When upgrading our firebase iOS SDK to version 11.0.0, 11.1.0, 11.2.0, 11.3.0, 11.4.0, 11.4.1 or 11.4.2, previously logged in users get logged out. However when upgrading to version 10.29.0, users remain logged in. Our app has ~200K daily active users and it wouldn't be feasible to have them all log out and re-login.
Here's some additional information for @ncooke3 and the team:
- iOS is our only platform using the Firebase iOS SDK.
- No access group sare used anywhere
Auth.auth().useUserAccessGroup(_ accessGroup: String)
- No icloud sharing is used anywhere
Auth.auth(). shareAuthStateAcrossDevices = true
We're currently on v8.8.0 and want to upgrade to the latest but if this issue doesn't get fixed we may have to just settle for 10.29.0. Is there any chance this could be fixed in an upcoming release? Any help would be very much appreciated!
EDIT: If a user's initial sign in was on version 8.8.0, the user can only upgrade to a maximum version of 10.29.0 without begin logged out. But if a user's initial sign in was on version 10.29.0, then that user can upgrade to 11.3.0 and still stay logged in. Going from 8.8.0 → 10.29.0 → 11.3.0 when the user originally signed in using 8.8.0 which still result in a logged out state.
Reproducing the issue
Steps to Reproduce:
- Use firebase auth to log in using a v8.8.0 SDK
- Upgrade the SDK to any version 11.0.0 or above.
- Notice that the user gets logged out.
Unsuccessful Attempts to Fix with 8.8.0 → 10.29.0 → 11.3.0
- Pod install firebase sample auth project with v8.8.0 SDK
- Original install & log in with firebase auth for the first time
- Change Podfile to version 10.29.0 (but don't install yet)
- Quit xcode / quit running simulator
- Pod install (podfile should be 10.29.0 now)
- Reopen xcode and run project (you should still be logged in)
- Repeat steps 3-6 with version 11.3.0 and notice you'd be logged out.
Firebase SDK Version
11.0.0, 11.1.0. 11.2.0, 11.3.0, 11.4.0, 11.4.1, 11.4.2
Xcode Version
Installation Method
Firebase Product(s)
Targeted Platforms
Relevant Log Output
No response
If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved
Expand Package.resolved
Replace this line with the contents of your Package.resolved.
If using CocoaPods, the project's Podfile.lock
# Works Fine (no log out issue)
pod 'FirebaseCore', '10.29.0'
pod 'FirebaseDatabase', '10.29.0'
pod 'FirebaseAuth', '10.29.0'
pod 'FirebaseAnalytics', '10.29.0'
# Users get logged out
pod 'FirebaseCore', '11.3.0'
pod 'FirebaseDatabase', '11.3.0'
pod 'FirebaseAuth', '11.3.0'
pod 'FirebaseAnalytics', '11.3.0'
Expand Working v10.29.0 Podfile.lock (no log out issue)
- Alamofire (4.8.2)
- AlamofireImage (3.5.2):
- Alamofire (~> 4.8)
- AWSCore (2.10.0)
- AWSS3 (2.10.0):
- AWSCore (= 2.10.0)
- Bolts (1.9.0):
- Bolts/AppLinks (= 1.9.0)
- Bolts/Tasks (= 1.9.0)
- Bolts/AppLinks (1.9.0):
- Bolts/Tasks
- Bolts/Tasks (1.9.0)
- Branch (0.27.1):
- Branch/Core (= 0.27.1)
- Branch/Core (0.27.1)
- BulletinBoard (4.0.0)
- CHIPageControl (0.1.8):
- CHIPageControl/Aji (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Aleppo (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Chimayo (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Fresno (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Jalapeno (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Jaloro (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Paprika (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Puya (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Aji (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Aleppo (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Chimayo (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Fresno (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Jalapeno (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Jaloro (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Paprika (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Puya (0.1.8)
