We could implement LUT functionality to support effects for lights.
CSV could have 3 columns.
, brightness
, power
Extend measure tool with ability to measure effects
- Ask user if he want to measure effects. Might be auto detected if light supports effects.
- Cycle through all effects, and brightness levels (with step size 10 for example).
- Record measurement in
similarly as for the other CSV's
Add support in integration
- Modify strategy to check if an effect has been choosen. See if there is some common / robust way to determine this for lights.
- When effect has been choosen lookup power value, and interpolate, similary as for the color modes lookup.
Extend LUT validator
- Should validate correct CSV structure
Extend documentation
bramstroker commentedon Jan 31, 2025
WIP: #3043
challgren commentedon Jan 31, 2025
As soon as you got something in code a bit more I can help finish it. I'm mainly a PHP and kotlin dev so python is a bit hard for me to get started but I'll be glad to test and help. Also one thing I noticed is if an effect is running. The last color temp/hs is still in the attributes but the effect is not null. So right now I'm getting readings on the last color vs unavailable or unknown. But I know you said that was gonna happen. So we may want to look into not calculating use if an effect is not mapped.
bramstroker commentedon Jan 31, 2025
Yes I'll make sure when the is an effects.csv file the profile will be marked in a
profile. Whenever this is the case, the strategy can lookup the corresponding effect when attributeeffect
is not null, when the effect is not available in the CSV we can set the power sensor tounavailable
.P.S. I'm also mainly a PHP dev, been doing the for 20+ years, and still professionally.
Also did some C# and lot of JS.
Python now on this side project for 3+ years
It's all just syntax, good programming practices, and software architecture are universal.
bramstroker commentedon Feb 1, 2025
All right, just done development, and PR has been merged to master.
When I was working on the measure tool extensions I also added retry mechanism for light controller: fb747b8.
New docker build has just been done, and published to docker hub.
Could you please try pulling and giving it a test run?
You can select
now as mode in the wizard.Let me know how it goes and if you stumble upon any issues.
challgren commentedon Feb 2, 2025
So here is my first file with the default settings of 10 seconds measuring effect. I'm also taking another measurement with the period being 5 minutes. I'm doing the 5 minute measure as some of the effects are longer than 10 seconds.
bramstroker commentedon Feb 2, 2025
Thanks! cool everything works. Definitely needs some tweaking on measure period. Curious if we get better results with 5 minute period.
I had set to 10 seconds, because I had 189 effects on my WLED test, and that would take 4.5 hours ;-)
There is some strange behaviour especially on lowest brightness level where some effect have a higher consumption than later.
challgren commentedon Feb 3, 2025
Yeah Im doing a 300 second period right now and was gonna upload the file once its done in 50 hours. Then I was going to run it in 120 second period to compare. I know you got the fancy graphing so its helpful to see it visually.
bramstroker commentedon Feb 3, 2025
Fancy graphs are in
btw.You can run
poetry install --no-root
from that directory.And then
poetry run python myfile.csv
In playground directory there is also an example using plotly.
challgren commentedon Feb 5, 2025
Some 56 hours later here is my measure of the effects running for 300 (5 minutes). I am still seeing that initial high measurement on the lower brightnesses.
Will be reporting back tomorrow with a 60 second run.
challgren commentedon Feb 5, 2025
So here is the 60 second measure results. With the same brightness issue.
bramstroker commentedon Feb 7, 2025
Interesting patterns and results.
Very strange the behaviour at low brightness level. I would almost expect that the effect is turning on at full brightness.
Measure tool starts at brightness 5.
Could you try manually using the
action and set brightness to 5 and effect tomoonlight
for example and see what happens?Besides the bug on lowest brightness level both graphs look quite comparable.
There are two effects having a bit strange pattern on the 5 minute chart. lowest green line which drops after 70.
And blue line which have some spikes down.
In the 60 second chart one effect stands out, the one with the olive color. Do you know which effect that is?
Also the 10 second chart I shared previously looks quite similar to these two charts.
So I would say 5 minute would be overkill and we should pick a value between 10 and 60 second. 30 seconds feels like a good compromise to me. Where measure session would not take forever, and we get reliable enough results to do a good approximation.
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