These directions assume you are comfortable using Node Package Manager (npm), GitHub, and Terminal
Clone this repository from Github
Open Terminal and navigate to the warmups/es6_warmup directory
Make sure you have jasmine installed:
jasmine -v
If it isn't installed (you didn't get the version number in the last command), install it:
npm install -g jasmine
From the es6_warmup directory type
to run the tests -
Open convert_to_ES6.js and follow the directions at the top of the file
Note: Jasmine is used to run the tests. The first 6 tests should pass, the ES6 versions are the ones you should make pass You should see output similar to the following (you will see more failure details than this, I have truncated the output here) :
1) Es6 Version: it should swap the values for the given indices
Expected [ 1, 2, 3 ] to equal [ 2, 1, 3 ].
Error: Expected [ 1, 2, 3 ] to equal [ 2, 1, 3 ].
at Object.swapEs6Spec (/es6_warmup/spec/convert_to_Es6_spec.js:41:17)
12 specs, 6 failures
Finished in 0.016 seconds