The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) is an independent entity established within the executive branch to address integrity, economy and effectiveness issues that transcend individual Government agencies and aid in the establishment of a professional, well-trained and highly skilled workforce in the Offices of Inspectors General.
To learn more information about CIGIE, visit IGNET and CIGIE's YouTube channel.
CIGIE Shared Services is a working group under the CIGIE Information Technology Committee. The goal of the group is to identify and recommend shared services that benefit the Inspectors General community. The group is staffed by volunteers from across various Inspectors General offices and is always looking for more help. If you would like to get involved, get in touch with your CIGIE Information Technology Committee representative.
CIGIE on GitHub Enterprise Cloud is one of many shared services identified and implemented for the benefit of the CIGIE community. The goal of this service is to provide an easy way for Offices of Inspectors General (OIGs) to collaborate on software projects and to share code. The service is available to all OIGs.