🔭 My prettiest projects are:
- Nyffin - A static website for an esport team (nyffin.com)
- Portfolio - My portfolio where one can download my resume (marcli.com)
- ft_transcendence - Build a website to play pong games (TypeScript frameworks)
- minishell - Reproduce a basic shell like bash (C)
- cub3D - A small game using RayCasting like Wolfenstein 3D (C)
👉 If you are a student from 42, check my testers for:
- ft_containers ➡ containers_test - Reimplement 5 containers of the STL (C++)
- libasm ➡ mlibasm_tester - Small library (ASM 64 bits Intel)
- ft_printf ➡ printf_test - Recode printf from scratch using variadic arguments (C)