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Build and Run

cabal update
cabal run miniCheck -- "examples/ts.txt" "examples/ctl.txt"

positional argument 1: the path for the transition system file positional argument 2: the path for the computational tree logic file

more examples

cabal run miniCheck -- "examples/ts.txt" "examples/ctl.txt"
cabal run miniCheck -- "examples/ts.txt" "examples/ctl.txt" --ts
cabal run miniCheck -- --help
cabal run miniCheck -- extensionmode --extensions
cabal run miniCheck -- minimmmode "examples/minimm.txt" "examples/ctl_minimm.txt"
cabal run miniCheck -- ltlmode "examples/ts.txt" "examples/ltl.txt" 5

Run all tests

cabal update
cabal test --test-show-details=direct

Generate Documentation


cabal haddock --haddock-executables

Transition Systems (TS)

Formally, a TS is a tuple $(S, Act, \to, I, AP, L)$, where

  • $S$ is a set of states,
  • $Act$ is a set of actions,
  • $\to \subseteq S x Act x S$ is a transition relation
  • $I \subseteq S$ is a set of initial states
  • $AP$ is a set of atomic propositions
  • $L : S \to 2^{AP}$ is a labelling function.

Textual Representation

TS example image

  • states: pay, select, soda, beer
  • actions: get_soda, get_beer, insert_coin
transition_system = definition | definition newline transition_system;
definition        = initial_state | normal_state | actions | transition | label_func;
initial_state     = "initial state" identifier {"," identifier};
normal_state      = "state" identifier {"," identifier};
transition        = "trans" identifier (identifier | "TRU€") identifier;
label_func        = "labels" identifier ":" label {"," label};
label             = ["-"] identifier;

newline           = "\n";
lower_char        = "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "z";
identifier        = lower_char {"_" | lower_char};

To improve usability you can also write comments which are haskell like comments and start with --.


initial states pay
states select, soda, beer
actions insert_coin, get_beer, get_soda

tr️ans soda get_soda pay
trans beer get_beer pay
trans pay insert_coin select
trans select TRUE beer           //internal transition
trans select TRUE soda

labels select: -x, y, -z, -a, b

Computational Tree Logic (CTL)

ctl_system        = ctl_formula | ctl_formula ctl_system;
ctl_formula       = state_formula | path_formula;

state_formula     = "AP" identifier
                  | "NOT" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "AND" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "OR" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "IMPLIES" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "EQUIVALENT" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "XOR" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "EXISTS" "(" path_formula ")"
                  | "FORALL" "(" path_formula ")"

path_formula      = "O" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "U" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "E" "(" state_formula ")"
                  | "A" "(" state_formula ")"

lower_char        = "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "z";
digits            = "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9";
identifier        = lower_char {"_" | lower_char | digits};

To improve usability you can also write comments which are haskell like comments and start with --.


FORALL (U (AND (AP ap1) (NOT (AP ap2))) (OR (AP ap3) (EXISTS (A (AP ap4)))))

Extension 1: Mini--

The grammar is still the same from the assingment, however we replaced the mathematical operators with the more common C-like operators:

& for ∧ (binary and)
| for ∨ (binary or)
^ for ⊕ (binary xor)
=> for ⟹ (implies, doesn't exist in C so it's new)
== for ⟺ (equality)

Also for convenience it implements C-like line comments.

Extension 2: Bounded LTL Model Checking

ltl_formular        = "TRUE"
                    | "AP" identifier
                    | "NOT" ltl_formular
                    | "AND" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
                    | "OR" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
                    | "XOR" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
                    | "IMPLIES" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
                    | "EQUIVALENT" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
                    | "O" "(" ltl_formular ")"
                    | "U" "(" ltl_formular ")" "(" ltl_formular ")"
                    | "E" "(" ltl_formular ")"
                    | "A" "(" ltl_formular ")"

lower_char        = "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "z";
digits            = "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9";
identifier        = lower_char {"_" | lower_char | digits};

To improve usability you can also write comments which are haskell like comments and start with --.