This image of a minimal AuthzForce Server runtime is intended to work together with Identity Manager - Keyrock and PEP Proxy Wilma generic enabler.
- OpenJDK JRE 17 (since AuthzForce Server v12.0.0);
- Tomcat 10 (since AuthzForce Server v12.0.0);
- AuthzForce Server CE (version matching the Docker image tag).
This image gives you a minimal installation for testing purposes. The AuthzForce Installation and Administration guide on (select the version matching the Docker image tag, then AuthzForce - Installation and Administration Guide) provides you a better approach for using it in a production environment. This installation guide also gives instructions to install from .deb package (instead of Docker), which is the recommended way for Ubuntu hosts.
Create a container using authzforce/server
image by doing (replace the first 8080 after -p with whatever network port you want to use on the host to access the AuthzForce Server, e.g. 80; and release-12.0.1 with the current Docker image tag that you are using):
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name <container-name> authzforce/server
As stands in the AuthzForce Installation and administration guide on (select the version matching the Docker image tag, then AuthzForce - Installation and Administration Guide) you can:
- Get the API description (WADL)
This is good way to test the app is up and running.
$ curl --verbose http://<authzforce-container-ip>:8080/authzforce-ce/?_wadl
- List domains
Should return an empty list initially.
$ curl --verbose --show-error --write-out '\n' http://<authzforce-container-ip>:8080/authzforce-ce/domains
- Create a domain
$ curl --request POST \
--header "Accept: application/xml" \
--header "Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8" \
--data '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><taz:domainProperties xmlns:taz="" />' \
- Retrieve the domain ID
$ curl -s --request GET http://<authzforce-container-ip>:8080/authzforce-ce/domains
- Domain removal
$ curl --verbose --request DELETE \
--header "Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8" \
--header "Accept: application/xml" \
- User and Role Management Setup && Domain Role Assignment
These tasks are now delegated to the Identity Manager - Keyrock enabler. Here you can find how to use the interface for that purpose: How to manage AuthzForce in Fiware.
- Other operations
For other operations, see the Administration, and User and Programmers guides on (select the version matching the Docker image tag, then AuthzForce - Installation and Administration Guide or User and Programmers Guide).
If you find any issue with this image, feel free to report at Github issue tracking system.