A curated list of awesome Eos.io plugins. Inspired by awesome-go.
For a generic list of EOSIO resources, visit awesome-eos
Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first.
Push blockchain data into a queue
- kafka_plugin - Kafka
- eos_zmq_plugin - ZeroMQ
- eos-rabbitmq-plugin - RabbitMQ
Sync blockchain data into a DB
- eosio_sql_plugin - SOCI based SQL Databases
- eos_sql_db_plugin - MySQL Databases
- elasticsearch_plugin - ElasticSearch
Notify blockchain data to consumers through other protocols:
- eosio-watcher-plugin - HTTP POST to endpoint for on chain actions
- eosio_block_subscription_plugin - TCP Server for push block notifications
- eosio_trace_subscription_plugin - TCP Server for push block transaction traces
- eosio_all_code_dump_plugin - Dump all contract code to a directory
- eos-producer-heartbeat-plugin - BP Heartbeat
- blacklist_plugin - Integration with the BP Blacklist contract