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Firebase Performance Monitoring Development Workflow

Firebase Performance Monitoring is a free mobile app performance analytics service that helps you to gain insight into the performance characteristics of your app.

For more information about app performance and many other cool mobile services, check out Firebase.

Clone the repository

Follow the instruction in the Root README to clone the repository.

Local Environment Setup

Add the following lines to your ~/.bash_profile:

For Mac:

export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/Library/Android/sdk

For Linux:

export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/Sdk
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/Android/Sdk

Build Firebase Performance SDK

Fetch master branch

firebase-android-sdk$ git fetch origin master:master
firebase-android-sdk$ git checkout master

Build SDK

Build the SDK in firebase-android-sdk folder:

firebase-android-sdk$ ./gradlew :clean :firebase-perf:build --stacktrace

Please note that :clean and --stacktrace are optional. The build output will be generated in firebase-android-sdk/firebase-perf/build/outputs/aar.

Run Unit Tests

Running all the tests

firebase-android-sdk$ ./gradlew :clean :firebase-perf:test --stacktrace

Running a specific test

firebase-android-sdk$ ./gradlew :clean :firebase-perf:testDebugUnitTest --tests "PackageName.ClassName.TestMethodName" --stacktrace

TestMethodName is optional, if not provided, all tests under PackageName.ClassName will be run. Similar mechanism applies to ClassName as well.

Run Integration Tests

Follow the instructions here for the initial one time setup.

Running Integration Tests on Local Emulator

firebase-android-sdk$ ./gradlew :firebase-perf:connectedCheck

Running Integration Tests on Firebase Test Lab (triggered locally)

firebase-android-sdk$ ./gradlew :firebase-perf:deviceCheck

Integrate SDK with 3P App

Creating a Release Candidate

Change the version field in to reflect the RC status:


And then generate the library with required libraries:

# firebase-perf requires firebase-sessions
./gradlew -PprojectsToPublish="firebase-perf,firebase-sessions" firebasePublish

This will generate various files in the root build directory that align with the release candidates.

Alternatively, you can just build the repository in isolation:

# firebase-perf requires firebase-sessions
./gradlew -PprojectsToPublish="firebase-perf,firebase-sessions" buildMavenZip

Publish project locally

You can publish the project directly to your local maven repository like so:

# firebase-perf requires firebase-sessions
./gradlew -PprojectsToPublish="firebase-perf,firebase-sessions" \

Read SDK from mavenLocal()

Add mavenLocal() to your project-level build.gradle file

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        .       .       .

        # Adds several features that are specific to building Android apps
        classpath '<agp-version>'

        # Required for loading the 'google-services.json' file
        classpath '<google-services-plugin-version>'

        # Specify the version of 'perf-plugin'
        classpath '<perf-plugin-version>'

allprojects {
    repositories {

Set Snapshot SDK version

Add implementation dependency to your module-level build.gradle file

apply plugin: ''

# Applies the 'perf-plugin'
apply plugin: ''

.       .       .

dependencies {
   implementation ''

where the version number can be found in ~/.m2/repository/com/google/firebase/firebase-perf/maven-metadata-local.xml. See Reference for detail.

Check Code Coverage

Generate code coverage:

firebase-android-sdk$ ./gradlew firebase-perf:checkCoverage --stacktrace

Open the report in:

firebase-android-sdk$ open firebase-perf/build/reports/jacoco/firebase-perf/html/

Releasing Firebase Performance SDK

Checkout internal release guidelines at go/fireperf-android.