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Base Style Config Change Log

October 2022

  • Fixes CI configuration.

May 2020 / base-style-config.jar - 4.1.1 / eslint-plugin-base-style-config - 2.1.1

  • Updates Type parameters names regular expression.
  • Updates README files.

May 2020 / base-style-config.jar - 4.1.0 / eslint-plugin-base-style-config - 2.0.0

  • Adds some prepositions to regular expressions for names: at, by, in, on, to & up.
  • Updates README files.

February 2020 / base-style-config.jar - 4.0.1 / eslint-plugin-base-style-config - 1.0.2

  • Updates the Type Parameters names rule with an additional pattern to allow to given more context in the name.
  • Updates README files.

December 2019

November 2019 / base-style-config.jar - 4.0.0 / eslint-plugin-base-style-config - 1.0.0

  • Moves js style configuration files to its own project, it was hard to use this configuration files in npm projects (no gradle projects).
    • js and java project will have from now on each one its own version.
  • typescript-eslint now extends from eslint rules
    • Improves maintainability.
  • Improves eslint rule id-match, allowing $ character at the beginning.
  • Removes @typescript-eslint/indent was colliding with eslint indent.
  • Removes @typescript-eslint/no-angle-bracket-type-assertion (It's no available anymore since 2.0.0).
    • Adds @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions.
  • Removes eslint rule yoda, same as quotes & semicolon should be enforce based on language and team, because it can also harm maintainability.
  • Renames coding-rules.xml to java-rules.xml.
  • Renames coding-checks.xml to java-checks.xml.
  • Updates README file.

3.0.3 - September 2019

  • Adds rules: UseOnlyWillFamilyMethodsWhenStubbing, UseOnlyThenFamilyMethodsWhenMocking, DoNotMixBDDandTDD and PreferBDDTesting.
  • Renames UseOnlyDoFamilyMethodsWhenMocking rule to UseDoFamilyMethodsWhenStubbing.
  • Fixes LineLength Codenarc rule, it was not ignoring single quoted strings.
  • Updates README file.

3.0.2 - September 2019

  • Standardize naming convention for Java, Groovy and JS:
    • Updates Codenarc rules: ClassName, FieldName, MethodName, InterfaceName, ParameterName , PropertyName and VariableName.
    • Updates Checkstyle rules: LocalFinalVariableName, MemberName, MethodName, ParameterName and TypeName.
    • Adds Checkstyle rules: LambdaParameterName, ConstantName.
    • Adds Custom Checkstyle rules: ConstantNameLength and TestTypeName.
    • Adds Custom Codenarc rules: ConstantNameLength, GradleVariableName, GroovyTestClassName and GroovyTestMethodName.
    • Adds MethodNamingConventions PMD rule for checking Test files.
    • Adds id-length ESlint rule.
    • Adds @typescript-eslint/generic-type-naming rule.
    • Updates Checkstyle rules: ClassTypeParameterName, InterfaceTypeParameterName and MethodTypeParameterName.
    • Updates id-match ESlint rule.
    • Excludes PMD rules: FieldNamingConventions, FormalParameterNamingConventions, GenericsNaming, LocalVariableNamingConventions, LongVariable, ShortClassName, ShortVariable and ShortMethodName, cases which are now resolved by Checkstyle rules.
    • Adds required suppressions.
  • Updates LineLength Codenarc rule, to be synchronize with Checkstyle LineLength rule.

3.0.1 - August 2019

  • Updates TooManyMethods PMD rule and MethodCount Codenarc rule to have a limit of 30 methods by class.
  • Updates ParameterNumber Checkstyle rule and TooManyFields PMD rule to have be consistent with each other, having a limit of 7 fields by class and 7 parameters by method (including constructor).
    • Consequently, max-params ESlint rule and ParameterCount Codenarc rule were updated.
  • Updates README file.

3.0.0 - August 2019

  • Breaking changes:
    • Removes .stylelintrc.json. (It was not providing any real benefit, with only 1 rule, that conflict with the new convention of defining quotes style locally. Besides stylelint inheritance mechanism does not lend to an easy configuration).
    • Renames back folder to java, it gives more accurate context.
    • Renames front folder to js, it gives more accurate context.
  • Fixes compatibility with Checkstyle 8.21:
    • Removes PARAMETER_DEF from Rule AnnotationLocationVariableAndParameter.
    • Renames AnnotationLocationVariableAndParameter to AnnotationLocationVariable.
  • Updates Method Size Rule for Checkstyle, CodeNarc & ESLint to 30 lines, which is readable without scrolling, this will increase Mantainability.
  • Disables CompileStatic Codenarc rule, since in gradle code is not mandatory.
  • Adds a suppression for e2eTest/E2eTest files in ExcessiveImports PMD rule. (E2E tests tends to be bigger files, having only one big E2E set is useful since loading time is usually bigger and slower than other types of test.)
  • Adds .typescript-eslintrc.json.
  • Updates README file.

