EToastr Animated Notification/Toastr component for C++/Qt EToastr Styles: MESSAGE SUCCESS WARNING INFO FAIL EToastr Directions: RIGHT_TO_LEFT TOP_TO_BOTTOM BOTTOM_TO_TOP LEFT_TO_RIGHT Direction = RIGHT_TO_LEFT, Style = SUCCESS, ParentIsDesktop = false, NoIcon = false, NoTimeout = false Direction = LEFT_TO_RIGHT, Style = SUCCESS, ParentIsDesktop = false, NoIcon = true, NoTimeout = false Direction = BOTTOM_TO_TOP, Style = SUCCESS, ParentIsDesktop = false, NoIcon = false, NoTimeout = true Direction = TOP_TO_BOTTOM, Style = SUCCESS, ParentIsDesktop = true, NoIcon = false, NoTimeout = false Direction = LEFT_TO_RIGHT, Style = INFO, ParentIsDesktop = true, NoIcon = false, NoTimeout = false Please don't forget to star the project, thanks :)