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SpinnmanIOException: IO Error: Failed to communicate with the machine #127



I am trying out this code (, and after running the main function it is giving me the following error. I am using pypi version of SNNtoolbox. I have also provided my config file below.

Can anyone please help me on this ?

The whole output after calling out the main function:

SpinnmanIOException                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [5], in <cell line: 67>()
     62     config.write(configfile)
     64 # RUN SNN TOOLBOX #
     65 ###################
---> 67 main(config_filepath)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/snntoolbox/bin/, in main(filepath)
     29 if filepath is not None:
     30     config = update_setup(filepath)
---> 31     run_pipeline(config)
     32     return
     34 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
     35     description='Run SNN toolbox to convert an analog neural network into '
     36                 'a spiking neural network, and optionally simulate it.')

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/snntoolbox/bin/, in run_pipeline(config, queue)
    142     return**test_set)
    144 # Simulate network
--> 145 results = run(spiking_model, **testset)
    147 # Clean up
    148 spiking_model.end_sim()

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/snntoolbox/bin/, in run_parameter_sweep.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.wrapper(snn, **testset)
    216     if len(param_values) > 1:
    217         print("\nCurrent value of parameter to sweep: " +
    218               "{} = {:.2f}\n".format(param_name, p))
--> 220     results.append(run_single(snn, **testset))
    222 # Plot and return results of parameter sweep.
    223 try:

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/snntoolbox/bin/, in run_pipeline.<locals>.run(snn, **test_set)
    140 @run_parameter_sweep(config, queue)
    141 def run(snn, **test_set):
--> 142     return**test_set)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/snntoolbox/simulation/, in, x_test, y_test, dataflow, **kwargs)
    603 # Main step: Run the network on a batch of samples for the duration
    604 # of the simulation.
    605 print("\nStarting new simulation...\n")
--> 606 output_b_l_t = self.simulate(**data_batch_kwargs)
    608 # Halt if model is to be serialised only.
    609 if self.config.getboolean('tools', 'serialise_only'):

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/snntoolbox/simulation/target_simulators/, in SNN.simulate(self, **kwargs)
    379 if self.config.getboolean('tools', 'serialise_only'):
    380     sys.exit('finished after serialisation')
--> 381
    382 print("\nCollecting results...")
    383 output_b_l_t = self.get_recorded_vars(self.layers)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spynnaker8/, in run(simtime, callbacks)
    701 if not globals_variables.has_simulator():
    702     raise ConfigurationException(FAILED_STATE_MSG)
--> 703 return __pynn["run"](simtime, callbacks=callbacks)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyNN/common/, in build_run.<locals>.run(simtime, callbacks)
     96 def run(simtime, callbacks=None):
     97     """
     98     Advance the simulation by `simtime` ms.
    109     the initial conditions (time ``t = 0``), use the ``reset()`` function.
    110     """
--> 111     return run_until(simulator.state.t + simtime, callbacks)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyNN/common/, in build_run.<locals>.run_until(time_point, callbacks)
     90         callback_events.extend((callback(simulator.state.t), callback)
     91                 for callback in active_callbacks)
     92 else:
---> 93     simulator.state.run_until(time_point)
     94 return simulator.state.t

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spynnaker8/, in SpiNNaker.run_until(self, tstop)
    114 """ Run the simulation until the given simulation time.
    116 :param tstop: when to run until in milliseconds
    117 """
    118 # Build data
--> 119 self._run_wait(tstop - self.t)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spynnaker8/, in SpiNNaker._run_wait(self, duration_ms, sync_time)
    143 def _run_wait(self, duration_ms, sync_time=0.0):
    144     """ Run the simulation for a length of simulation time.
    146     :param duration_ms: The run duration, in milliseconds
    147     :type duration_ms: int or float
    148     """
--> 150     super(SpiNNaker, self).run(duration_ms, sync_time)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spynnaker/pyNN/, in, run_time, sync_time)
    371 if (self.config.getboolean("Reports", "reports_enabled") and
    372         self.config.getboolean(
    373             "Reports", "write_redundant_packet_count_report") and
    374         not self._use_virtual_board and run_time is not None and
    375         not self._has_ran and self._config.getboolean(
    376             "Reports", "writeProvenanceData")):
    377     self.extend_extra_post_run_algorithms(
    378         ["RedundantPacketCountReport"])
--> 380 super().run(run_time, sync_time)
    381 for projection in self._projections:
    382     projection._clear_cache()