2.0.7 - August 2019

  • Adds object-curly-spacing to eslint rules.
  • Improves LineLength Checkstyle rule to allow any number of specific tokens at start of the line.
  • Improves UseMultilineTernaryOperator Checkstyle rule to avoid a false-positive in Method references.
  • Improves utilityClassPattern in ClassNamingConventions PMD rule to also allow names defined only with one of established suffixes.
  • Adds Mappers suffix to utilityClassPattern in ClassNamingConventions PMD rule.
  • Updates EmptyLineSeparator Checkstyle rule to allow empty line for packages definition.
  • Removes ExcessiveMethodLength PMD rule which is already checked by Checkstyle (which allows suppressions for tests).
  • Removes LoggerIsNotStaticFinal PMD rule which was preventing Logger injection, useful in some special cases.
  • Adds SuppressWarningsFilter to Checkstyle in order to be consistent with PMD, allowing suppressions of rule in code for special cases using @SuppressWarnings annotation.

2.0.6 - June 2019

  • Sets "ignoreStrings": true, "ignoreTemplateLiterals": in from max-len eslint rule, in order to be consistent with Checkstyle rules.
  • Updates README file.

2.0.5 - May 2019

  • Add a new extension to be checked by Common rules: pri.
  • Removes no-invalid-this from eslint rules, it gives error on fat arrow member functions, should be set locally in each project as required.
  • Updates README file.

2.0.4 - May 2019

  • Updates LineLength Checkstyle rule to allow long string.
  • Adjusts UseMultilineTernaryOperator Checkstyle/Codenarc rule to avoid some false positive when defining JSON strings.
  • Updates README file.

2.0.3 - May 2019

  • Enforces 3/23 rule name length limits.
    • Creates LongMethodName, a custom rule for CodeNarc rules to limit methods' name size.
    • Adds a suppressions for ShortVariable & ShortMethodName PMD rules, to allow for id, of, k & K names.
    • Adds id-match eslint rule to enforce variable/field/method length and to allow for id, of, k & K names, as in backend rules.
    • Updates LocalVariableName & LocalFinalVariableName Checkstyle rules and LocalVariableNamingConventions PMD rule to be similar to frontend id-match rule.
  • Adds new exceptions and markers to spaced-comment eslint rule, to allow special comments, like Flow comments.
  • Adds new extensions to be checked by Common rules: .c, .cpp, flowconfig, .h, .hpp, jsx, mjs, qml, pro & tsx.
  • Updates README file.

2.0.2 - April 2019

  • New rules for forcing public fields to be final:
    • Checkstyle: Updates VisibilityModifier rule to allow public final fields.
    • CodeNarc: Disables PublicInstanceField rule and Adds security rule set which contains NonFinalPublicField rule.
  • Sets priority to 0 (reported but does not cause a failure) for InstanceOf rule from CodeNarc.
  • Fixes AnnotateClassesWith@CompileStaticOr@TypeChecked Codenarc rule, was not allowing comments.
  • Updates README file.

2.0.1 - April 2019

  • Updates EmptyLineSeparator Checkstyle rule to allow fields on a class to be immediately below to each other without line between them.
  • Removes forceStrictCondition from Checkstyles which allows more freedom on indentation in order to get a code more similar to JS code.
  • Updates Gitlab CI configuration.
  • Updates README file.
    • Adds a new section Code Style convention/tips, in order to talk about some code style conventions which allow to improve Readability and also allow more code style consistency between Java, Groovy and JS code, since some rules between them cannot be exactly equally defined.

2.0.0 - March 2019

  • Breaking changes:
    • Changes gradle folder name to groovy.
    • Changes gradle-rules.groovy file name to groovy-rules.groovy.
    • Removes "extends" from .eslintrc.json, it was not allowing for proper eslint config cascading. (It's not really "breaking" change, but the assumption that extends "eslint:recommended" is lost).
  • Adds the design rule set to Codenarc.
  • Strengthen import rules in Javascript, makes it more consistent with Defined Backend rules:
    • Adds sort-imports, no-duplicate-imports, no-new-require and no-mixed-requires.
  • Updates the eslint rules with operator-linebreak and the checkstyle checks with OperatorWrap in order to check for line breaks on operators, operator must be on a new line, this with the intention of increasing Readability.
  • Updates Codenarc rules SpaceAfterOpeningBrace & SpaceBeforeClosingBrace to ignore empty blocks.
  • Excludes Codenarc rule UnnecessaryReturnKeyword in order to increase Readability, some cases may be ok, like a method with one statement. Additionally, explicitly using return may increase code coverage values.
  • Excludes Codenarc rule UnnecessaryCast, in some case is required the use of a cast, e.g. an empty List of String [] as List<String>.
  • Excludes new Codenarc rules ClassEndsWithBlankLine & ClassStartsWithBlankLine.
  • Updates Codenarc exclusion to the new format using (enabled: false), which allows for better rules version validation.
  • Adds Versions Compatibility Table.
  • Updates Gitlab CI configuration.
  • Upgrades Gradle to version 5.3.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.14 - March 2019

