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High-level C++ Quick Start Guide

NVCOMP provides a C++ interface, which simplifies use of the library by throwing exceptions and managing state and temporary memory allocation inside of nvcompManager objects.

The high level interface provides the following features:

  • Compression settings are stored in the nvcompManager object
  • Users can decompress nvcomp-compressed buffers without knowing how the buffer was compressed
  • The nvcompManager can automatically split a single, uncompressed, contiguous buffer into chunks to allow the algorithms to exploit available parallelism.
  • Users can opt to store and verify checksums for the uncompressed and compressed buffers

To use NVCOMP's C++ interface, you will need to include nvcomp.hpp and the headers of the specific compressors you will be using. For example, for the LZ4 compression scheme used in high_level_quickstart_example.cpp, we need to include

#include "nvcomp/lz4.hpp"
#include "nvcomp.hpp"

All nvCOMP APIs are declared within the nvcomp namespace. For ease of use, we suggest to specify the following in the appropriate scope:

using namespace nvcomp;

In the below we introduce the interface and summarize the declarations of relevant member functions of the nvcompManager class hierarchy. For fully worked examples of the same, please view examples/high_level_quickstart_example.cpp.

Manager Construction

The user has two options for constructing an nvcompManager. In either case the user can specify a CUDA stream to use for all nvcompManager GPU operations. If a stream is not specified, the default stream will be used.

1) Construction from an nvcomp-compressed buffer

The user can construct a manager using a compressed buffer. This is the recommended way of constructing a manager for decompression, as it is less error-prone.

In order to use the create_manager factory, the user must include nvcomp/nvcompManagerFactory.hpp

cudaStream_t stream;

std::shared_ptr<nvcompManagerBase> decomp_nvcomp_manager = create_manager(comp_buffer, stream);

A complete worked example using this approach is provided in the decomp_compressed_with_manager_factory_example within high_level_quickstart_example.cpp.

2) Direct construction

In direct construction, the user must specify the parameters of the particular compressor they wish to use for compression or decompression. If manually specifying the manager for decompression, care must be taken to ensure that the configuration of the manager matches the configuration used to compress the buffers.

Chunk size is a common parameter that determines the size of the chunking internally. Some compressors may provide a higher compression ratio if given a larger chunk size. For example in LZ4, the larger the chunk size the larger the lookback window the algorithm can use to find matches.

Checksum support

Upon manager construction, the user may also specify whether to store and/or verify checksums for the uncompressed and compressed buffers. The HLIF checksums are computed on the GPU using a modified CRC32 algorithm. It should be noted that these checksums are intended for error-detection purposes, not security. Also, enabling checksums may incur a sizeable performance penalty depending on the compression algorithm. The fully worked examples comp_decomp_with_single_manager_with_checksums and decomp_compressed_with_manager_factory_with_checksums within high_level_quickstart_example.cpp demonstrate how to use the HLIF checksums.

cudaStream_t stream;

const int chunk_size = 1 << 16;
nvcompType_t data_type = NVCOMP_TYPE_CHAR;

LZ4Manager nvcomp_manager{chunk_size, data_type, stream};


Compression consists of two steps: Configuration then Compression.

Step 1) Configuration

The configuration stage provides the maximum size of the compressed buffer. It also performs internal setup for the compression.

decomp_buffer_size: The size of the uncompressed buffer
CompressionConfig configure_compression(const size_t decomp_buffer_size)

Step 2) Compression

Compression takes the result of configure_compression, a const input buffer and a result buffer. The result buffer shoudl be allocated based on the result of configure_compression, which includes the maximum possible compressed size.

decomp_buffer: The uncompressed input buffer
comp_buffer: The output result buffer
comp_config: The configure result from configure_compression
void compress(
    const uint8_t* decomp_buffer, 
    uint8_t* comp_buffer,
    const CompressionConfig& comp_config)


Decompression consists of two steps: Configuration then Decompression.

Step 1) Configuration

To configure the decompression, the user has two options.

1) configure using a compressed buffer

If when decompressing a compressed buffer the user doesn't have the CompressionConfig used to compress the buffer, the user must use the configure API. This API synchronizes the stream provided at construction of the manager, because the decompression needs information that may only be accessible on the GPU.

comp_buffer: The compressed buffer under consideration
DecompressionConfig configure_decompression(const uint8_t* comp_buffer)

2) configure using a compression config

Sometimes, the user will retain the CompressionConfig object that was used to compress the buffer. In this case, the DecompressionConfig can be constructed from the CompressionConfig. Since the CompressionConfig resides in host memory, this configuration can happen without synchronizing the stream.

comp_config: The configure result from the compression that produced this compressed buffer
DecompressionConfig configure_decompression(const CompressionConfig& comp_config)

Step 2) Decompression

Decompression utilizes a result decomp_buffer that should be provided by the user. The size of the decompressed buffer is provided by the previous configuration step.

   decomp_buffer: The location to output the decompressed data to (GPU accessible).
   comp_buffer The compressed input data (GPU accessible).
   decomp_config: Resulted from configure_decompression
  void decompress(
      uint8_t* decomp_buffer, 
      const uint8_t* comp_buffer,
      const DecompressionConfig& decomp_config);

HLIF Compression / Decompression Examples - LZ4

examples/high_level_quickstart_example.cpp provides worked examples of

  • constructing the manager from arguments
  • constructing the manager from a compressed buffer
  • Streamed compression and decompression of multiple buffers