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinn_front_end_common/interface/, in, run_time, sync_time)
    778 @overrides(
    779 def run(self, run_time, sync_time=0):
--> 780     self._run(run_time, sync_time)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinn_front_end_common/interface/, in AbstractSpinnakerBase._run(self, run_time, sync_time)
    929         self._max_run_time_steps = None
    931     if self._machine is None:
--> 932         self._get_machine(total_run_time, n_machine_time_steps)
    933     self._do_mapping(run_time, total_run_time)
    935 # Check if anything has per-timestep SDRAM usage

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinn_front_end_common/interface/, in AbstractSpinnakerBase._get_machine(self, total_run_time, n_machine_time_steps)
   1208 # If we are using a directly connected machine, add the details to get
   1209 # the machine and transceiver
   1210 if self._hostname is not None:
-> 1211     self._machine_by_hostname(n_machine_time_steps, total_run_time)
   1213 elif self._use_virtual_board:
   1214     self._machine_by_virtual(n_machine_time_steps, total_run_time)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinn_front_end_common/interface/, in AbstractSpinnakerBase._machine_by_hostname(self, n_machine_time_steps, total_run_time)
   1264 outputs.append("MemoryMachine")
   1265 outputs.append("MemoryTransceiver")
-> 1267 executor = self._run_algorithms(
   1268     inputs, algorithms, outputs, [], [], "machine_generation")
   1269 self._machine = executor.get_item("MemoryMachine")
   1270 self._txrx = executor.get_item("MemoryTransceiver")

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinn_front_end_common/interface/, in AbstractSpinnakerBase._run_algorithms(self, inputs, algorithms, outputs, tokens, required_tokens, provenance_name, optional_algorithms)
   1192 except Exception as e3:
   1193     logger.warning("problem when shutting down {}".format(e3),
   1194                    exc_info=True)
-> 1195 raise e

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinn_front_end_common/interface/, in AbstractSpinnakerBase._run_algorithms(self, inputs, algorithms, outputs, tokens, required_tokens, provenance_name, optional_algorithms)
   1165 executor = PACMANAlgorithmExecutor(
   1166     algorithms=algorithms, optional_algorithms=optional,
   1167     inputs=inputs, tokens=tokens,
   1171     provenance_name=provenance_name,
   1172     provenance_path=self._pacman_executor_provenance_path)
   1174 try:
-> 1175     executor.execute_mapping()
   1176     self._pacman_provenance.extract_provenance(executor)
   1177     return executor

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pacman/executor/, in PACMANAlgorithmExecutor.execute_mapping(self)
    664 if self._do_direct_injection:
    665     with injection_context(self._internal_type_mapping):
--> 666         self.__execute_mapping()
    667 else:
    668     self.__execute_mapping()

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pacman/executor/, in PACMANAlgorithmExecutor.__execute_mapping(self)
    679     timer.start_timing()
    681 # Execute the algorithm
--> 682 results =
    684 if self._provenance_path:
    685     self._report_full_provenance(algorithm, results)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pacman/executor/algorithm_classes/, in, inputs)
     74 method_inputs = self._get_inputs(inputs)
     76 # Run the algorithm and get the results
---> 77 results = self.call_python(method_inputs)
     79 if results is not None and not isinstance(results, tuple):
     80     results = (results,)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pacman/executor/algorithm_classes/, in PythonClassAlgorithm.call_python(self, inputs)
     93     method = self._python_method
     94 logger.error("Error when calling {}.{}.{} with inputs {}",
     95              self._python_module, self._python_class, method,
     96              inputs.keys())
---> 97 raise e

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pacman/executor/algorithm_classes/, in PythonClassAlgorithm.call_python(self, inputs)
     87     method = getattr(instance, self._python_method)
     88 try:
---> 89     return method(**inputs)
     90 except Exception as e:
     91     method = "__call__"

