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File metadata and controls

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Pre requisites

  • For the OTEL example with docker, you'll need to have docker installed in your machine. You can follow the instructions here.
  • For the OTEL example with operator, you'll need a kubernetes cluster, you can use minikube or your own kubernetes cluster. Here you can find how to create an AWS EKS cluster using CDK.

Useful commands

To start the mini-kube cluster, run:

minikube start

The OTEL operator requires a TLS certificate manager to be installed in the cluster. To install cert-manager in your cluster, run:

kubectl apply -f

To install the OTEL operator, run:

kubectl apply -f

The command above will install the latest version of the OTEL operator, create a new namespace called opentelemetry-operator-system and deploy the operator in it.

Create a new namespace for the applications:

kubectl create namespace all-applications

OTEL Collector as a sidecar

To deploy the OTEL collector as a sidecar, run:

kubectl apply -f infra/otel/otel-collector-sidecar.yaml

When there are multiple OpenTelemetryCollector resources with a mode set to Sidecar in the same namespace, a concrete name should be used. When there's only one Sidecar instance in the same namespace, this instance is used when the annotation is set to "true" (take a look at the vertx-create-span example). The vertx-create-span is a Vert.x starter project (from, with just enough code to include Jaeger tracer and report a span. To create the pod in your cluster, run:

kubectl apply -f infra/otel/vertx-create-span.yaml

Forwards the port of the vertx-create-span pod to your local machine:

kubectl port-forward -n all-applications pods/vertx-create-span 8080

To test the application, run:

curl http://localhost:8080/

Now, you'll be able to see the spans being reported in the console of sidecar container of the vertx-create-span pod.

kubectl logs -n all-applications vertx-create-span -c otc-container


Build the docker images for the services and push them to minikube's local registry:

eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker-compose -f src/docker-compose.yml build order-api

Deploy the services to the kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f infra/recipes/order/web-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f infra/recipes/order/configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f infra/recipes/order/secret.yaml


Read the file inside the src folder to know how to run the services locally outside of docker or kubernetes.

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