A complete e-commerce site created with React on the front-end alongside Auth0 for authentication, Stripe for payments, Formspree for newsletter sign-up handling and serverless functions to replace the need of a back-end.
Check out the completed project here.
- Browse a bunch of different furniture products.
- Search for items by name.
- Filter items by company, category, color, shipping, and price.
- Add items to cart.
- Edit item amount or delete items from cart.
- Similar items picked in different colors will be shown seperately in cart.
- Login with Google or GitHub through Auth0.
- Checkout your items and pay using credit card (no real money will be deducted) through Stripe Payments.
- Cart items will be saved to local storage in case you'd like to come back to it later.
- Sign up to a dummy newsletter subscription through the help of Formspree.
- Each product has a set amount of stock, the app only lets you purchase the max stock available.
- An authentication wrapper ensures that users cannot access the checkout route unless logged in.
Thanks for checking out my project! :))