Hi! I'm excited to get this working but have run into some issues.
I configured and built FRUT as instructed in "getting started". I was able to
successfully create a cmakelist.txt
for my project, but configuring with
cmake .. G Xcode
fails with the following error:
CMake Error at ~/ToteBag/Third Party/FRUT/prefix/FRUT/cmake/Reprojucer.cmake:6749 (math):
math cannot parse the expression: "(1 << 16) + (0 << 8) + 0r1": syntax
error, unexpected exp_NUMBER, expecting end of file (26).
Call Stack (most recent call first):
~/ToteBag/Third Party/FRUT/prefix/FRUT/cmake/Reprojucer.cmake:4653 (_FRUT_version_to_dec)
~/ToteBag/Third Party/FRUT/prefix/FRUT/cmake/Reprojucer.cmake:2671 (_FRUT_generate_plist_file)
CMakeLists.txt:352 (jucer_project_end)
I'm using Xcode 14.2 and Cmake 3.25.1