virtual machines are one good solution. Snapshot feature allows easy way to roll back into the situation, where you were before the moment of execution. Modern malware might even detect virtual environments, and therefore are hiding their malicious activities, but we are ignoring it now.
We might have been using virtual machines already at this point, but now we are taking this a little further.
The malware is located in the misc
folder, it is zipped twice and password is infected
You have three options, and you have to mostly figure out things by yourself:
Make analysis by using F-Secure SEE (Sandboxed Execution Environment)
- You have to set up the environment by yourself. See documentation for steps.
- Use Debian Stretch based Linux as installation system for SEE; it might save some hair
- Sample Python code for making network analysis, memory dump and disk analysi is available here: misc/ Note, that you need to configure agents correctly corresponding the code.
- Some tips are mentioned in here.
- You can see example disk changes that WannaCry is causing in here.
Make analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox. Setting up the environment is not very straightforward. Hard!
Not automated analysis (Using native Windows Sandbox or Windows in VirtualBox/VMware)
You have to capture network traffic manually and take memory dump by yourself
Windows Sandbox (Native on latest Windows 10 version: Pro, Enterprise or Education licence required)
- You can quite safely drop files on there and execute them
Windows Test images are available in here. Windows 7 is recommended as you can use volatility2. It works with
as well. -
Wireshark (Choose .exe file)
- Capturing network traffic inside Sandbox or virtualized Windows. Depending on the host, it might be done outside the sandbox as well by selecting correct adapter.
Acquiring memory dump inside from live system: LiveKD (
.\livekd64.exe -o memory.dmp
)- Note: You might need volatility3 for analysing latest Windows 10
On VirtualBox or VMware, taking a memory dump is easier.
In case your Sandbox did not make analysis already, you can manually use volatility2 or volatility3 for acquired memory dump; consult their documentation for making the analysis.
In all of the cases, you are expected to acquire at least a memory dump (and find mutexes) and capture network traffic (and find URL), and do simple static analysis afterwards!
Malware makes a single HTTP request when connection is available; capture it with Wireshark and show it. E.g. screenshot and packet data capture summary. When connection is not available, it encrypts the machine...
In memory analysis (you are expected to do this, when connection is not available == it encrypts the machine), you can use the plugin
of Volatility. What is mutex/mutant in malware analysis? What is the mutex of this particular malware? In the best case, if you create the same mutex before executing the malware, what would happen? Provide Volatility output file/screenshot. -
Verify the URL - make simple static analysis:
You can use (and it is recommended to use) for example radare2 for reverse engineering this executable. In practice, we are disassembling binary to machine instructions, and looking into the code of malware in assembly language. Radare2 will be used in the future as well.
Cheatsheet for Radare2 can be found here.
Do you find the same URL that you captured with Wireshark? Which function calls it? What are the conditions/functionality of binary when calling the the URL and shortly after?
Make a short report including sections above. Include, how you did the dynamic analysis/set up the environment and took the memory dump and captured the network traffic. You can do even more if you want...
You can also try to use tool called Minion with these rules to acquire a lot of information from the memory dump file. It requires a working Docker and should be used on the Linux machine.
- Additional utilities, maybe or maybe not useful