If you're looking for a way to run apps with GUI inside a docker container, on MacOS/OSX, here's one way of doing it.
In previous existing solutions, you were either required:
- to bind to *:6000 (by enabling XQuartz "Allow connections from network clients" option) - opening to potential remote attacks.
- to ssh to the docker container
It appears that a docker container can connect to its host, through lo0 interface - by adding an alias.
Used socat for forwarding /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 to a socket bound to port 6000 of a lo0 alias.
$ socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork,bind=$ip UNIX-CLIENT:\"$SOCKET_FILE\" &
$ netstat -an | grep LISTEN
tcp4 0 0 *.* LISTEN
- XQuartz: https://www.xquartz.org
- socat: brew install socat
- Docker
- Add persistent lo0 alias: https://gist.github.com/ralphschindler/535dc5916ccbd06f53c1b0ee5a868c93 (or add a temporary alias, for testing: sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
docker build -t firefox .
- MacOS Sierra 10.12.3
- Docker 1.13.1 (15353)
- XQuartz 2.7.11 (xorg-server 1.18.4)
Read run.sh and docker_osx_display_funcs.sh
To Swen for the lo0 idea. (https://github.com/Photonios/qt-meetup-demo/blob/master/run.sh)