C represents the weekly incidence in my model & it's a state. At each time step (week 1, week 2, week 3), I compute from the 500,000 particles the mean & 2.5 % & 97.5% quantiles of that state, which I assume will be the confidence (credible?) intervals of the fit. If I plot those results against the data, it's almost perfect. Too good to be true.
\nHowever, that mean is different from the \"pred.mean\". I think I've got a misunderstanding in my concepts.
\nIn short, what would be the appropriate way to estimate the mean & uncertainty intervals of a particle filter fit?
","upvoteCount":2,"answerCount":3,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Dear Professor King (@kingaa),
\nI appreciate your thorough response & the time you devoted to this. It has answered some of my doubts but also raised new ones. Here are the model equations to clarify the context of this work.
\nCsnippet(\"\n y = rpois(C); \n \") -> rmeas\n\nCsnippet(\"\n lik = dpois(y,C,give_log);\n\") -> dmeas\n\nCsnippet(\"\n S = 5e6 - I_0;\n E = 0;\n I = I_0;\n R = 0;\n B = B_0;\n C = 0;\n \") -> rinit\n\n Csnippet(\"\n double dW = rnorm(0, sqrt(dt));\n double lambda = B * I / N;\n S-= (S * lambda)*dt;\n E+= (S * lambda - sigma*E)*dt;\n I+= (sigma * E - gamma*I)*dt;\n R+= (gamma*I)*dt;\n B+= alpha*B*dW;\n C+= (rho*sigma*E)*dt;\n \") -> SEIR_GBM_step\n
The calibration of this model is in the context of a COVID-19 outbreak. As such, the assumption that the effective contact rate (B) is constant no longer holds, even for a short period given the quick measures imposed since first cases reported. For this reason, my purpose is to approximate the trend of a time-varying B, which translates into a time-varying basic reproduction number. I propose Geometric Brownian Motion as a vehicle to unravel such a trend. By no means, I conceive B as a random walk. For this reason, I don't think that this model is able to answer \"How well does the model explain the data?\". Considering that a random walk can produce a broad arrange of trajectories & incidences, the observed data has a tiny probability of being drawn. To complement this point, I think this also the reason the ESS goes relatively low. To 10% of the ensemble size.
\nConsequently, the focus of this research is on the question \"Given the model, what was the path of the latent process actually taken in the single realization that was observed?\". My approach is that the particle filter can answer that question. However, to run a particle filter, I need a complete set of initial values. In this case, I'm assuming I don't know I(0), B(0), alpha & rho. I followed your tutorial to estimate such values via Iterated Filtering. Fortunately, there's concentration of measure around a single region & I can compute confidence intervals using the profile likelihood approach. Subsequently, I plug the MLE into the particle filter to obtain an estimate of the time-varying B. With this, I can compute the time-varying basic & effective reproduction number.
\nBased on the above, I've got the following questions:
\n- Is this approach enough to answer the research question? When I said \"too good to be true\", it was because the filtering distribution (mean) fitted very well the data with narrow uncertainty intervals. I estimated the mean from the 500.000 particles returned by saved.states & calculated intervals via the quantile
function in R.
You mentioned pMCMC
as a method to estimate the smoothing distribution. I presumed (perhaps incorrectly) that pMCMC was the Bayesian counterpart of the frequentist Iterated Filtering for the estimation of constant parameters. Should I estimate the smoothing distribution to answer my research question?
Finally, if the particle filter approach is enough, the variance in the fit is due to the randomness in the structure of the process model. However, I'm fixing parameters to the estimated MLE's. Should I run the particle filter from the complete distribution of the confidence intervals to account for the uncertainty in parameter estimates? Or should I commit to the MLE's?
Dear Professor King, First of all thank you so much for this package & the related documentation. I've been following your course "Simulation-based Inference for Epidemiological Dynamics" & I've found it quite valuable to my research. Recently, I've been working with an SEIR model (ODE) whose effective contact rate is modelled as Geometric Brownian Motion with no drift. Essentially, a non-negative random walk. I used iterated filtering to estimate a few parameters from that model. So far, the results are encouraging, i.e. quadratic shapes for the MLE. From this MLE, I want produce a "fit" & compare it to the real data. To do so, I plug the MLE into the particle filter:
C represents the weekly incidence in my model & it's a state. At each time step (week 1, week 2, week 3), I compute from the 500,000 particles the mean & 2.5 % & 97.5% quantiles of that state, which I assume will be the confidence (credible?) intervals of the fit. If I plot those results against the data, it's almost perfect. Too good to be true. However, that mean is different from the "pred.mean". I think I've got a misunderstanding in my concepts. In short, what would be the appropriate way to estimate the mean & uncertainty intervals of a particle filter fit? Thanks. |
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Thanks @jandraor, for the kind words, and thanks for bringing up a good question. If Your intuition that the filter distribution is "too good to be true" is a valuable one and it is fortunate that you respect your intuition. You haven't made it entirely clear why you are doing what you are doing, but if I guess correctly, you are asking the extremely pertinent question, "How does the model explain the data?" and perhaps the closely related, "How well does the model explain the data?". The royal road to answering these questions lies through gaining an understanding of the distribution of the data under the model. To be precise, the fitted model is nothing other than a probability distribution for Now, you may (also) be interested in asking the very different question, "Given the model, what was the path of the latent process actually taken in the single realization that was observed?" For example, you wish to know what the value of your variable |
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Dear Professor King (@kingaa), I appreciate your thorough response & the time you devoted to this. It has answered some of my doubts but also raised new ones. Here are the model equations to clarify the context of this work.
The calibration of this model is in the context of a COVID-19 outbreak. As such, the assumption that the effective contact rate (B) is constant no longer holds, even for a short period given the quick measures imposed since first cases reported. For this reason, my purpose is to approximate the trend of a time-varying B, which translates into a time-varying basic reproduction number. I propose Geometric Brownian Motion as a vehicle to unravel such a trend. By no means, I conceive B as a random walk. For this reason, I don't think that this model is able to answer "How well does the model explain the data?". Considering that a random walk can produce a broad arrange of trajectories & incidences, the observed data has a tiny probability of being drawn. To complement this point, I think this also the reason the ESS goes relatively low. To 10% of the ensemble size. Consequently, the focus of this research is on the question "Given the model, what was the path of the latent process actually taken in the single realization that was observed?". My approach is that the particle filter can answer that question. However, to run a particle filter, I need a complete set of initial values. In this case, I'm assuming I don't know I(0), B(0), alpha & rho. I followed your tutorial to estimate such values via Iterated Filtering. Fortunately, there's concentration of measure around a single region & I can compute confidence intervals using the profile likelihood approach. Subsequently, I plug the MLE into the particle filter to obtain an estimate of the time-varying B. With this, I can compute the time-varying basic & effective reproduction number. Based on the above, I've got the following questions: - Is this approach enough to answer the research question? When I said "too good to be true", it was because the filtering distribution (mean) fitted very well the data with narrow uncertainty intervals. I estimated the mean from the 500.000 particles returned by saved.states & calculated intervals via the
Thanks. |
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Hi Prof King, It's fascinating to see how disinterested guidance can contribute to the career of a researcher. In my case, this discussion shaped to a large extent what later would become a paper. Thank you. Here is the result: https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010206 |
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Dear Professor King (@kingaa),
I appreciate your thorough response & the time you devoted to this. It has answered some of my doubts but also raised new ones. Here are the model equations to clarify the context of this work.