hashily is a python module that performs a variety of text decoding and encoding functions. It also various functions for encrypting and decrypting text using various ciphers.
PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/hashily
Docs: https://hashily.readthedocs.io/en/latest
- Added new function:
- Changed
class's name toASCII
- Bug Fixes
You may use pip or a similar tool to install latest versions of hashily from the PyPi. To Install the Module -
- Install the Stable Version:
# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install -U hashily
# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -U hashily
- Install the Beta Version:
pip install git+https://github.com/MystYT-21/hashily.git
To import the Module, you can do like this -
>>> import hashily
>>> import hashily
# Use the .encode() function to Encode the Text
>>> print(hashily.Caesar.encode("Hey"))
# Use the .decode() function to Decode the Text
>>> print(hashily.Caesar.decode("Khb, Krz duh brx?"))
'Hey, How are you?'
>>> print(hashily.Octal.encode("Good! You?"))
'107 157 157 144 41 40 131 157 165 77'
>>> print(hashily.Octal.decode("111 40 141 155 40 147 157 157 144 40 164 157 157 40 72 51"))
'I am good too :)'
The following functions are currently available:
Ciphers | Encoding | Transform |
ROT13 | Binary | reverse |
AtBash | Hexadecimal | titlelize |
Bacon | Octal | password |
A1Z26 | ASCII | token |
Caesar | UrlEncoding | altCase |
MorseCode | UnicodePoint | firstLetter |
- | Base32 | pigLatin |
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at our Discord
A special thanks to them; they helped me a lot throughout this entire project.
- [Co-Dev] oliii
- [Co-Dev] Thuliumitation
And if you are still reading this, I hope you have a wonderful day.