A demo of using Elm with Elixir's Phoenix Framework
- Elixir, installation, used version 1.0.4 for the talk.
- Elm, installation, used version 0.15 for the talk.
- nodejs
Then, in your cloned copy of this repo:
mix deps.get
npm install
mix phoenix.server
Open app at localhost:4000
The repo has some branches I used to advance the talk. Not all branches are in working condition, so they may require coding or enabling of code to work.
Here is a brief overview. Each branch is called stepX, where X is:
- after running mix phoenix.new
- added support for live compile-reload of Elm modules
- add routes and pages to support the final app
- add empty Elm modules to support the app
- the Elm code for Board and Pad (v1)
- set up socket and channels
- add input config for Pad, as reply on channel.join
- try to manage the flooding of messages; use :observer.start()
- Investigate bottleneck leading to build up of messages in one of channel processes' mailbox.
This demo was put together for the Copenhagen Elixir June 2015 meetup
The few "slides" I had can be found here
MIT License
2015 Mads Flensted-Urech