- EFQRCode (6.1.0):
- swift_qrcodejs (~> 2.2.2)
- FBAEMKit (17.1.0):
- FBSDKCoreKit_Basics (= 17.1.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit (17.1.0):
- FBAEMKit (= 17.1.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit_Basics (= 17.1.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit_Basics (17.1.0)
- FBSDKLoginKit (17.1.0):
- FBSDKCoreKit (= 17.1.0)
- FCAlertView (1.4.2)
- FirebaseAnalytics (10.29.0):
- FirebaseAnalytics/AdIdSupport (= 10.29.0)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)"
- nanopb (< 2.30911.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- FirebaseAnalytics/AdIdSupport (10.29.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0)
- GoogleAppMeasurement (= 10.29.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)"
- nanopb (< 2.30911.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (10.29.0)
- FirebaseAuth (10.29.0):
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 10.17)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 4.0, >= 2.1)
- RecaptchaInterop (~> 100.0)
- FirebaseCore (10.29.0):
- FirebaseCoreInternal (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.12)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 7.12)
- FirebaseCoreInternal (10.29.0):
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.8)"
- FirebaseDatabase (10.29.0):
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 10.17)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseSharedSwift (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.13)
- leveldb-library (~> 1.22)
- FirebaseInstallations (10.29.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.8)
- PromisesObjC (~> 2.1)
- FirebaseSharedSwift (10.29.0)
- FloatingPanel (1.7.6)
- Giphy (2.2.3):
- libwebp
- GoogleAppMeasurement (10.29.0):
- GoogleAppMeasurement/AdIdSupport (= 10.29.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)"
- nanopb (< 2.30911.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- GoogleAppMeasurement/AdIdSupport (10.29.0):
- GoogleAppMeasurement/WithoutAdIdSupport (= 10.29.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)"
- nanopb (< 2.30911.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- GoogleAppMeasurement/WithoutAdIdSupport (10.29.0):
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)"
- nanopb (< 2.30911.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (7.13.3):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Network
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (7.13.3):
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- PromisesObjC (< 3.0, >= 1.2)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (7.13.3):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (7.13.3):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Network (7.13.3):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib"
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (7.13.3)":
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy (7.13.3)
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability (7.13.3):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (7.13.3):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (3.5.0)
- InputBarAccessoryView (5.1.0):
- InputBarAccessoryView/Core (= 5.1.0)
- InputBarAccessoryView/Core (5.1.0)
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift (6.4.0)
- ISEmojiView (0.2.4)
- JPSVolumeButtonHandler (1.0.5)
- JTAppleCalendar (7.1.7)
- leveldb-library (1.22.6)
- libwebp (1.2.4):
- libwebp/demux (= 1.2.4)
- libwebp/mux (= 1.2.4)
- libwebp/webp (= 1.2.4)
- libwebp/demux (1.2.4):
- libwebp/webp
- libwebp/mux (1.2.4):
- libwebp/demux
- libwebp/webp (1.2.4)
- M13Checkbox (3.4.0)
- nanopb (2.30910.0):
- nanopb/decode (= 2.30910.0)
- nanopb/encode (= 2.30910.0)
