This wiki contains all information from CDC Plattform git repository.
You want to start quick? Sorry then you must use an other solution.
If you create your sever you should use at least:
- 4 CPU cores
- 8 GB of RAM
- >25 GB of disk space (the faster the better), but it depends on your requirement
- For MISP:
- For TheHive:
- For Cortex:
- For Watcher:
- For OpenCTI:
- Install docker:
- Install docker-compose:
- Install git
- [Optional, but recommended] Install make
- Clone git repository:
git clone /opt/cdc-plattform
(any other path can also choosen)
-, HTTPS, 443/tcp
-, HTTPS, 443/tcp
It depends on what you onboard to OpenCTI, MISP, Cortex, ...
- For Elasticsearch:
- Copy .env.sample:
cp .env.sample .env
- Modify .env file to your requirements:
sudo vi .env
- Pull images:
sudo docker-compose pull
ormake install
- Start main plattform:
docker-compose up -d
ormake start
Alternativ start only a part:docker-compose up -d cortex
see Watcher
see OpenCTI