cabal update
cabal run miniCheck -- "examples/ts.txt" "examples/ctl.txt"
positional argument 1: the path for the transition system file positional argument 2: the path for the computational tree logic file
more examples
cabal run miniCheck -- "examples/ts.txt" "examples/ctl.txt"
cabal run miniCheck -- "examples/ts.txt" "examples/ctl.txt" --ts
cabal run miniCheck -- --help
cabal run miniCheck -- extensionmode --extensions
cabal run miniCheck -- minimmmode "examples/minimm.txt" "examples/ctl_minimm.txt"
cabal run miniCheck -- ltlmode "examples/ts.txt" "examples/ltl.txt" 5
cabal update
cabal test --test-show-details=direct
cabal haddock --haddock-executables
Formally, a TS is a tuple
$S$ is a set of states, -
$Act$ is a set of actions, -
$\to \subseteq S x Act x S$ is a transition relation -
$I \subseteq S$ is a set of initial states -
$AP$ is a set of atomic propositions -
$L : S \to 2^{AP}$ is a labelling function.
- states: pay, select, soda, beer
- actions: get_soda, get_beer, insert_coin
transition_system = definition | definition newline transition_system;
definition = initial_state | normal_state | actions | transition | label_func;
initial_state = "initial state" identifier {"," identifier};
normal_state = "state" identifier {"," identifier};
transition = "trans" identifier (identifier | "TRU€") identifier;
label_func = "labels" identifier ":" label {"," label};
label = ["-"] identifier;
newline = "\n";
lower_char = "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "z";
identifier = lower_char {"_" | lower_char};
To improve usability you can also write comments which are haskell like comments
and start with --
initial states pay
states select, soda, beer
actions insert_coin, get_beer, get_soda
tr️ans soda get_soda pay
trans beer get_beer pay
trans pay insert_coin select
trans select TRUE beer //internal transition
trans select TRUE soda
labels select: -x, y, -z, -a, b
ctl_system = ctl_formula | ctl_formula ctl_system;
ctl_formula = state_formula | path_formula;
state_formula = "AP" identifier
| "NOT" "(" state_formula ")"
| "AND" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
| "OR" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
| "IMPLIES" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
| "EQUIVALENT" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
| "XOR" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
| "EXISTS" "(" path_formula ")"
| "FORALL" "(" path_formula ")"
path_formula = "O" "(" state_formula ")"
| "U" "(" state_formula ")" "(" state_formula ")"
| "E" "(" state_formula ")"
| "A" "(" state_formula ")"
lower_char = "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "z";
digits = "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9";
identifier = lower_char {"_" | lower_char | digits};
To improve usability you can also write comments which are haskell like comments
and start with --
FORALL (U (AND (AP ap1) (NOT (AP ap2))) (OR (AP ap3) (EXISTS (A (AP ap4)))))
The grammar is still the same from the assingment, however we replaced the mathematical operators with the more common C-like operators:
& for ∧ (binary and)
| for ∨ (binary or)
^ for ⊕ (binary xor)
=> for ⟹ (implies, doesn't exist in C so it's new)
== for ⟺ (equality)
Also for convenience it implements C-like line comments.
ltl_formular = "TRUE"
| "AP" identifier
| "NOT" ltl_formular
| "AND" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
| "OR" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
| "XOR" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
| "IMPLIES" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
| "EQUIVALENT" "(" ltl_formular ltl_formular ")"
| "O" "(" ltl_formular ")"
| "U" "(" ltl_formular ")" "(" ltl_formular ")"
| "E" "(" ltl_formular ")"
| "A" "(" ltl_formular ")"
lower_char = "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "z";
digits = "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9";
identifier = lower_char {"_" | lower_char | digits};
To improve usability you can also write comments which are haskell like comments
and start with --