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinn_front_end_common/interface/interface_functions/, in MachineGenerator.__call__(self, hostname, bmp_details, downed_chips, downed_cores, downed_links, board_version, auto_detect_bmp, scamp_connection_data, boot_port_num, reset_machine_on_start_up, report_waiting_logs, max_sdram_size, repair_machine, ignore_bad_ethernets, default_report_directory)
    139 if board_version is None:
    140     raise ConfigurationException(
    141         "Please set a machine version number in the "
    142         "corresponding configuration (cfg) file")
--> 143 txrx.ensure_board_is_ready()
    144 txrx.discover_scamp_connections()
    145 return txrx.get_machine_details(), txrx

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinnman/, in Transceiver.ensure_board_is_ready(self, number_of_boards, width, height, n_retries, extra_boot_values)
    979 # verify that the version is the expected one for this transceiver
    980 if version_info is None:
--> 981     raise SpinnmanIOException(
    982         "Failed to communicate with the machine")
    983 if ( != _SCAMP_NAME or
    984         not self.is_scamp_version_compabible(
    985             version_info.version_number)):
    986     raise SpinnmanIOException(
    987         "The machine is currently booted with {}"
    988         " {} which is incompatible with this transceiver, "
    989         "required version is {} {}".format(
    990   , version_info.version_number,
    991             _SCAMP_NAME, _SCAMP_VERSION))

SpinnmanIOException: IO Error: Failed to communicate with the machine

.spynnaker.cfg file

# Information about the target SpiNNaker board or machine:
# machineName: The name or IP address or the target board

# One and only one of the three machineName, spalloc_server or virtual_board = True must be set

# machine name is typically a URL and then version is required
machineName =
version = 5

# spalloc_server is typically a URL and then port and user are required
spalloc_server = None
spalloc_port = 22244
spalloc_user = None

# If using virtual_board both width and height must be set
virtual_board = False
# Allowed values pairs are (2,2)  (8,8)   (n*12,m*12)  and (n*12+4, m*12+4)
width = None
height = None

# Time scale factor allows the slowing down of the simulation
time_scale_factor = None

# options are DEFAULT or a file path
# In all cases oldest folders are automatically deleted to max_reports_kept=
default_report_file_path = DEFAULT

# options are DEFAULT, or a file path
# In all cases oldest folders are automatically deleted to max_reports_kept=
default_application_data_file_path = DEFAULT

# mode = Production or Debug
# In Debug mode all report boolean config values are automatically overwritten to True
mode = Production

# Additional config options can be found in:
# /home/sauravpawar/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spinn_front_end_common/interface/spinnaker.cfg
# /home/sauravpawar/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spynnaker/pyNN/spynnaker.cfg

# Copy any additional settings you want to change here including section headings

Config file creation:


# Create a config file with experimental setup for SNN Toolbox.
configparser = import_configparser()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()

config['paths'] = {
    'path_wd': path_wd,             # Path to model.
    'dataset_path': path_wd,        # Path to dataset.
    'filename_ann': model_name      # Name of input model.

config['tools'] = {
    'evaluate_ann': True,           # Test ANN on dataset before conversion.
    # Normalize weights for full dynamic range.
    'normalize': True,
    'scale_weights_exp': True

config['simulation'] = {
    # Chooses execution backend of SNN toolbox.
    'simulator': 'spiNNaker',
    'duration': 50,                 # Number of time steps to run each sample.
    'num_to_test': 5,               # How many test samples to run.
    'batch_size': 1,                # Batch size for simulation.
    # SpiNNaker seems to require 0.1 for comparable results.
    'dt': 0.1

config['input'] = {
    'poisson_input': True,           # Images are encodes as spike trains.
    'input_rate': 1000

config['cell'] = {
    'tau_syn_E': 0.01,
    'tau_syn_I': 0.01

config['output'] = {
    'plot_vars': {                  # Various plots (slows down simulation).
        'spiketrains',              # Leave section empty to turn off plots.




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