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Express no Estress is an Express Based API skeleton. A template for starting projects with express as an API

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Express no Estress

Express no Estress is an Express Based API skeleton. This project can be used for creating a RESTful API using NodeJS, express as the framework, mongoose MongoDB ODM with great packages for handle secutiry like helmet and hpp also others like body-parser, cookie-parser cors. cucumber is used for running integration tests for the endpoints and swagger for docs byside passport for handle user authentication.

It have a helper command to make all the files with a basic setup for a CRUD service

The resulting API from this project is a JSON RESTful API which will respond to requests over HTTP(s)

What is API?

In computer programming, an Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components. A good API makes it easier to develop a computer program by providing all the building blocks, which are then put together by the programmer. An API may be for a web-based system, operating system, database system, computer hardware or software library. Just as a graphical user interface makes it easier for people to use programs, application programming interfaces make it easier for developers to use certain technologies in building applications. - Wikipedia

What is REST?

Representational state transfer (REST) or RESTful web services is a way of providing interoperability between computer systems on the Internet. REST-compliant Web services allow requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of Web resources using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations. - Wikipedia

Project Structure

  • api
    • controllers
    • docs
    • events
    • helpers
    • loaders
    • models
    • routes
    • services
    • public
    • validations
  • config
  • features
  • template
Name Description
api/ API folder.
ap/controllers/ Controllers using the Router from express and using a Service file.
ap/docs/ Swagger yaml files for swagger-jsdoc.
ap/events/ Events Handler with a singleton of NodeJS Event Emitter.
ap/models/ Schemas for mongoose.
ap/helpers/ Helpers for the API.
ap/loaders/ Load of multiples services/packages required for the API.
api/public/ Static assets (fonts, css, js, img).
ap/routes/ Routes using a Controller file.
ap/services/ Services using a Model file (segregations of responsabilities).
ap/validations/ Validations using express-validator.
api/server.js The main application file.
config/ Config folder, they are for give easy access and default values, the real config cames from the .env.
config/test/ Config folder for cucumber test.
config/test/steps/ Config steps for cucumber.
config/test/support/ Config support for cucumber.
config/test/config.js Config for cucumber.
config/body-parser.js Config for body-parser.
config/cookie-parser.js Config for cookie-parser.
config/cors.js Config for cors.
config/db.js Config for mongoose.
config/env.js Config for general environment variables.
config/keys.js Config for secrets keys.
config/limiter.js Config for express-limiter.
config/redis.js Config for redis.
config/session.js Config for express-session.
config/swagger.js Config for swagger.
features/ Features folder for cucumber test in gherkin.
template/ Templates folder.
template/controller.tmpl Templates for API Controllers handled with the service.
template/event.tmpl Templates for API Events Handler.
template/model.tmpl Templates for API Model with mongoose.
template/routes-with-validation.tmpl Templates for API Routes Validated handled with validations.
template/routes.tmpl Templates for API Simple Routes.
template/service.tmpl Templates for API Service handled with the model.
template/swagger.tmpl Templates for API Swagger Documentation.
template/validations.tmpl Templates for API Validations throw express-validator.
.dockerignore Folder and files ignored by docker usage.
.env.example Your API keys, tokens, passwords and database URI.
.gitignore Folder and files ignored by git.
author.js Script file.
Dockerfile Docker configuration file.
generator.js Script file for npm run make commands.
package.json NPM dependencies.
package-lock.json Contains exact versions of NPM dependencies in package.json.

List of Packages

Package Description
assert Writing unit tests for your applications.
bcrypt Library for hashing and salting user passwords.
body-parser Node.js body parsing middleware.
boxen Create boxes in terminal.
chalk Terminal string styling done right.
compression Node.js compression middleware.
cookie-parser Node.js cookie parsing middleware.
cors Enable CORS with various options.
cross-env Set and use environment variables across platforms.
cucumber Tool for running automated tests written in plain language (gherkin)
dotenv Loads environment variables from .env file.
express Node.js web framework.
express-limiter Rate limiting middleware for Express.
express-session Simple session middleware for Express.
express-status-monitor Reports real-time server metrics for Express.
express-validator Easy form validation for Express.
helmet Secure Express apps by setting various HTTP headers.
hpp Express middleware to protect against HTTP Parameter Pollution attacks.
lodash A utility library for working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings.
minimist Scripts parse argument options.
mongoose MongoDB ODM.
nodemon Simple monitor script for use during development of a node.js app.
passport Simple and elegant authentication library for node.js.
passport-local Sign-in with Username and Password plugin.
pm2 Production process manager for Node.JS with a built-in load balancer.
redis Redis client library.
request-promise The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support.
swagger-jsdoc Generates swagger doc based on JSDoc.
swagger-ui-express Middleware to serve the Swagger UI bound to your Swagger document.

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to clone the repository from GitHub and install the dependencies.

# Get the latest snapshot
$ git clone myproject

# Change directory
$ cd myproject

# Install NPM dependencies
$ npm install

# Then simply start your app
$ node app.js

Then generate your first API endpoint

$ npm run make:resource Test

Try out your new endpoint.

Start the app

$ npm start

by default, the app will start on PORT 3000

You can change the PORT by adding a PORT environment variable. eg.

$ PORT=6000 npm start

now the app will start on PORT 6000

To config all the environments variables cp the .env.example to .env and replace what you need

$ cp .env.example .env

You will now be able to access CRUD (create, read, update and delete) endpoints

  • [POST] http://localhost:3000/test Create test resource
  • [GET] http://localhost:3000/test/search/:search? Get test resources. Supports search
  • [GET] http://localhost:3000/test/:id Get a test resource
  • [PUT] http://localhost:3000/test/:id Update one test resource
  • [DELETE] http://localhost:3000/test/:id Delete one test resource

Make Helper

Easy generate your API endpoint

$ npm run make:model Test
$ npm run make:service Test
$ npm run make:controller Test
$ npm run make:routes Test
$ npm run make:events Test
$ npm run make:validations Test
$ npm run make:docs Test
$ npm run make:resource Test

You can find more information running

$ npm run make --help

Versioning your API endpoints

You can create multiple versions of your API endpoints by simply adding the version number to your route file name. eg. users.v1.js will put a version of the users resources on the /v1/users endpoint. users.v2.js will put a version of the users resources on the /v2/users endpoint. The latest version of the resources will always be available at the /users endpoint.

NOTE: This project will automatically load route files found in the routes folder.

Running Unit Tests

All generated endpoints come with complete test suits, we encourage you to update the tests as you extend the logic

$ npm test


If something is confusing, unclear or needs to be refactored, please let me know. Pull requests are always welcome. Please open an issue before submitting a pull request.


Alton Bell Smythe


Express no Estress is an Express Based API skeleton. A template for starting projects with express as an API







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