Nice to meet you! I'm CTO at Literal Labs. Previous I worked as the Deep Learning Platform Lead at AstraZeneca, and before that I was carrying out AI research at HyperSurfaces. I'm passionate about Artificial Intelligence research, engineering and software development, from the United Kingdom. I love writing code that processes signals in some way, and I particularly enjoy writing learning systems that learn to solve some task without me having to explicitly code it myself! Previously I studied at Goldsmiths College, University of London, and I have founded a couple of startups that I have learned a lot from along the way.
- 🔭 Previously worked on Poker AI
- 💬 Ask me about ML, scientific computing, building apps
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
If you like what I'm doing and would like to buy me a coffee - please consider sponsoring my work or get in touch! Thanks 🙂