- nanopb/decode (2.30910.0)
- nanopb/encode (2.30910.0)
- NextLevelSessionExporter (0.4.6)
- NVActivityIndicatorView (4.7.0):
- NVActivityIndicatorView/Presenter (= 4.7.0)
- NVActivityIndicatorView/Presenter (4.7.0)
- PhoneNumberKit (3.7.9):
- PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore (= 3.7.9)
- PhoneNumberKit/UIKit (= 3.7.9)
- PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore (3.7.9)
- PhoneNumberKit/UIKit (3.7.9):
- PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore
- PromiseKit (6.10.0):
- PromiseKit/CorePromise (= 6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/Foundation (= 6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/UIKit (= 6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/Alamofire (6.10.0):
- Alamofire (~> 4.0)
- PromiseKit/CorePromise
- PromiseKit/CorePromise (6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/Foundation (6.10.0):
- PromiseKit/CorePromise
- PromiseKit/UIKit (6.10.0):
- PromiseKit/CorePromise
- PromisesObjC (2.4.0)
- PureLayout (3.1.4)
- RecaptchaInterop (100.0.0)
- RSKGrowingTextView (5.0.2):
- RSKPlaceholderTextView (= 5.0.2)
- RSKImageCropper (2.2.2)
- RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver (1.0.0)
- RSKPlaceholderTextView (5.0.2)
- RxAVFoundation (3.0.0):
- RxCocoa (~> 5.0)
- RxSwift (~> 5.0)
- RxCocoa (5.0.0):
- RxRelay (~> 5)
- RxSwift (~> 5)
- RxRelay (5.0.0):
- RxSwift (~> 5)
- RxSwift (5.0.0)
- SPAlert (2.1.4)
- SPFakeBar (1.0.9)
- SPIndicator (1.2.1)
- SPLarkController (1.1)
- SPPermission (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core (= 4.0.5)
- SPPermission/Calendar (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/Camera (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/Contacts (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/Core (4.0.5)
- SPPermission/Microphone (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/Notification (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/PhotoLibrary (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPStorkController (1.7.9)
- SwiftSpinner (2.0.0)
- SwiftyGif (5.4.0)
- SwiftyJSON (5.0.0)
- TPPDF (2.3.5)
- VolumeBar (3.1)
- Whisper (6.0.3)
- Alamofire (= 4.8.2)
- AlamofireImage (= 3.5.2)
- AWSS3 (= 2.10.0)
- Bolts (= 1.9.0)
- Branch (= 0.27.1)
- BulletinBoard (from ``)
- CHIPageControl (= 0.1.8)
- EFQRCode (= 6.1.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit (= 17.1.0)
- FBSDKLoginKit (= 17.1.0)
- FCAlertView (from ``)
- FirebaseAnalytics (= 10.29.0)
- FirebaseAuth (= 10.29.0)
- FirebaseCore (= 10.29.0)
- FirebaseDatabase (= 10.29.0)
- FloatingPanel (= 1.7.6)
- Giphy (= 2.2.3)
- InputBarAccessoryView (= 5.1.0)
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift (= 6.4.0)
- ISEmojiView (= 0.2.4)
- JPSVolumeButtonHandler (= 1.0.5)
- JTAppleCalendar (= 7.1.7)
- M13Checkbox (= 3.4.0)
- NextLevelSessionExporter (= 0.4.6)
- NVActivityIndicatorView (= 4.7.0)
- PhoneNumberKit (= 3.7.9)
- PromiseKit (= 6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/Alamofire
- PromiseKit/UIKit
- PureLayout (= 3.1.4)
- RSKGrowingTextView (= 5.0.2)
- RSKImageCropper (= 2.2.2)
- RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver (= 1.0.0)
- RxAVFoundation (= 3.0.0)
- RxCocoa (= 5.0.0)
- RxSwift (= 5.0.0)
- SPAlert (from ``)
- SPFakeBar (= 1.0.9)
- SPIndicator (= 1.2.1)
- SPLarkController (= 1.1)
- SPPermission (= 4.0.5)
- SPPermission/Calendar
- SPPermission/Camera
- SPPermission/Contacts
- SPPermission/Microphone
- SPPermission/Notification
- SPPermission/PhotoLibrary
- SPStorkController (= 1.7.9)
- SwiftSpinner (= 2.0.0)
- SwiftyGif (= 5.4.0)
- SwiftyJSON (= 5.0.0)
- TPPDF (= 2.3.5)
- VolumeBar (= 3.1)
- Whisper (from ``)
- Alamofire
- AlamofireImage
- AWSCore
- Bolts
- Branch
- CHIPageControl
- EFQRCode
- FBSDKCoreKit
- FBSDKCoreKit_Basics
- FBSDKLoginKit
