ElmaMazeSolver is a micromouse maze solving simulator using fltk, Fast Light Toolkit for a front end graphic user interface. On exicution the "mouse" in the top left of the maze will navigate to the "end" in the lower right of the maze. The algorythm will switch between a "searching_for_end" state and a "backtracking_to_last_unknown" state. Each state follows shared and state specific processes to deal with events while in the state.
The source code for ElmaMazeSolver is on Github.
To get started, you will need a C++ build environment.
git clone https://github.com/LeeSawyer/ElmaMazeSolver.git
cd fltk
First install of required packages may be needed through apt-get
RUN apt-get update &&
apt-get install -y libx11-dev &&
apt-get install -y libxfixes-dev &&
apt-get install -y libxext-dev &&
apt-get install -y libxrender-dev &&
apt-get install -y libxcursor-dev &&
apt-get install -y libxft-dev &&
apt-get install -y libxinerama-dev
also fltk version 1.3.5 is include in the ElmaMazeSolver.git. But if needed to install
WORKDIR /tmp RUN git clone https://github.com/fltk/fltk.git RUN mkdir /usr/local/include/fltk RUN mv /tmp/fltk/FL/Fl.H /usr/local/include/fltk RUN rm -r /tmp/fltk
GUIs do not easily run in docker containers and I was unsuccessful in figuring them out. So manual compiling in using g++ is required. My system is Ubuntu linux and suspect it will run on other unix machines.
I attempted to compile and run it on a Windows PC and was unsuccessful.
The "State", "Prosess", and "Event" labels in the GUI would not update successfully.
Implimentation of the https://github.com/klavinslab/elma software was not successful.
Compile and exicute with:
g++ elmaLiteMazeSolver.cpp -Ifltk-1.3.5 -Lfltk-1.3.5/lib -lfltk -lX11 -lXfixes -lXext -ldl -lXrender -lXcursor -lfontconfig -lXft -lXinerama -o elmaLiteMazeSolver
Creates a graphical maze, search and solve it using Elma template. The goal was to make with Visual Studeo C++ Form or QT GUI for easy of graphics. Or use graphics liberaries such as Cairomm or Nux as permitted.
Goals would include better appreciation for advanced C++ programming methods/techniques such as classes, inheritance, and State-Machines.
Progress week 8 homework: Making progress with a GUI libreary (https://www.fltk.org/). Not compiling yet, still linking libereary files.
Progress week 9: after adding the included libraries to the g++ compilation, "helloworld" GUI works. But does not work when inside of a docker container.
This software is open source and uses the MIT license.