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Bertrand Lupart bertrand-lupart
Hiking in cyberian outbacks. Stopping by fishing @pikelang 🦈

@gstackio @alenatec @accenture France

Jackson Hardee jph6366
Full Stack (Geo)Spatial Software Engineer

Wilmington, NC

Guiz GuillaumeCz
Scandalously trying to dev...

... ...

Elliot Vincent ElliotVincent
AI Coordinator/Researcher at IGN France. Former PhD Student at École des Ponts ParisTech Imagine and INRIA Willow in computer vision.

IGN Saint-Mandé, France

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Sylvain Lafay slafayIGN
Working at @IGNF #geodata #collaboratif

IGN Lille / St-Mandé, France

Killian Droulez kiiks
Mobile app developer, Playing with @NativeScript & @godotengine

BH Technologies France

Julien Gaffuri jgaffuri
GIS and cartography at Eurostat

@eurostat Luxembourg, France

Mars0test Thomthomars
Hi, PHP/API-plateform/Symfony/Drupal Developer.

Paris, France

Greg Hoin gregone
Senior Front-End Engineer @hashicorp.

@hashicorp Annecy, France

P4blo pablomarcos
Mixed Reality Product Manager @ Airbus

Airbus Pyrenees

Xav Dmz XavDmz
IT/geomatics technician for

@IGNF France

Huchen Li lihc-cz
Ph.D. student

Wuhan University Wuhan,China

Geoffrey Bonneville G-Ray
PikaTorrent developer ⚡ I ❤️ open source and decentralized technologies

PikaTorrent ⚡ France

Raphael Sulzer raphaelsulzer
Postdoc @ TITANE team, INRIA

Nice, France

THION Romuald romulusFR
Associate professor in CS at UCBL on secondment to Agreste #teaching #research #postgresql #postgis #web #Python #JS #datascience #db #cybersec #gis

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / DRAAF Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Lyon, France

Stefan Luger sluger
Frontend, Visualization, and Software Engineer based in Zürich 🏔️🚵‍♂️🎿⛷🏂🏃🧗🏻‍♂️

Geoprevent Zürich, Switzerland

Tarek arxaqapi
Machine Learning Research Engineer @LAAC-LSCP

Nuée Lab & CNRS

Julien (l'autre) julien-lharidon
Ingénieur d'Etat en poste à l'IGN


Nox 0xN0x
Ham Radio, Pentester and brainfuck developer


Jakob Miksch JakobMiksch
Geospatial Developer

@siticom Heidelberg, Germany, Europe

Guillaume Lion gravit8n
I am a researcher in the field of chronometric geodesy, with a background in orbital dynamics, numerical methods,...

IPGP Paris

Sylvie HOAREAU SylvieHoareau
Développeuse Web passionnée 👩‍💻 j'adore produire des applications complètes efficaces, user-friendly et inclusive.