- FirebaseAnalytics
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop
- FirebaseAuth
- FirebaseCore
- FirebaseCoreInternal
- FirebaseDatabase
- FirebaseInstallations
- FirebaseSharedSwift
- FloatingPanel
- Giphy
- GoogleAppMeasurement
- GoogleUtilities
- GTMSessionFetcher
- InputBarAccessoryView
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift
- ISEmojiView
- JPSVolumeButtonHandler
- JTAppleCalendar
- leveldb-library
- libwebp
- M13Checkbox
- nanopb
- NextLevelSessionExporter
- NVActivityIndicatorView
- PhoneNumberKit
- PromiseKit
- PromisesObjC
- PureLayout
- RecaptchaInterop
- RSKGrowingTextView
- RSKImageCropper
- RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver
- RSKPlaceholderTextView
- RxAVFoundation
- RxCocoa
- RxRelay
- RxSwift
- SPFakeBar
- SPIndicator
- SPLarkController
- SPPermission
- SPStorkController
- SwiftSpinner
- SwiftyGif
- SwiftyJSON
- VolumeBar
:commit: 852224b146825510f12a947e39b80f107d5e6122
:commit: 45f349265d1479f99eb83ccd2a3593067ca8442d
:commit: 0c77797dc2bd8f6192ea29ae66e53cde05bd633b
:commit: b33637b1da30717f7fe3e75ef5feaa88d8b3f9a1
Alamofire: ae5c501addb7afdbb13687d7f2f722c78734c2d3
AlamofireImage: 63cfe3baf1370be6c498149687cf6db3e3b00999
AWSCore: d5667976d58ee878961b98744cb38b6066785895
AWSS3: 1369d64a1bb3e1ca632d718d84ab3778086cfbef
Bolts: ac6567323eac61e203f6a9763667d0f711be34c8
Branch: 4c91bd4d4e061fa4cc788d07283742be978e4257
BulletinBoard: 2e312814ff70f3af364a6dda3857a801f6d2adb6
CHIPageControl: 76b35c8309d8dd155e869c109cc6ffc0aaa465ff
EFQRCode: 994654b3ad1657ab751b92422cef8b8f7d1b1496
FBAEMKit: cb719c53575a3be86ea873279f30d6a2c4e15881
FBSDKCoreKit: ecdb980a24633ccb012700299ceb16d0235e14d2
FBSDKCoreKit_Basics: 045101c4a9ef10c845347424d73a29aae02c3e43
FBSDKLoginKit: 69eb59b2f839aba635616df6e422acd0ca88030a
FCAlertView: 0cb08fa385bd65fd0d9222abf0121742f9b5e3ae
FirebaseAnalytics: 23717de130b779aa506e757edb9713d24b6ffeda
FirebaseAppCheckInterop: 6a1757cfd4067d8e00fccd14fcc1b8fd78cfac07
FirebaseAuth: e2ebfaf9fb4638a1c9a3b0efd17d1b90943987cd
FirebaseCore: 30e9c1cbe3d38f5f5e75f48bfcea87d7c358ec16
FirebaseCoreInternal: df84dd300b561c27d5571684f389bf60b0a5c934
FirebaseDatabase: 1fecbdd38d325c78bd430c06b8e71794ce415dc7
FirebaseInstallations: 913cf60d0400ebd5d6b63a28b290372ab44590dd
FirebaseSharedSwift: 20530f495084b8d840f78a100d8c5ee613375f6e
FloatingPanel: 9016eac88f21ca9fce53f5709e1f49485c0c355e
Giphy: 49c2efdb702420e04128617264eae5dface86282
GoogleAppMeasurement: f9de05ee17401e3355f68e8fc8b5064d429f5918
GoogleUtilities: ea963c370a38a8069cc5f7ba4ca849a60b6d7d15
GTMSessionFetcher: 5aea5ba6bd522a239e236100971f10cb71b96ab6
InputBarAccessoryView: 19953f486a23e846e9487099f92bbe3456e46ce5
IQKeyboardManagerSwift: ed9b04ee0e3067ffba543283462d619f944b05e5
ISEmojiView: 36efbed5198665f9c466ff3ac77402a14684331a
JPSVolumeButtonHandler: 53110330c9168ed325def93eabff39f0fe3e8082
JTAppleCalendar: 96da4d8388fa6dc82d6a60d41ef36a015e167e2f
leveldb-library: cc8b8f8e013647a295ad3f8cd2ddf49a6f19be19
libwebp: f62cb61d0a484ba548448a4bd52aabf150ff6eef
M13Checkbox: 6f59404540ac98ba83a3d1afac335895a40c6a5d
nanopb: 438bc412db1928dac798aa6fd75726007be04262
NextLevelSessionExporter: 4d8aa5e617f1c709724f2453efe5d4628480f65a
NVActivityIndicatorView: b19ddab2576f805cbe0fb2306cba3476e09a1dea
PhoneNumberKit: 9c8d546d65c3784721d575a29e712ae8b992fe79
PromiseKit: 1fdaeb6c0a94a5114fcb814ff3d772b86886ad4e
PromisesObjC: f5707f49cb48b9636751c5b2e7d227e43fba9f47
PureLayout: f08c01b8dec00bb14a1fefa3de4c7d9c265df85e
RecaptchaInterop: 7d1a4a01a6b2cb1610a47ef3f85f0c411434cb21
RSKGrowingTextView: 9fdc68c8dabaacd54e23c316ff14b73aef034594
RSKImageCropper: 05e3b82a18da83ea3c2b7bffa7f2199a621d6802
RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver: 0bdbc5235a96ce6d1e6143998214160c7f7c9b37
RSKPlaceholderTextView: df72ca93edfac185b98f51cb85e445f54ce8a163
