This folder contains useful jq
filters used for collecting programs matching
particular conditions.
Collect only news programs which have not started yet:
curl http://mirakc:40772/api/programs -sG | \
jq -f not-started.jq | \
jq -f news.jq
Add human-readable startTime
and endTime
curl http://mirakc:40772/api/programs -sG | \
jq -f localtime.jq
Filter by a Mirakurun service ID:
curl http://mirakc:40772/api/programs -sG | \
jq -f msid.jq | jq 'map(select(.msid == 400103))' # BSP
Show summary:
# <id>,<startTime>,<endTime>,<duration in min>,<name>
curl http://mirakc:40772/api/programs -sG | \
jq -f not-started.jq | \
jq -f sports.jq | \
jq -f localtime.jq | \
jq -f summary.jq | \
jq -r '. | @tsv' | \
sed -e '1i ID\tSTART\tEND\tMINS\tTITLE' | \
column -s$'\t' -t