Now that the all the necessary bootstrapping requirements are deployed, the next step in the AKS baseline for regulated workloads reference implementation is deploying the AKS cluster, built on its security-hardened OS and its adjacent Azure resources.
- The cluster and all adjacent resources are deployed.
- This includes core infrastructure such as Azure Application Gateway.
- Private Link configuration
- Jump box (Azure Bastion) access
Get the already-deployed, Virtual Network resource ID that this cluster will be attached to.
RESOURCEID_VNET_CLUSTERSPOKE=$(az deployment group show -g rg-enterprise-networking-spokes-centralus -n spoke-BU0001A0005-01 --query properties.outputs.clusterVnetResourceId.value -o tsv) echo RESOURCEID_VNET_CLUSTERSPOKE: $RESOURCEID_VNET_CLUSTERSPOKE
Identify your jump box image.
# If you used a pre-existing image and not the one built by this walk through, replace the command below with the resource id of that image. RESOURCEID_IMAGE_JUMPBOX=$(az deployment group show -g rg-bu0001a0005-centralus -n CreateJumpBoxImageTemplate --query 'properties.outputs.distributedImageResourceId.value' -o tsv) echo RESOURCEID_IMAGE_JUMPBOX: $RESOURCEID_IMAGE_JUMPBOX
Convert your jump box cloud-init (users) file to Base64.
CLOUDINIT_BASE64=$(base64 jumpBoxCloudInit.yml | tr -d '\n')
If you need to perform this in Powershell, you can achieve the same with this.
Deploy the cluster ARM template.
Alteratively 🛑, you could set these values in
file instead of the individual key-value pairs shown below. You'll be redeploying a slight evolution of this template a later time in this walkthrough, and you might find it easier to have these variables captured in the parameters file as they will not change for the second deployment.GITOPS_REPOURL=$(git config --get remote.origin.url) echo GITOPS_REPOURL: $GITOPS_REPOURL GITOPS_CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME=$(git branch --show-current) echo GITOPS_CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME: $GITOPS_CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME # [This takes about 20 minutes to run.] az deployment group create -g rg-bu0001a0005-centralus -f cluster-stamp.bicep -p targetVnetResourceId=${RESOURCEID_VNET_CLUSTERSPOKE} clusterAdminEntraGroupObjectId=${OBJECTID_GROUP_CLUSTERADMIN} k8sControlPlaneAuthorizationTenantId=${TENANTID_K8SRBAC} appGatewayListenerCertificate=${APP_GATEWAY_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_BASE64} jumpBoxImageResourceId=${RESOURCEID_IMAGE_JUMPBOX} jumpBoxCloudInitAsBase64=${CLOUDINIT_BASE64} gitOpsBootstrappingRepoHttpsUrl=${GITOPS_REPOURL} gitOpsBootstrappingRepoBranch=${GITOPS_CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME} # Or if you updated and wish to use the parameters file … #az deployment group create -g rg-bu0001a0005-centralus -f cluster-stamp.bicep -p ""