RxAVFoundation: 73edc0217877329d9c633e71a7c47af9c62cec35
RxCocoa: fcf32050ac00d801f34a7f71d5e8e7f23026dcd8
RxRelay: 4f7409406a51a55cd88483f21ed898c234d60f18
RxSwift: 8b0671caa829a763bbce7271095859121cbd895f
SPAlert: 1a8afa1c6ac86a82ab5b2cfdf7f9a51e68cb6c0c
SPFakeBar: b74ebaa7ff9ca06a39f13dbe668238f15825ee88
SPIndicator: e61bf223be85271bd58f0bc16e3f58b2865d2620
SPLarkController: 22c79e54b12a29705b87ee0179455e1c51f2fdc8
SPPermission: 502e79cd60d96743a338e108ecaa962d1145f8f2
SPStorkController: 36bd84206267232747b19d48852659bd71ede28f
SwiftSpinner: 77d972ab315bdc29b62bbedd128b88986969967e
SwiftyGif: 5d4af95df24caf1c570dbbcb32a3b8a0763bc6d7
SwiftyJSON: 36413e04c44ee145039d332b4f4e2d3e8d6c4db7
TPPDF: dd128b2ed179216e055a871b528e61d5e572da56
VolumeBar: 44bde739ca7da6f7c6ccac09d3643b0676a33bfa
Whisper: 8bded14345f042709769aeb84f209f03c4a3ef61
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 4bd20c14a78b355a890bc785f622fdc85237b117
Expand Not Working v11.3.0 Podfile.lock (users get logged out)
- Alamofire (4.8.2)
- AlamofireImage (3.5.2):
- Alamofire (~> 4.8)
- AWSCore (2.10.0)
- AWSS3 (2.10.0):
- AWSCore (= 2.10.0)
- Bolts (1.9.0):
- Bolts/AppLinks (= 1.9.0)
- Bolts/Tasks (= 1.9.0)
- Bolts/AppLinks (1.9.0):
- Bolts/Tasks
- Bolts/Tasks (1.9.0)
- Branch (0.27.1):
- Branch/Core (= 0.27.1)
- Branch/Core (0.27.1)
- BulletinBoard (4.0.0)
- CHIPageControl (0.1.8):
- CHIPageControl/Aji (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Aleppo (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Chimayo (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Fresno (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Jalapeno (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Jaloro (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Paprika (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Puya (= 0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Aji (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Aleppo (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Chimayo (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Fresno (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Jalapeno (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Jaloro (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Paprika (0.1.8)
- CHIPageControl/Puya (0.1.8)
- EFQRCode (6.1.0):
- swift_qrcodejs (~> 2.2.2)
- FBAEMKit (17.1.0):
- FBSDKCoreKit_Basics (= 17.1.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit (17.1.0):
- FBAEMKit (= 17.1.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit_Basics (= 17.1.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit_Basics (17.1.0)
- FBSDKLoginKit (17.1.0):
- FBSDKCoreKit (= 17.1.0)
- FCAlertView (1.4.2)
- FirebaseAnalytics (11.3.0):
- FirebaseAnalytics/AdIdSupport (= 11.3.0)
- FirebaseCore (~> 11.0)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 11.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 8.0)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 8.0)"
- nanopb (~> 3.30910.0)
- FirebaseAnalytics/AdIdSupport (11.3.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 11.0)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 11.0)
- GoogleAppMeasurement (= 11.3.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 8.0)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 8.0)"
- nanopb (~> 3.30910.0)
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (11.4.0)
- FirebaseAuth (11.3.0):
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 11.0)
- FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 11.0)
- FirebaseCore (~> 11.0)
- FirebaseCoreExtension (~> 11.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 8.0)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 3.4)
- RecaptchaInterop (~> 100.0)
- FirebaseAuthInterop (11.4.0)
- FirebaseCore (11.3.0):