  • Removes quotes from eslint rules, should be set based on Backend language (or preference), for Groovy could be set to ' -> "quotes": ["quotes", "single"], for C++, Java or QML could be set to " -> "quotes": ["quotes", "double"].
  • Removes semi from eslint rules, should be set based on Backend language (or preference), for Groovy or QML could be set to "semi": ["quotes", "never"], for C++ or Java could be set to "semi": ["quotes", "always"].
  • Updates indent eslint rules to enforce different indentation in function declarations.
  • Updates DOCTYPE's FPI and URI for checkstyle files.
  • Adds new exceptions and markers to spaced-comment, to allow special comments, like Flow comments.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.13 - February 2019

  • Removes requires-jsdoc from eslint rules, as in Java checks, favoring self-documented code and agile development, and not forcing documentation.
  • Adds exceptions and markers to spaced-comment, to allow special comments, like Flow comments.
  • Adds Smoke Tests for .eslintrc and .stylelintrc.
  • Updates README file.

February 2019 B

  • Adds gitlab-ci.yml.
  • Updates build.gradle.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.12 - February 2019

  • Removes UnnecessaryPublicModifier from CodeNarc's rules, switching between different languages, for example Java, Groovy and C ++, the change can become confusing with the default modifiers, this will allow using modifiers always, and forgetting what is the default value.
  • Changes CustomImportOrder check to give more freedom to import on java, due to all this mixing of programming languages can be in a project, it's "better" to only require alphabetical order.
  • Fixes CallOnlyOneMethodPerLineForChainedCall check, it was giving false positives for split calls and had some problems with Casts.
  • Fixes UseMultilineTernaryOperator Checkstyle check, it had some XML CDATA error.
  • Adds Tests for Regular Expressions.
  • Upgrades Gradle to version 5.2.1.
  • Updates README file.

February 2019

  • Moves configuration files from config/ to src/config (may get confused with project config files).

1.0.11 - December 2018

  • Fixes UseMultilineTernaryOperator, it was missing some cases for generics wildcards.

1.0.10 - December 2018

  • Updates AnnotateClassesWith@CompileStaticOr@TypeChecked to also check for interfaces and traits.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.9 - November 2018

  • Sets priority to 0 (reported but does not cause a failure) for GStringExpressionWithinString rule from CodeNarc, it was causing some "false-positive", e.g. '--file ${npm_config_configFile}'.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.8 - October 2018

  • Sets priority to 0 (reported but does not cause a failure) for CouldBeElvis rule from CodeNarc, it was causing some "false-positive", e.g. if (!object.field) object.field = value value is required as object.field = object.field ?: value.
  • Fixes SpaceBeforeOperator and Exactly1SpaceBeforeOperator:
    • It was not checking .& operator.
    • Removes validations for < << <<< >> >>>, some false-positive were arising.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.7 - October 2018

  • Creates CallOnlyOneMethodPerLineForChainedCall, a custom rule for CodeNarc rules.
  • Creates UseMultilineTernaryOperator, a custom rule for CodeNarc rules.
  • Customizes PMD's ClassNamingConventions rule to allow Factory suffix for Utility classes.
  • Customizes PMD's FieldNamingConventions rule:
    • To do real check for CamelCase.
    • To allow Constant or Non-Constants conventions for static final fields..
  • Customizes Checkstyle's AbbreviationAsWordInName rule to allow some freedom in final variables.
  • Improves Checkstyle's CallOnlyOneMethodPerLineForChainedCall rule.
  • Removes CodeNarc's SpaceAroundOperator rule, it is unstable for some patterns (produces some false-positive).
  • Creates SpaceBeforeOperator, SpaceAfterOperator, Exactly1SpaceBeforeOperator & Exactly1SpaceAfterOperator rules for CodeNarc.
    • Substitutes SpaceAroundOperator rule.
  • Removes MethodCount for CodeNarc (missed this before).
  • Fixes UseMultilineTernaryOperator rule to ignore Wildcards.
  • Fixes Checkstyle's suppression file.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.6 - October 2018