- FirebaseCoreInternal (~> 11.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 8.0)
- FirebaseCoreExtension (11.4.1):
- FirebaseCore (~> 11.0)
- FirebaseCoreInternal (11.4.2):
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 8.0)"
- FirebaseDatabase (11.3.0):
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 11.0)
- FirebaseCore (~> 11.0)
- FirebaseSharedSwift (~> 11.0)
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 8.0)
- leveldb-library (~> 1.22)
- FirebaseInstallations (11.4.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 11.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 8.0)
- PromisesObjC (~> 2.4)
- FirebaseSharedSwift (11.4.0)
- FloatingPanel (1.7.6)
- Giphy (2.2.3):
- libwebp
- GoogleAppMeasurement (11.3.0):
- GoogleAppMeasurement/AdIdSupport (= 11.3.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 8.0)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 8.0)"
- nanopb (~> 3.30910.0)
- GoogleAppMeasurement/AdIdSupport (11.3.0):
- GoogleAppMeasurement/WithoutAdIdSupport (= 11.3.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 8.0)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 8.0)"
- nanopb (~> 3.30910.0)
- GoogleAppMeasurement/WithoutAdIdSupport (11.3.0):
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 8.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 8.0)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 8.0)"
- nanopb (~> 3.30910.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (8.0.2):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Network
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (8.0.2):
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (8.0.2):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (8.0.2):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Network (8.0.2):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib"
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (8.0.2)":
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy (8.0.2)
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability (8.0.2):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (8.0.2):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Privacy
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (3.5.0)
- InputBarAccessoryView (5.1.0):
- InputBarAccessoryView/Core (= 5.1.0)
- InputBarAccessoryView/Core (5.1.0)
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift (6.4.0)
- ISEmojiView (0.2.4)
- JPSVolumeButtonHandler (1.0.5)
- JTAppleCalendar (7.1.7)
- leveldb-library (1.22.6)
- libwebp (1.2.4):
- libwebp/demux (= 1.2.4)
- libwebp/mux (= 1.2.4)
- libwebp/webp (= 1.2.4)
- libwebp/demux (1.2.4):
- libwebp/webp
- libwebp/mux (1.2.4):
- libwebp/demux
- libwebp/webp (1.2.4)
- M13Checkbox (3.4.0)
- nanopb (3.30910.0):
- nanopb/decode (= 3.30910.0)
- nanopb/encode (= 3.30910.0)
- nanopb/decode (3.30910.0)
- nanopb/encode (3.30910.0)
- NextLevelSessionExporter (0.4.6)
- NVActivityIndicatorView (4.7.0):
- NVActivityIndicatorView/Presenter (= 4.7.0)
- NVActivityIndicatorView/Presenter (4.7.0)
- PhoneNumberKit (3.7.9):
- PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore (= 3.7.9)
- PhoneNumberKit/UIKit (= 3.7.9)
- PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore (3.7.9)
- PhoneNumberKit/UIKit (3.7.9):
- PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore
- PromiseKit (6.10.0):
- PromiseKit/CorePromise (= 6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/Foundation (= 6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/UIKit (= 6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/Alamofire (6.10.0):
- Alamofire (~> 4.0)
- PromiseKit/CorePromise
- PromiseKit/CorePromise (6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/Foundation (6.10.0):
- PromiseKit/CorePromise
- PromiseKit/UIKit (6.10.0):
- PromiseKit/CorePromise
- PromisesObjC (2.4.0)
- PureLayout (3.1.4)
- RecaptchaInterop (100.0.0)
- RSKGrowingTextView (5.0.2):
- RSKPlaceholderTextView (= 5.0.2)
- RSKImageCropper (2.2.2)
- RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver (1.0.0)
- RSKPlaceholderTextView (5.0.2)
- RxAVFoundation (3.0.0):
- RxCocoa (~> 5.0)
- RxSwift (~> 5.0)
- RxCocoa (5.0.0):
- RxRelay (~> 5)
- RxSwift (~> 5)
- RxRelay (5.0.0):
- RxSwift (~> 5)
- RxSwift (5.0.0)
- SPAlert (2.1.4)
- SPFakeBar (1.0.9)
- SPIndicator (1.2.1)
- SPLarkController (1.1)
- SPPermission (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core (= 4.0.5)
- SPPermission/Calendar (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/Camera (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/Contacts (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/Core (4.0.5)
- SPPermission/Microphone (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/Notification (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPPermission/PhotoLibrary (4.0.5):
- SPPermission/Core
- SPStorkController (1.7.9)
- SwiftSpinner (2.0.0)
- SwiftyGif (5.4.0)
- SwiftyJSON (5.0.0)
- TPPDF (2.3.5)
- VolumeBar (3.1)
- Whisper (6.0.3)
- Alamofire (= 4.8.2)
- AlamofireImage (= 3.5.2)
- AWSS3 (= 2.10.0)
- Bolts (= 1.9.0)
- Branch (= 0.27.1)
- BulletinBoard (from ``)
- CHIPageControl (= 0.1.8)
- EFQRCode (= 6.1.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit (= 17.1.0)
- FBSDKLoginKit (= 17.1.0)
- FCAlertView (from ``)
- FirebaseAnalytics (= 11.3.0)
- FirebaseAuth (= 11.3.0)
- FirebaseCore (= 11.3.0)
- FirebaseDatabase (= 11.3.0)
- FloatingPanel (= 1.7.6)
- Giphy (= 2.2.3)
- InputBarAccessoryView (= 5.1.0)
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift (= 6.4.0)
- ISEmojiView (= 0.2.4)
- JPSVolumeButtonHandler (= 1.0.5)
- JTAppleCalendar (= 7.1.7)
- M13Checkbox (= 3.4.0)
- NextLevelSessionExporter (= 0.4.6)
- NVActivityIndicatorView (= 4.7.0)
- PhoneNumberKit (= 3.7.9)
- PromiseKit (= 6.10.0)
- PromiseKit/Alamofire
- PromiseKit/UIKit
- PureLayout (= 3.1.4)
- RSKGrowingTextView (= 5.0.2)
- RSKImageCropper (= 2.2.2)
- RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver (= 1.0.0)
- RxAVFoundation (= 3.0.0)
- RxCocoa (= 5.0.0)
- RxSwift (= 5.0.0)
- SPAlert (from ``)
- SPFakeBar (= 1.0.9)
- SPIndicator (= 1.2.1)
- SPLarkController (= 1.1)
- SPPermission (= 4.0.5)
- SPPermission/Calendar
- SPPermission/Camera
- SPPermission/Contacts
- SPPermission/Microphone
- SPPermission/Notification
- SPPermission/PhotoLibrary
- SPStorkController (= 1.7.9)
- SwiftSpinner (= 2.0.0)
- SwiftyGif (= 5.4.0)
- SwiftyJSON (= 5.0.0)
- TPPDF (= 2.3.5)
- VolumeBar (= 3.1)
- Whisper (from ``)
- Alamofire
- AlamofireImage
- AWSCore
- Bolts
- Branch
- CHIPageControl
- EFQRCode
- FBSDKCoreKit
- FBSDKCoreKit_Basics
- FBSDKLoginKit
- FirebaseAnalytics
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop
- FirebaseAuth
- FirebaseAuthInterop
- FirebaseCore
- FirebaseCoreExtension
- FirebaseCoreInternal
- FirebaseDatabase
- FirebaseInstallations
- FirebaseSharedSwift
- FloatingPanel
- Giphy
- GoogleAppMeasurement
- GoogleUtilities
- GTMSessionFetcher
- InputBarAccessoryView
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift
- ISEmojiView
- JPSVolumeButtonHandler
- JTAppleCalendar
- leveldb-library
- libwebp
- M13Checkbox
- nanopb
- NextLevelSessionExporter
- NVActivityIndicatorView
- PhoneNumberKit
- PromiseKit
- PromisesObjC
- PureLayout
- RecaptchaInterop
- RSKGrowingTextView
- RSKImageCropper
- RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver
- RSKPlaceholderTextView
- RxAVFoundation
- RxCocoa
- RxRelay
- RxSwift
- SPFakeBar
- SPIndicator
- SPLarkController
- SPPermission
- SPStorkController
- SwiftSpinner
- SwiftyGif
- SwiftyJSON
- VolumeBar
:commit: 852224b146825510f12a947e39b80f107d5e6122
:commit: 45f349265d1479f99eb83ccd2a3593067ca8442d
:commit: 0c77797dc2bd8f6192ea29ae66e53cde05bd633b