  • Adds new rules to Checkstyle and CodeNarc:
    • NameOfTestsMustStartWithShould to guaranteed that test methods name are prefixed with the word should.
  • Adds AnonInnerLength and VariableDeclarationUsageDistance check to Backend Checkstyle checks.
  • Updates Method Size Rule for Checkstyle, CodeNarc & ESLint to 25 lines, which is readable without scrolling, this will increase Mantainability.
  • Removes Method Count Rules and adds File Length rules for Checkstyle, CodeNarc & ESLint, to allow to be more functional oriented.
    • Disables File Length Rule for test files in Checkstyle & CodeNarc.
    • Actually does not remove MethodCount for Backend Checkstyle checks, but modifies in order to only check the count for public methods.
  • Adds TooManyFields PMD rule to allow a maximum of 6 fields.
  • Enables Cyclomatic Complexity rule for Test files on Checkstyle & CodeNarc, in order to increase its Mantainability.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.5 - October 2018

  • Maven Group now is on all.shared.quality
  • Fixes AnnotateClassesWith@CompileStaticOr@TypeChecked to also allow final classes.
  • Ignores some of the CodeNarc's rules for Test's files: UnnecessarySetter to allow mocking and verification.
  • Excludes CodeNarc's rule 'UnnecessaryObjectReferences' for same reason that other languages do not recommend it, e.g.: performance, readability.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.4 - September 2018

  • Adds new rules to Checkstyle and CodeNarc:
    • UseOnlyMockOrSpyPrefixOnTestFiles to use the 'mock' or 'spy' prefixes only on test's files.
      • This rule is ignored in Test's files.
    • UseOnlyDoFamilyMethodsWhenMocking to use only do*'s family methods when using Mockito: doAnswer, doCallRealMethod, doNothing, doReturn & doThrow (Mockito.when and BDDMockito.given have some "issues")
  • Adds new rule AnnotateClassesWith@CompileStaticOr@TypeChecked to CodeNarc to check if Main class is annotated with @CompileStatic or @TypeChecked.
  • Customizes CodeNarc's rule BracesForIfElse to have same Stroustrup style that Checkstyle and ESLint.
  • Enables some CodeNarc's rules for *.groovy files and excludes to *.gradle files: Indentation, NoDef, Indentation and VariableTypeRequired
  • Ignores some of the CodeNarc's rules for Test's files: UnnecessaryGetter to allow mocking.
  • Fixes some indentation issues in coding-checks.xml file.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.3 - September 2018

  • Adds DeclarationOrder check to Backend Checkstyle checks.
  • Updates Suppressions for Test's files in Checkstyle:
    • Adds suppressions for CyclomaticComplexity and MethodLength checks.
  • Updates CodeNarc's rulesets in order to:
    • Be more similar to Backend Checkstyle checks: updates rulesets/convention.xml, rulesets/imports.xml and rulesets/naming.xml.
    • Ignore some rules for Test's files: CyclomaticComplexity, MethodCount and MethodSize.
  • Sets priority to 0 (are reported but does not cause a failure) for DuplicateNumberLiteral and DuplicateStringLiteral rules from CodeNarc, at the moment of this change, these two rules did not allow for a configurable limit of allowed duplications, which turns these rules into impractical.
  • Excludes ClassJavadoc rule from CodeNarc's rulesets/formatting.xml set of rules.
  • Excludes CrapMetric rule from CodeNarc's rulesets/size.xml set of rules.
  • Updates README file.

1.0.2 - September 2018

  • Excludes AbcMetric rule from CodeNarc's rulesets/size.xml set of rules.

1.0.1 - September 2018

  • Adds new rules to Checkstyle to check Stroustrup brackets on Backend:
    • LeftCurly.
    • RightCurly.
  • Adds new rules to ESLint mainly to get consistency between Backend's and Frontend's code:
    • max-classes-per-file.
    • max-lines (to get a similar to Backend limit on method count).
    • complexity.
  • Adds new set of rules to Codenarc mainly to get consistency between Backend's, Frontend's and Build's code:
    • rulesets/size.xml.
  • Modifies some ESLint's rules:
    • brace-style is now stroustrup.
  • Moves the Cyclomatic Complexity's check from PMD to Checkstyle.
  • Sets parameters number limit for methods to 5.
  • Improves the AvoidFieldInjection PMD custom rule, to check for inline annotations: @javax.inject.Inject, and @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired.
  • Fixes the BeanMembersShouldSerialize PMD core rule, to check for transient only when the class does implements interface or has the javax.persistence.Entity Annotation.
  • Upgrades Gradle to version 4.10.2.
  • Updates README file.