:commit: b33637b1da30717f7fe3e75ef5feaa88d8b3f9a1
Alamofire: ae5c501addb7afdbb13687d7f2f722c78734c2d3
AlamofireImage: 63cfe3baf1370be6c498149687cf6db3e3b00999
AWSCore: d5667976d58ee878961b98744cb38b6066785895
AWSS3: 1369d64a1bb3e1ca632d718d84ab3778086cfbef
Bolts: ac6567323eac61e203f6a9763667d0f711be34c8
Branch: 4c91bd4d4e061fa4cc788d07283742be978e4257
BulletinBoard: 2e312814ff70f3af364a6dda3857a801f6d2adb6
CHIPageControl: 76b35c8309d8dd155e869c109cc6ffc0aaa465ff
EFQRCode: 994654b3ad1657ab751b92422cef8b8f7d1b1496
FBAEMKit: cb719c53575a3be86ea873279f30d6a2c4e15881
FBSDKCoreKit: ecdb980a24633ccb012700299ceb16d0235e14d2
FBSDKCoreKit_Basics: 045101c4a9ef10c845347424d73a29aae02c3e43
FBSDKLoginKit: 69eb59b2f839aba635616df6e422acd0ca88030a
FCAlertView: 0cb08fa385bd65fd0d9222abf0121742f9b5e3ae
FirebaseAnalytics: ce1593872635a5ebd715d0d3937fab195991ecc9
FirebaseAppCheckInterop: 1b9643ae2f1ee214488caa2f8e32b7bc2f0f3735
FirebaseAuth: c7b82c8f3942c22629145c3f2972c33d1dc3ee6c
FirebaseAuthInterop: 9ac948965ac13ec9d8a080f39490ddb2bda30520
FirebaseCore: 8542de610f35f86196ba26cdb2544565a5157c8e
FirebaseCoreExtension: f1bc67a4702931a7caa097d8e4ac0a1b0d16720e
FirebaseCoreInternal: 35731192cab10797b88411be84940d2beb33a238
FirebaseDatabase: 33b92c5a719fb0c2d7f67e86bf6bcc70d7772998
FirebaseInstallations: 6ef4a1c7eb2a61ee1f74727d7f6ce2e72acf1414
FirebaseSharedSwift: 505dae2d05969dbf6d43749a642bb1bf230f0252
FloatingPanel: 9016eac88f21ca9fce53f5709e1f49485c0c355e
Giphy: 49c2efdb702420e04128617264eae5dface86282
GoogleAppMeasurement: c8bac5f6ad85d3a0bdf2b9aee7fd484d6615d486
GoogleUtilities: 26a3abef001b6533cf678d3eb38fd3f614b7872d
GTMSessionFetcher: 5aea5ba6bd522a239e236100971f10cb71b96ab6
InputBarAccessoryView: 19953f486a23e846e9487099f92bbe3456e46ce5
IQKeyboardManagerSwift: ed9b04ee0e3067ffba543283462d619f944b05e5
ISEmojiView: 36efbed5198665f9c466ff3ac77402a14684331a
JPSVolumeButtonHandler: 53110330c9168ed325def93eabff39f0fe3e8082
JTAppleCalendar: 96da4d8388fa6dc82d6a60d41ef36a015e167e2f
leveldb-library: cc8b8f8e013647a295ad3f8cd2ddf49a6f19be19
libwebp: f62cb61d0a484ba548448a4bd52aabf150ff6eef
M13Checkbox: 6f59404540ac98ba83a3d1afac335895a40c6a5d
nanopb: fad817b59e0457d11a5dfbde799381cd727c1275
NextLevelSessionExporter: 4d8aa5e617f1c709724f2453efe5d4628480f65a
NVActivityIndicatorView: b19ddab2576f805cbe0fb2306cba3476e09a1dea
PhoneNumberKit: 9c8d546d65c3784721d575a29e712ae8b992fe79
PromiseKit: 1fdaeb6c0a94a5114fcb814ff3d772b86886ad4e
PromisesObjC: f5707f49cb48b9636751c5b2e7d227e43fba9f47
PureLayout: f08c01b8dec00bb14a1fefa3de4c7d9c265df85e
RecaptchaInterop: 7d1a4a01a6b2cb1610a47ef3f85f0c411434cb21
RSKGrowingTextView: 9fdc68c8dabaacd54e23c316ff14b73aef034594
RSKImageCropper: 05e3b82a18da83ea3c2b7bffa7f2199a621d6802
RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver: 0bdbc5235a96ce6d1e6143998214160c7f7c9b37
RSKPlaceholderTextView: df72ca93edfac185b98f51cb85e445f54ce8a163
RxAVFoundation: 73edc0217877329d9c633e71a7c47af9c62cec35
RxCocoa: fcf32050ac00d801f34a7f71d5e8e7f23026dcd8
RxRelay: 4f7409406a51a55cd88483f21ed898c234d60f18
RxSwift: 8b0671caa829a763bbce7271095859121cbd895f
SPAlert: 1a8afa1c6ac86a82ab5b2cfdf7f9a51e68cb6c0c
SPFakeBar: b74ebaa7ff9ca06a39f13dbe668238f15825ee88
SPIndicator: e61bf223be85271bd58f0bc16e3f58b2865d2620
SPLarkController: 22c79e54b12a29705b87ee0179455e1c51f2fdc8
SPPermission: 502e79cd60d96743a338e108ecaa962d1145f8f2
SPStorkController: 36bd84206267232747b19d48852659bd71ede28f
SwiftSpinner: 77d972ab315bdc29b62bbedd128b88986969967e
SwiftyGif: 5d4af95df24caf1c570dbbcb32a3b8a0763bc6d7
SwiftyJSON: 36413e04c44ee145039d332b4f4e2d3e8d6c4db7
TPPDF: dd128b2ed179216e055a871b528e61d5e572da56
VolumeBar: 44bde739ca7da6f7c6ccac09d3643b0676a33bfa
Whisper: 8bded14345f042709769aeb84f209f03c4a3ef61
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 7e22e45cecd932d375d2703d2056fa4263ac874b